PXRMXXT ; SLC/DLT - Formatting for extract print templates ;8/14/00 18:30 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; ;====================================================================== FORMATB ;Format body of report that prints the findings ; Variables that need to be deleted from the template logic follow ; PXRME,PXRMB,PXRMSEX,PXRMFD D DELVAR^PXRMXXT N DFN,VADM,VA S PXRME=^PXRMXT(810.3,D0,1,D1,0) S DFN=+$P(PXRME,"^",1) D DEM^VADPT S PXRMB=$$FMTE^XLFDT(+VADM(3),"2D") I '$L(PXRMB) S PXRMB="Missing DOB" S PXRMSSN=$P(VADM(2),"^",2) S PXRMSEX=$P(VADM(5),"^",1) S PXRMFD=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(PXRME,"^",6),"2D") S PXRMENCT=$S($P(PXRME,"^",8)="I":"Inpatient ",1:"Outpatient") Q ; PDEM ;Print SSN with dashes W PXRMSSN Q ; PFIND ;Print findings data from the template W " "_PXRMENCT_" "_$E(PXRMFD,1,8) Q ; DELVAR ;Delete variables used in the processing K PXRME,PXRMB,PXRMSEX,PXRMFD,PXRMSSN,PXRMFD,PXRMENCT Q ;