PSX41PST ;BIR/PDW-New indexes in PSX patch 41, MOVE 550.1 INTO 550.21 ;08/12/2002 ;;2.0;CMOP;**41**;11 Apr 97 ;; Reference to ^PS(52.5, supported by DBIA #1978 ;; Reference to ^PSOCMOP supported by DBIA #2476 Q EN ; I ^XMB("NETNAME")?1"CMOP-".E Q D EN^PSX41NDX ; clear and build indexes in *41 ; 5501 ; REMOVE ENTRIES FROM 550.1 I ^XMB("NETNAME")?1"CMOP-".E Q K ^PSX(550.1) S ^PSX(550.1,0)="CMOP RX QUEUE^550.1^0^0" ; 5502 D COR5502 D CMPNDX MSG ; print reminder to use Kernel tasking I ^XMB("NETNAME")?1"CMOP-".E Q W ! F I=1:1 S X=$T(TXT+I) Q:X["END" W !,$P(X,";;",2) W !!,"^^^ PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE ^^^^" W !,"Pausing 20 seconds" F I=1:1:20 W "." H 1 Q TXT ; ;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;; ;;The following PSX options must be placed into the Option Scheduling File ;;using the Kernel Taskman menu Schedule/Unschedule Options. ;; ;; PSXR SCHEDULED CS TRANS ;; PSXR SCHEDULED NON-CS TRANS ;; ;;This must be done so they can be accessed through the CMOP menus. ;; ;;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;;END Q COR5502 ;correct Total RXs field from PSX*2*41 v25 S PSXDT=$O(^PSX(550.2,"D",3030325)) Q:'PSXDT S PSXTDA=$O(^PSX(550.2,"D",PSXDT,0)) S BATDA=PSXTDA-.1 F S BATDA=$O(^PSX(550.2,BATDA)) Q:BATDA'>0 S XX=$P($G(^PSX(550.2,BATDA,1)),"^",8) I XX'=+XX,XX["5///" D . S TOTRX=$P(XX,"5///"),$P(^PSX(550.2,BATDA,1),"^",8)=TOTRX Q CMPNDX ; new compound index on CMOP Indicator "CMP" ;check "A_x" indexes to CMP index W !,"Updating the RX Suspense file's new 'CMP' index." W !,"Processing the AQ, AL, AX, AP indexes into the CMP index" F NDX="Q","L","X","P" D . S INDX="A"_NDX W !!,INDX . S SDT=0 F S SDT=$O(^PS(52.5,INDX,SDT)) Q:'SDT D .. S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^PS(52.5,INDX,SDT,DFN)) Q:'DFN D ... S REC=0 F S REC=$O(^PS(52.5,INDX,SDT,DFN,REC)) Q:'REC D .... S F=$G(^PS(52.5,REC,0)) .... I 'F K ^PS(52.5,INDX,SDT,DFN,REC) Q ;bad index .... S TYP=$$CMPRXTYP^PSOCMOP(REC),CNT=$G(CNT)+1 I '(CNT#100) W "." .... F VP="RX^1","SDT0^2","DFN0^3","DIV^6","STAT^7" D PIECE(F,U,VP) .... I NDX=STAT,DFN=DFN0,SDT=SDT0 .... E K ^PS(52.5,INDX,SDT,DFN,REC) .... I STAT'="",'$D(^PS(52.5,"CMP",STAT,TYP,DIV,SDT0,DFN,REC)) D ..... S ^PS(52.5,"CMP",NDX,TYP,DIV,SDT,DFN,REC)="" Q PIECE(REC,DLM,VP) ; VP="Variable^Piece" : S Variable=$P(REC,DLM,Piece) N V,P S V=$P(VP,DLM),P=$P(VP,DLM,2),@V=$P(REC,DLM,P) Q