PSXCH ;BIR/WPB-Routine to Change CMOP RX Suspense Dates ; [ 04/08/97 2:06 PM ] ;;2.0;CMOP;;11 Apr 97 ;variable XOK is set based on the value of the CMOP indicator ;and directs processing in the PSOSUCHG routine so that the CMOP ;rxs are processed properly. P ; S PSXC=$P($G(^PS(52.5,SFN,0)),U,7),XOK=0 I "QP"[PSXC S XOK=1 G RTN^PSOSUCHG I "LRX"[PSXC S MESS=$S(PSXC="L":"Rx is being transmitted to the CMOP and CAN NOT be edited.",(PSXC="X")!(PSXC="R"):"Rx has been transmitted to the CMOP and CAN NOT be edited.",1:0) W !,MESS I XOK=0 K X,Y,RXDATE,RXREC G:ACT="A" ALL^PSOSUCHG D:ACT="S" SPEC^PSOSUCHG Q AC ; K:"XRL"[PSXC ^PS(52.5,"AC",$P(^PS(52.5,SFN,0),"^",3),$P(^PS(52.5,SFN,0),"^",2),SFN) Q X ; S DA=SFN ;following hard kills kill off the old xref I PSXC="P" K ^PS(52.5,"AP",OLD,$P(^PS(52.5,DA,0),U,3),DA) I PSXC="Q" K ^PS(52.5,"AQ",OLD,$P(^PS(52.5,DA,0),U,3),DA) ;I PSXC="R" K ^PS(52.5,"AR",OLD,$P(^PS(52.5,DA,0),U,3),DA) S DA=SFN,DIK(1)="3^AP^AQ^AG",DIK="^PS(52.5," D EN^DIK K DIK,DA,DIK(1) I $G(PSXC)'="" K ^PS(52.5,"AC",$P(^PS(52.5,SFN,0),U,3),$P(^PS(52.5,SFN,0),U,2),SFN),PSXC,DA,XOK,SFN,MESS,OLD Q A ; S PSXC=$P($G(^PS(52.5,SFN,0)),U,7),XOK=0 S:PSXC="" XOK=2 S:(PSXC'="")&("QP"[PSXC) XOK=1 D:XOK'=0 AC Q