PSXCOSTU ;BIR/BAB,WPB,HTW-Cost Update ; 26 Apr 2000 10:52 AM ;;2.0;CMOP;**18,19,27**;11 Apr 97 ;Reference to ^PSDRUG( supported by DBIA #2367, #1983 ; ;This routine will update the CMOP Master Database file with cost data from the drug file. Discrepancies will be reported via mail message. Q BLANK S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="" S MCT=MCT+1 Q EN ; W !! S DIR(0)="D^::EX",DIR("A")="Enter Begin Date ",DIR("?")="Enter the beginning date for the report" D ^DIR K DIR,DIR("?") G:($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) EXIT S BB=Y,BEG=$$FMADD^XLFDT(BB,-1,0,0,0) K Y EDT W !! S DIR(0)="DO^::EX",DIR("A")="Enter End Date ",DIR("?")="Enter the ending date for the report" D ^DIR K DIR,DIR("?") I $G(Y)']"" W !! G EN G:($D(DIRUT))!($D(DIROUT)) EXIT I Y0!(BEG=END) S XX=0 F S XX=$O(^PSX(552.4,"AD",BEG,XX)) Q:XX'>0 S YY=0 F S YY=$O(^PSX(552.4,"AD",BEG,XX,YY)) Q:YY'>0 D .I $P($G(^PSX(552.4,XX,1,YY,0)),U,2)'=1 Q .I $P(^PSX(552.4,XX,1,YY,0),U,11)>0 Q .S IDDRG=$P($G(^PSX(552.4,XX,1,YY,0)),U,4) Q:$G(IDDRG)="" .S CDT=$P($G(^PSX(552.4,XX,1,YY,0)),U,9) I $G(CDT) S Y=$P(CDT,".") X ^DD("DD") S CDT=Y K Y .S IEN50=$O(^PSDRUG("AQ1",IDDRG,"")) .I $G(IEN50)']"" S ^TMP($J,"PSX",CNT)=IDDRG_" "_$G(CDT) S CNT=CNT+1 Q .S COST=$P($G(^PSDRUG(IEN50,660)),U,6) .S Z1=$P($G(^PSDRUG(IEN50,"ND")),U),Z2=$P($G(^("ND")),U,3) .I $G(Z1),($G(Z2)) S ZX=$$PROD2^PSNAPIS(Z1,Z2),TRUG=$P($G(ZX),"^") .I $G(COST)']"" S ^TMP($J,"PSX1",C1)=IDDRG_" "_$G(CDT)_" "_$G(TRUG) S C1=C1+1 Q .S DA(1)=XX,DA=YY,DIE="^PSX(552.4,"_XX_",1,",DR="10////"_$G(COST) D ^DIE .K DA(1),DA,COST,IDDRG,IEN50,DIE,DR,Z1,Z2 MSG ; I '$D(^TMP($J,"PSX")),('$D(^TMP($J,"PSX1"))) G EXIT S XMSUB="CMOP COST UPDATE",XMDUZ=.5 XMZ D XMZ^XMA2 I XMZ'>0 G XMZ S MCT=2 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,1,0)="CMOP Master Database Drug Cost Update "_Y K Y F I=1:1:2 D BLANK I '$D(^TMP($J,"PSX")) G PSX1 S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="The drug ID's listed below are missing a corresponding entry in Drug file 50, therefore, no cost information can be updated for any prescription written" S MCT=MCT+1 S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="for this drug. When the drug file entry is available, the Cost Update option may be re-run for the dates indicated to enter the costs for these drugs." S MCT=MCT+1 D BLANK S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="DRUG ID COMPLETED D/T" S MCT=MCT+1 D BLANK F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP($J,"PSX",I)) Q:'I D .S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)=^TMP($J,"PSX",I) S MCT=MCT+1 F I=1:1:2 D BLANK PSX1 I '$D(^TMP($J,"PSX1")) G MSGEND S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="The Drug File entries listed below do not contain cost data so prescriptions for these drugs have not been updated. When the cost data is entered, " S MCT=MCT+1 S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="the Cost Update option may be re-run to update the prescription entries." S MCT=MCT+1 D BLANK S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)="DRUG ID COMPLETED D/T DRUG NAME" S MCT=MCT+1 D BLANK F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP($J,"PSX1",I)) Q:'I D .S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,MCT,0)=^TMP($J,"PSX1",I) S MCT=MCT+1 MSGEND S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.92A^"_MCT_U_MCT_U_DT,XMDUN="CMOP Manager" S XMDUZ=.5,XMY(DUZ)="" D ENT1^XMD EXIT K ID,XX,YY,BEG,END,IDDRG,IEN50,CNT,COST,^TMP($J),CDT,BB K XMSER,XQMSG,XMZ,XMSUB S ZTREQ="@" Q