PSXDODNT ;CMC/WPB Utility to watch DoD directories ;04/01/02 16:52:42 ;;2.0;CMOP;**38,45**;11 Apr 97 ;this routine will watch the incoming directories for files from DoD ;facilities and direct processing to the appropriate routine. ; ;create an option to call the routine, then schedule the option to run ;every 15 minutes using the TaskMan scheduler ; ;files extensions: ; .trn - transmission of dispense request from Outside Agency to VistA ; .ack - acknowledgement of dispense requests from VistA to Outside Agency ; .qry - prescription fulfillment data from VistA to Outside Agency ; .qac - acknowledgement of receipt of fulfillment data from Outside Agency to VistA ; .sit - activation/deactivation from Outside Agency to VistA ; .sac - acknowledgement of activation/deactivation message from VistA to Outside Agency ; .sch - auto transmission schedule/unscheduled message from Outside Agency to VistA ; .hac - acknowledgement of auto transmission schedule/unscheduled message from VistA to Outside Agency ; ;the path must be setup before this routine can run: ; path = \\SERVERNAME\CMOP\INBOX ;for testing the servername = vhacmcdhc3 ; ; VARIABLES ; FILELIST the type of files to look for. this is set to all files in the directory ; FILE stores the list of files ; PATH the path to the directory where the files are stored ; EN ;reads the directory for files K FILELIST,FILE,PSXERCNT ; test if previous job still running S PREVJOB=$O(^XTMP("PSXDODNT")),PSXJOB="PSXDODNT-"_$J I PREVJOB'="",PREVJOB["PSXDODNT-",PREVJOB'=PSXJOB D I PSXQUIT W !,"STOPPING" Q . S PSXQUIT=1 . D NOW^%DTC S X1=%,X2=^XTMP(PREVJOB,1) S DIF=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(X1,X2,2) . I DIF<1200 Q ; if less than 20 minutes quit . ;if > 20 minutes, store off previous trail and start new . D NOW^%DTC . M ^XTMP("PSXDODERR",%,PREVJOB)=^XTMP(PREVJOB) K ^XTMP(PREVJOB) . S X=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,3) S ^XTMP("PSXDODERR",0)=X_U_DT_U_"DOD CMOP PROCESS ERROR CAPTURE" . K ^XTMP(PREVJOB) S PSXQUIT=0 . D NOW^%DTC S XX=$$FMTE^XLFDT(%) . S XMSUB="DOD CMOP INTERFACE STOPPED IRREGULARLY "_XX,XMTEXT="TXT(" . K TXT . S TXT(1,0)="The DOD CMOP Interface has been idle more than 20 minutes "_XX . S TXT(2,0)="The XTMP audit trail has been stored in ^XTMP(""PSXDODERR"","_% . S TXT(3,0)="If this message is appearing frequently contact your CMOP IRM support" . D ^XMD ; proceeding to process files D RESEND S X1=DT,X2=1 D C^%DTC S PSXDT=X D NOW^%DTC K ^XTMP(PSXJOB) S ^XTMP(PSXJOB,0)=PSXDT_U_%_U_"DOD PSXDODNT LOGGER" S ^XTMP(PSXJOB,1)=% ;S FILELIST("*.*")="" F EXT="*.trn","*.sit","*.sch","*.qac" S FILELIST(EXT)="" ;****testing ; SET PATH=INBOX DIRECTORY PATH S PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,20),FILE="" S Y=$$LIST^%ZISH(PATH,"FILELIST","FILE") I Y'=1 D Q ;if Y doesn't equal 1 there weren't any files to get, the routine will stop until called by TaskMan . D KVAR . K ^XTMP(PSXJOB) ;****TESTING ; DIRECT ;reads the FILE variable to see what types files are available for processing and then sends process to the appropriate routine I $E(IOST)="C" W !,"Processing Files:" S FILENM="" F S FILENM=$O(FILE(FILENM)) Q:FILENM="" W !,?5,FILENM S FILENM="" ; re-entry for next file if error encountered ;W !,"nxtfile3" ;F W !,"Nxtfile3a ",FILENM S FILENM=$O(FILE(FILENM)) W !,"nxtfile3b ",FILENM Q:FILENM="" D F S FILENM=$O(FILE(FILENM)) Q:FILENM="" D . I '$G(^XTMP("PSXNTSTOP-1",0)) N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ZTER^PSXDODNT" . S EXT=$$UP^XLFSTR($P(FILENM,".",2)) . ; the following line to be used with Vitria BusinessWare . S ROU=$S(EXT["SIT":"ACT^PSXDODAC(PATH,FILENM)",EXT["SCH":"EN^PSXDODAT(PATH,FILENM)",EXT["TRN":"EN^PSXDODB(PATH,FILENM)",EXT["QAC":"EN^PSXDODAK(PATH,FILENM)",1:"") . ;the following line to be used when Vitrai BusinessWare is not being used . ;S ROU=$S(EXT["SIT":"ACT^PSXDODAC(PATH,FILENM)",EXT["SCH":"EN^PSXDODAT(PATH,FILENM)",EXT["TRN":"EN^PSXDODH(PATH,FILENM)",EXT["QAC":"EN^PSXDODAK(PATH,FILENM)",1:"") . H 2 D NOW^%DTC S ^XTMP(PSXJOB,%)=FILENM,^XTMP(PSXJOB,1)=%,JOBBEG=% ;I $E(IOST)="C" W !,JOBBEG,?20,^XTMP(PSXJOB,JOBBEG) . D ROU . D FINISH . H 2 D NOW^%DTC S $P(^XTMP(PSXJOB,JOBBEG),U,3)=%,^XTMP(PSXJOB,1)=% ;I $E(IOST)="C" W !,%,?20,^XTMP(PSXJOB,JOBBEG) K I,INC,Y,ROU D KVAR G EN ;loop to see if any other files came in to pickup ; FINISH ; I $E(IOST)="C" W !,"nxtfile4 Finish of ",FILENM K ^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT") PULL S PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,20) S Y=$$FTG^%ZISH(PATH,FILENM,$NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT",1)),3) ARCHIVE ; S FILENMAR=FILENM I FILENM[".TRN" S FILENMAR=FILENM_".BW" S PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,22) F XX=1:1:5 S Y=$$GTF^%ZISH($NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT",1)),3,PATH,FILENMAR) Q:Y=1 H 4 I Y'=1 S GBL=$NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT")) D FALERT(FILENMAR,PATH,GBL) REMOVE I $L($G(FILENM)) K PSXL S PSXL(FILENM)="",PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,20),Y=$$DEL^%ZISH(PATH,"PSXL") Q KVAR ;K FILELIST,FILE,Y,PATH,BADFILE Q ROU ; nest the new command so variables will be protected N FILE,JOBBEG,JOBEND,PSXJOB I $E(IOST)="C" W !,FILENM," ",ROU D @ROU Q ZTER ;Friendly RE-cycle error and move to next file S XXERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S XMSUB="DOD CMOP Error on File "_FILENM S BADFILE=FILENM S XMTEXT="TEXT(" S TEXT(1,0)="DOD CMOP encountered the following error. Please investigate" S TEXT(2,0)="File: "_FILENM S TEXT(3,0)="Error: "_XXERR S TEXT(4,0)="The file has been moved into the Hold directory "_$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,23) D GRP1^PSXNOTE D ^%ZTER ;log error into Kernel K8SYS pg 183 D ^XMD I $E(IOST)="C" W !,"zter2:Error Finish & Removal of ",FILENM K ^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT"),TEXT PULL2 S PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,20),Y=$$FTG^%ZISH(PATH,FILENM,$NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT",1)),3) HOLD S PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,23) F XX=1:1:5 S Y=$$GTF^%ZISH($NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT",1)),3,PATH,FILENM) Q:Y=1 H 4 I Y'=1 S GBL=$NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT")) D FALERT(FILENM,PATH,GBL) ARCHIVE2 S PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,22) F XX=1:1:5 S Y=$$GTF^%ZISH($NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT",1)),3,PATH,FILENM) Q:Y=1 H 4 I Y'=1 S GBL=$NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT")) D FALERT(FILENM,PATH,GBL) REMOVE2 K PSXL S PSXL(FILENM)="",PATH=$$GET1^DIQ(554,1,20),Y=$$DEL^%ZISH(PATH,"PSXL") D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S XQAMSG="PLEASE INVESTIGATE - CMOP/DOD error "_XXERR_" "_Y,XQAID="PSXDODNT" D GRP1^PSXNOTE M XQA=XMY D SETUP^XQALERT H 10 G UNWIND^%ZTER ; return to code 1 level above where $ETRAP set ie the F Loop Q FALERT(FILE,PATH,GBL) ;fail to pass file into target directory, send alert, store for later D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S XQAMSG="DOD: "_FILE_" failed placement into: "_PATH_" "_Y,XQAID="PSXDODNT" D GRP1^PSXNOTE M XQA=XMY ;****TESTING ;S XQA(DUZ)="" ;****TESTING D SETUP^XQALERT STORE ; store file intO XTMP if GBL PROVIDED Q:$G(GBL)="" D NOW^%DTC S NMSPACE="PSXFILE"_"-"_% S DTPRG=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,7) ; save for 7 days K ^XTMP(NMSPACE) S ^XTMP(NMSPACE,0)=DTPRG_U_DT_U_"DOD FILE TO SEND" S ^XTMP(NMSPACE,1)=FILE,^XTMP(NMSPACE,2)=PATH M ^XTMP(NMSPACE,"T")=@GBL ; GBL IN FORM OF S GBL=$NA(^TMP($J,"PSXDODNT")) Q RESEND ; SCAN XTMP and if entries put the files into the boxes S NMSPACE="PSXFILE" F S NMSPACE=$O(^XTMP(NMSPACE)) Q:$E(NMSPACE,1,7)'="PSXFILE" D .S FILE=^XTMP(NMSPACE,1),PATH=^XTMP(NMSPACE,2) .;W !,FILE," ",PATH .S Y=$$GTF^%ZISH($NA(^XTMP(NMSPACE,"T",1)),3,PATH,FILE) .I Y'=1 D FALERT("Resending DOD files ",PATH) S NMSPACE="XX" Q .K ^XTMP(NMSPACE) .D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") .S XQAMSG="DOD: "_FILE_" DID PLACE into: "_PATH_" "_Y,XQAID="PSXDODNT" .;W !,XQAMSG .D GRP1^PSXNOTE M XQA=XMY ;****TESTING .;S XQA(DUZ)="" ;****TESTING .D SETUP^XQALERT .Q CLEAR ; CLEAR PREVIOUS NODES history nodes S X="PSXDODNT" F S X=$O(^XTMP(X)) Q:X'["PSXDODNT" W !,X K ^XTMP(X) Q KILLERR ; kill the error LOG ^XTMP("PSXDODERR", ) K ^XTMP("PSXDODERR") Q START ;enable/start auto error trapping K ^XTMP("PSXNTSTOP-1") Q STOP ;disable auto error trapping S ^XTMP("PSXNTSTOP-1",0)=DT_U_DT_U_"disable PSXDODNT auto error trapping" Q EDIT ; edit the PSX DODNT option K8 SYS pg 342 D EDIT^XUTMOPT("PSX DOD CMOP INTERFACE") Q DISP ; display schedule D DISP^XUTMOPT("PSX DOD CMOP INTERFACE") Q CLEARALL ; clear boxes out, archive, hold of all files F XX=21,22,23 D CLEARFLS^PSXDODH(XX,"*.*") Q