PSXERR ;BIR/BAB,WPB,HTW,PWC-Error Processing Utility ;MAR 1,2002@13:13:34 ;;2.0;CMOP;**1,3,28,30,42,41,52,54,58**;11 Apr 97;Build 2 ; Reference to ^PS(59, supported by DBIA #1976 ; Reference to file #52 supported by DBIA #1977 ; This routine will be used to send mail messages when errors ; have occurred during the processing of prescription data for ; the Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy system. EN S ERRTXT(1)="An error has been encountered while processing prescription data for the" S ERRTXT(2)="Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy system." S X=PSXJOB,XMSUB="CMOP Error Encountered" I $G(PSOSITE) S XMSUB=$$GET1^DIQ(59,PSOSITE,.06)_" "_XMSUB S XY=$S(X=1:"Transmission of Batch Data",X=2:"Re-Transmission of Batch Data",X=3:"Purge of CMOP RX QUEUE file",X=4:"Filing of CMOP Dispense Data",X=5:"Background Auto-transmission of Data",X=6:"Release Data",X=7:"Data Validation",1:"") D NOW^%DTC S Y=% X ^DD("DD") S DTTM=$P(Y,":",1,2) K Y S ERRTXT(3)="" S ERRTXT(4)="Date/Time : "_DTTM S ERRTXT(5)="Process : "_XY S ERRTXT(6)="Error Type : "_TYPE S ERRTXT(7)="" S ERRTXT(8)="Description : "_$G(DESCRTN) S ERRTXT(9)="" S ERRTXT(PSXCT+2)="Action Taken: "_ACTION,ERRTXT(PSXCT+3)="" S ERRTXT(PSXCT+4)="Recommended action: "_RECM D MAIL EXIT K ERRTXT,PSXM,PSXCT,PSXGRP,XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,%,XMDUN,XMZ,ACTION,DESCRTN,DTTM,ERROR,FILL,FLG,MSG,P1,P2,PSXCT,RECM,RXP,TYPE,X,PSXJOB,PSXREF,XY Q ER1 ;errors encountered while building the mail message for transmission Q:$P($G(PSXER),"^",2)="" S ERRTXT(10)="The following data is missing in the OUTPATIENT SITE file (#59).",ERRTXT(11)="" S PSXCT=11,PSXCT=PSXCT+1,PSXJOB=1 F XX=2:1 Q:$P(PSXER,"^",XX)="" D .S ERR=$P(PSXER,"^",XX),PSXCT=PSXCT+1,MSG=$P($T(DERR+ERR),";;",2) S ERRTXT(PSXCT)=MSG S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)="" S PSXERFLG=1,ACTION="No data transmission will occur without this information.",RECM="Correct invalid data.",TYPE="Invalid or missing data" D EN Q ER2 ;errors encountered while building the mail message for retransmission S P1=$P($G(PSXERR),U,1),P2=$P($G(PSXERR),U,2) S ERROR=$P($T(DATAERR+10),";;",2) I P1=2 S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)=$P($G(ERROR),"^",1)_$P($G(ERROR),"^",P2) S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)="" S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)=$S(P2=5:"The retransmitted batch will be placed in a hold status. Please release the correct batch when ready.",P2'=5:"The retransmitted batch was not downloaded into the files.",1:"") K PSXERR Q ER4 S PSXCT=11 S RECM="Call IRM to check data and correct" S TYPE="Missing Data - No match found for return data." S ACTION="Return data not filed for Rx listed, background release not performed." S ERRTXT(PSXCT)=" RX# FILL# BATCH# SEQUENCE# " F I=1:1 S PSXCT=PSXCT+1 Q:$G(PSXER(I))']"" S ERRTXT(PSXCT)=PSXER(I) D EN K PSXER,I Q ER6 S PSXCT=11 S RECM="Call IRM to check data and correct" S TYPE="Invalid data " S DESCRTN="During processing of Vendor return data, CMOP attempted to release the following Rx. This Rx has already been Released locally!. This will invalidate your stock levels for this drug!" S ACTION="Rx was not released by CMOP." S ERRTXT(PSXCT)="RX# "_$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^")_" FILL# "_$G(PSXREF) D EN Q ER7 ;Set up prescription data for message. Q:$P($G(PSXRXERR),"^",3)="" N DFN,RX,VA S ERRTXT(10)="RX # Fill Data Field SSN NAME" S ERRTXT(11)="" S:PSXERFLG=0 PSXCT=11 S RXNM=$P(PSXRXERR,"^",1),FILL=$P(PSXRXERR,"^",2) S RXF=$S(FILL=0:"Original ",FILL>0:"Refill #"_FILL,1:"") S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,FLG=0,BLANK=$J(" ",50) F XX=3:1 Q:$P(PSXRXERR,"^",XX)="" D .S RX(2,"E")=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RXN,2) ; patient name .S RX(2,"I")=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RXN,2,"I") ; DFN .S DFN=RX(2,"I") D PID^VADPT .S ERR=$P(PSXRXERR,"^",XX),PSXCT=PSXCT+1,CNT=ERR-1 .S MSG=$P($T(DATAERR+CNT),";;",2) .I FLG=0 S ERRTXT(PSXCT)=RXNM_" "_RXF_" "_$E(MSG_BLANK,1,17)_" "_VA("PID")_" "_(RX(2,"E")),FLG=1 Q .I FLG=1 S ERRTXT(PSXCT)=" "_MSG,FLG=1 Q S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)="" K PSXRXERR,RXNM,RXF,DAYS,CNT,ERR,DRUG,FDATE,PHAR,PHY,PSTAT,QTY,REF,RXERR,SIG,XX,BLANK S PSXERFLG=1,ACTION="Rx's not sent to CMOP but still suspended for transmission.",RECM="Correct invalid data.",TYPE="Invalid or missing data" I '$G(PSXGOOD) S ACTION="Rx's not sent to CMOP. If Bad Address Indicator or foreign address, will remain on suspense for CMOP, but will only show on reject log once." K PSXGOOD Q MAIL ;Transmit. S XMDUZ=.5,XMTEXT="ERRTXT(" K XMY ; get mail group to notify and save in PSXGRP D GRP^PSXNOTE D ^XMD Q ; DATAERR ;list of errrors that can occur while checking the rx prior to transmit ;;Quantity ;;Prescribing Physician ;;Days supply ;;Drug id ;;SIG ;;Patient status ;;Fill date ;;Clerk not entered ;;Patient Address ;;Original batch ^not on file.^is currently processing.^is closed.^is already on hold. ;;Fill has already been transmitted ;;Spaces in Rx number ;;Duplicate Rx ;;Patient Mail Status Change ;;Drug Warnings >11 Characters ;;Patient in the Merging Process ;;RX OERR/CPRS Locked ;;Test Patient ;;Bad Address Indicator no active temporary address DERR ;list of errors for transmission ;;State ;;Site ;;Name ;;Street Address ;;City ;;Zip Code ;;Area Code ;;Phone Number ;;Refillable Instructions ;;Nonrefillable Instructions ;;Station number is missing in the Institution file ;;Package file entry for Outpatient Pharmacy is bad Q