PSXERR1 ;BIR/WPB-Continuation of Error Processing Utility ; [ 04/08/97 2:06 PM ] ;;2.0;CMOP;;11 Apr 97 ERRMSG ;sends an alert and mail message if a user tries to retransmit a batch ;that has been retransmitted once. S XQAMSG="Batch "_OLDBAT_" can't be retransmitted again. Contact the IRM for help." D GRP1^PSXNOTE,SETUP^XQALERT S XMSUB=("RETRANSMISSION ERROR"),XMDUZ=DUZ,LNCT=5 D XMZ^XMA2 G:XMZ'>0 EXIT S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,1,0)="Batch # "_OLDBAT_" has been retransmitted once." S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,2,0)="There is either a system problem or there is a problem with the data in the" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,3,0)="batch. Please contact your local IRM for assistance in determining and" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,4,0)="correcting the problem. Once the problem has been corrected the IRM can" S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,5,0)="reset the batch and allow you to retransmit." S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.9^"_LNCT_U_LNCT_U_DT,XMDUN="CMOP Manager" K XMY S XMDUZ=DUZ D GRP^PSXNOTE,ENT1^XMD G EXIT^PSXRTRAN ER3 S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)="" Q ER5 S PSXCT=PSXCT+1,ERRTXT(PSXCT)="" Q ER6 S PSXCT=11 ER4 S PSXCT=11 EXIT K ERRTXT,LNCT,OLDBAT,XMDUN,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMZ,XQA,XQAMSG,PSXCT Q