PSXHSYS1 ;BIR/WPB/PDW-EDIT INTERAGENCY PARAMETERS ;MAR 1,2002@16:11:17 ;;2.0;CMOP;**38**;11 Apr 97 EDITDOD ; this entry point grants access to the setting of the host directories ; and the scheduling of the interface option for importing other agencies CMOP RXs ; Called from PSXHSYS the user must have the PSXDOD key ; N TSK,DATE,HOUR,HOST,PSXOPTDA D EDIT Q EDIT ; N PSXT,XX S XX="PSX DOD CMOP INTERFACE" D OPTSTAT^XUTMOPT(XX,.PSXT) I '+PSXT D Q .W !,"You must first use Kernel Option Scheduling to setup the option 'PSX DOD CMOP INTERFACE'." ; gather existing information S XX="PSX DOD CMOP INTERFACE" K TSK D OPTSTAT^XUTMOPT(XX,.TSK) S TSK(1)=$G(TSK(1)) S TSK=+TSK(1),DATE=$P(TSK(1),U,2),HOUR=$P(TSK(1),U,3) S Y=DATE X ^DD("DD") S DATE=Y K HOST D GETS^DIQ(554,1,"20:23","","HOST"),TOP^PSXUTL("HOST") ;display information W @IOF W !,"Host Directory Paths",?40,"Schedule" W !!,"In",?10,HOST(20),?40,"Next Run",?60,DATE W !,"Out",?10,HOST(21),?40,"Frequency",?60,HOUR W !,"Archive",?10,HOST(22),?40,"Tasking ID",?60,TSK W !,"Pending",?10,HOST(23) ;request edit information or quit K DIR S DIR(0)="SO^P:Paths;S:Schedule",DIR("A")="Edit Paths

or Schedule , or Exit " D ^DIR K DIR I Y'="S",Y'="P" Q ;edit information I Y="S" D EDIT^XUTMOPT("PSX DOD CMOP INTERFACE") G EDIT L +^PSX(554,1):600 K DIE,DR,DA S DIE="^PSX(554,",DA=1,DR="20;21;22;23" D ^DIE L -^PSX(554,1) G EDIT Q