[628] | 1 | PSXREF ;BIR/BAB-Cross Reference Utility ;[ 04/08/97 2:06 PM ]
| 2 | ;;2.0;CMOP;;11 Apr 97
| 3 | ACT ;Entry point to create xref for CMOP Dispense field edit
| 4 | Q:$G(^PSDRUG(DA,3))=""
| 5 | S:'$D(^PSDRUG(DA,4,0)) ^PSDRUG(DA,4,0)="^50.0214DA^^"
| 6 | S (PSX,Z)=0 F S Z=$O(^PSDRUG(DA,4,Z)) Q:'Z S PSX=Z
| 7 | S PSX=PSX+1 D NOW^%DTC S ^PSDRUG(DA,4,PSX,0)=%_"^E^"_DUZ_"^CMOP Dispense^"_$S($G(^PSDRUG(DA,3))=1:"YES",$G(^PSDRUG(DA,3))=0:"NO",1:"")
| 8 | S $P(^PSDRUG(DA,4,0),"^",3)=PSX,$P(^(0),"^",4)=$P(^(0),"^",4)+1
| 9 | K PSX,Z,% Q
| 10 | DEL ; Called by ^DD(52.1,.01,"DEL",550,0)- PREVENTS DELETING REFILL DATE
| 11 | I $G(PSX(DA))]"",($G(PSX(DA))="L"!(+$G(PSX(DA))'=3)) D
| 12 | .W !!,"You cannot delete a refill date for a fill that is"_$S(+$G(PSX(DA))=1:" released by",+$G(PSX(DA))=0:" in transmission to",1:" being retransmitted to")_" the CMOP",!!
| 13 | Q
| 14 | AR ; Sets the "AR" xref if CMOP status in 52 =1
| 15 | ; ^PSRX("AR",RELEASE D/T,INTERNAL ENTRY # RX in 52,fill #
| 16 | I X=1 D
| 17 | .I $P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3)=0,($P($G(^PSRX(DA(1),2)),U,13)) S ^PSRX("AR",$P(^PSRX(DA(1),2),U,13),DA(1),$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3))=""
| 18 | .I $P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3)>0,($D(^PSRX(DA(1),1,$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3),0))),($P($G(^PSRX(DA(1),1,$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3),0)),U,18)]"") D
| 19 | ..S ^PSRX("AR",$P(^PSRX(DA(1),1,$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3),0),U,18),DA(1),$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3))=""
| 20 | Q
| 21 | AS ; Transmission D/T xref
| 22 | ; ^PSRX("AS",TRANS D/T,INTERNAL ENTRY # RX in 52, fill #
| 23 | S ^PSRX("AS",$P(^PSX(550.2,$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U),0),U,6),DA(1),$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3))=""
| 24 | Q
| 25 | ASKILL ;
| 26 | ;K ^PSRX("AS",$P(^PSX(550.2,$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U),0),U,6),DA(1),$P(^PSRX(DA(1),4,DA,0),U,3))
| 27 | Q
| 28 | DISPUNIT ;Called by ^DD(50,14.5,"DEL",0) to prevent deleting CMOP disp units.
| 29 | I $D(^PSDRUG("AQ",DA)) W !,"The Dispense Unit of a CMOP drug cannot be deleted!",!
| 30 | Q