PSXRESUB ;BIR/HTW-Resubmit an Rx to the CMOP ;03/11/99 1:14 PM ;;2.0;CMOP;**3,20,21,41**;11 Apr 97 ;Reference to ^PSRX (File #52) supported by DBIA #1977 ;Reference to routine PSOCMOP supported by DBIA #2476 I '$D(^XUSEC("PSXRESUB",DUZ)) W !,"You are not authorized to use this option." Q W !!,"CMOP Prescription Resubmission Utility",!! TOP S LAST=0 S DIR(0)="FO^1:15",DIR("A")="Enter the Rx # to resubmit" S DIR("?")="Enter the prescription number you want to send back to the CMOP to be dispensed." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) G END S RX=Y K Y S I52=$O(^PSRX("B",RX,"")) I $G(I52)']"" W !,"Rx # "_RX_" either does not exist or is an invalid #." D END G PSXRESUB ; Check for CMOP nodes I '$D(^PSRX(I52,4)) W !,"There have been no CMOP transmissions for this Rx. You can not Resubmit it!",! D END G PSXRESUB ; Get last OP refill I $D(^PSRX(I52,1)) F I=0:0 S I=$O(^PSRX(I52,1,I)) Q:'I S RF=I ; Get last CMOP event entry marked as Not Dispensed F CT=0:0 S CT=$O(^PSRX(I52,4,CT)) Q:'CT D .S NODE=$G(^PSRX(I52,4,CT,0)) .S CHECK=$P($G(NODE),"^",3) Q:$P($G(NODE),"^",4)'=3 .; S PSX(FILL#)=RESUBMIT # .S PSX($P($G(NODE),"^",3))=$P($G(NODE),"^",6)_"^"_CT,LAST=$P($G(NODE),"^",3) ; If the last CMOP '= the last OP Quit I $G(RF)>$G(LAST) W !!,"This Rx cannot be resubmitted. A later fill has already been entered." D END G TOP I $G(CHECK)>$G(LAST) W !!,"This Rx cannot be resubmitted. A later fill has already been transmitted to the CMOP." D END G TOP I $P($G(^PSRX(I52,2)),"^",6)
0 I '$D(^PSRX(I52,1,LAST,0)) W !!,"This RX is not eligible for resubmission.",!,"The fill # "_LAST_" appears to have been canceled.",! D END G TOP ;*41 W !!,"You have chosen Rx # "_RX_" to be resubmitted to the CMOP." S DIR("A")="Do you want to continue? ",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR(0)="SB^Y:YES;N:NO",DIR("?")="Enter Y if you want to send the selected prescription to the CMOP." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!("Nn"[$E(Y)) D END G TOP I $G(PSOSITE)]"" S PSXSITEA=$G(PSOSITE) S PSOSITE=$S(LAST=0:$P(^PSRX(I52,2),"^",9),1:$P(^PSRX(I52,1,LAST,0),"^",9)) D NOW^%DTC N ZD S PPL=I52,ZD(I52)=% D TEST^PSOCMOP I $G(PPL)']"" S $P(^PSRX(I52,4,$P(PSX(LAST),"^",2),0),"^",6)="Y" I $G(PPL)]"" W !!,"This is not a CMOP Rx. Make sure the last fill has a Mail routing, the drug is marked for CMOP, etc...",!! I $G(PSXSITEA)]"" S PSOSITE=PSXSITEA D END G TOP END K CHECK,CT,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,I52,LAST,NODE,PSX,PSXPPL,PPL,RF,RX,X,Y,ZD,% K PSXSITEA Q