PSXRHLP ;BIR/WPB-Help Messages for the Remote Sites ;14 Dec 2001 ;;2.0;CMOP;**28**;11 Apr 97 ; Reference to ^PS(52.5, supported by DBIA #1978 MSG1 ;help message, allows the user to return to the main menu or exit ;the routine W @IOF W !!,"1 & 2",!," - Initiate CMOP Transmission will gather data for the selected date range and" W !,"transmit to the CMOP. The sender receives a ""Transmission Confirmation"" message" W !,"via Mailman when the data transmission is completed." W !!,"3 & 4",!," - Print CMOP Labels from Suspense will gather data for the selected date range" W !,"and print the labels. NO DATA will TRANSMIT to the CMOP. Drugs or items for" W !,"all labels printed should be filled locally." W !!,"5 - Standard Print from Suspense will print all labels for Rx's NOT 'Queued to" W !,"Send' for the selected date range. All usual outpatient prompts will be displayed." Q MSG2 ;help message, allows the user to return to the main menu or exit ;the routine W @IOF W !!,"1 - Reset and Transmit to CMOP will reset entries which have 'printed but not" W !,"transmitted for the selected date range and automatically transmit data" W !,"to the CMOP. " W !!,"2 - Reset and Print CMOP Labels will reset entries which have 'printed but not" W !,"transmitted' for the selected date range and print labels. There will be" W !,"NO DATA TRANSMITTED to the CMOP. The Rx's for the labels printed must be" W !,"filled locally." W !!,"3 - Standard Reset and Print Again will reset and print all outpatient labels not" W !,"'Queued to Send' and usual outpatient prompts will be displayed." Q DATAERR ;list of errrors that can occur while checking the rx prior to transmit ;;Quantity ;;Prescribing Physician ;;Days supply ;;Drug id ;;SIG ;;Patient status ;;Fill date ;;Clerk ;;Patient Address ;;Original batch ^not on file.^is currently processing.^is closed.^is already on hold. DERR ;list of errors for tranmission ;;State ;;Site ;;Name ;;Street Address ;;City ;;Zip Code ;;Area Code ;;Phone Number ;;Refillable Instructions ;;Nonrefillable Instructions Q DEACT W !!,?7,"**************************************************************" I '$D(^PS(52.5,"AQ")) S AZ=1 G D1 I $D(^PS(52.5,"AQ")) W !,?7,"WARNING: There are Rx's currently suspended for CMOP." W !!,?7,"If you inactivate CMOP processing:" W !,?7,"1) These Rx's will not transmit to the CMOP, but will remain" W !,?7," in the RX SUSPENSE file. These Rx's cannot be accessed by" W !,?7," Outpatient Pharmacy options. Ideally, these Rx's should" W !,?7," be transmitted or printed before inactivation takes place." W !,?7," If CMOP processing is activated, these prescriptions can" W !,?7," be transmitted." D1 W !,?7,$S($G(AZ)'>0:"2) ",$G(AZ)=1:"1) ",1:"")_"Before inactivating, please have all pharmacy users sign" W !,?7," off until inactivation is complete. CMOP Rx's input by" W !,?7," users who do not sign off the system will be suspended for" W !,?7," CMOP transmission."_$S($G(AZ)'>0:" (See #1)",1:"") I $G(AZ)=1 W " These Rx's can not be accessed by",!,?7," Outpatient Pharmacy options. If CMOP processing is",!,?7," activated these prescriptions can be transmitted." I $D(^PSX(550,"AT")) W !,?7,$S($G(AZ)'>0:"3) ",$G(AZ)=1:"2) ",1:"")_"Your current auto transmission schedule will be",!,?7," cancelled on inactivation." W !,?7,"***************************************************************",! K AZ Q OPSUS ;EP OP SUSPENSE MESSAGE W !!,?7,"***************************************************************",! W !,?7,PSXNEW W !!,?7,"Prescriptions " W $S(PSXNEWI=1:"will be processed into",1:"are in")," CMOP suspense and" W !,?7,"held until either:" W !!,?14,"1. CMOP transmissions are activated." W !,?14,"2. Outpatient menues are used to pull prescriptions from" W !,?14,"CMOP suspense.",! W !,?7,"***************************************************************",! Q