PSXYMSG ;BIR/HTW-Dual Line Error Msg Utility ;[ 02/20/99 5:45 PM ] ;;2.0;CMOP;**17**;11 Apr 97 QRY1 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY1 QRY message never received for query #"_PSXQRYID Q QRY2 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY2 EOT received with no terminator while waiting for QRY message" Q QRY3 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY3 EOT received while waiting for QRY message" Q QRY5 ;K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY5 Unexpected character received: "_$S(X>31:$C(X),1:"")_" ("_X_") while waiting for QRY message" Q K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY5 Unexpected character received: "_X_"^"_$G(QF) Q QRY6 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY6 Timeout Timer D reading QRY message" Q QRY7 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY7 QRY message longer than 240 characters" Q QRY8 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY8 QRY message did not end with ETX" Q QRY9 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY9 QRY was null" Q QRY10 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY10 Timeout reading QRY checksum" Q QRY11 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY11 QRY checksum contained an invalid hex digit ("_X_")" Q QRY12 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY12 QRY checksum does not match" Q QRY13 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY13 Message #"_PSXQRYID_" was rejected by OMCS" Q QRY14 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY14 ENQ received with no terminator" Q QRY15 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY15 MSA message ID did not match PSXQRYID # expected" Q QRY16 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY16 Block count greater than 7." Q QRY17 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY17 Wrong Block count received." Q QRY18 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY18 Maximum retries reached for receiving message." Q QRY19 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY19 Maximum Rxs received, query terminated." Q QRY20 K LOG S LOG(1)="QRY20 No activity on line continuing to monitor." Q MST1 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST1 ENQ received with no terminator while Bidding for Master status." Q MST2 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST2 NAK received with no terminator while Bidding for Master status." Q MST3 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST3 ACK without 0 received while Bidding for Master status." Q MST4 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST4 Garbage received while Bidding for Master status." Q MST5 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST5 NAK received while Bidding for Master status." Q MST6 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST6 No response from CMOP while Bidding for Master status." Q MST7 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST7 Simultaneous bid for Master status by CMOP and DHCP." Q MST8 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST8 ACK received with no terminator while Bidding for Master status." Q MST9 K LOG S LOG(1)="MST9 CMOP won't respond, waiting 45 seconds to try again" Q