GMRCADC ;SLC/DLT/DCM - DC taken from List Manager ; 7/11/05 1:40pm ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**1,5,10,12,35,39,47**;DEC 27, 1997 EXAC(MSG) ;Exit message asking for user to press ; EXAC=Exit Action N ND,X W $C(7),!,MSG I $O(MSG(0)) S ND=0 F S ND=$O(MSG(ND)) Q:ND="" D . W !,MSG(ND) W !,"Press to continue: " R X:DTIME W !! Q DC(GMRCO,GMRCA) ;Discontinue a consult logic from DC^GMRCA1 I $D(IOTM),$D(IOBM),$D(IOSTBM) D FULL^VALM1 N GMRCDA,GMRCACTM,GMRCADUZ,GMRCSERV,GMRCAD,GMRC K GMRCQUT,GMRCQIT I '+$G(GMRCO) D SELECT^GMRCA2(.GMRCO) I $D(GMRCQUT) Q I '+$G(GMRCO) S GMRCQUT=1 Q I $P($G(^GMR(123,GMRCO,12)),U,5)="P" D Q . N DIR . W !,"The requesting facility may not take this action on an " . W "inter-facility consult." . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR . S GMRCQUT=1 I '$$LOCK^GMRCA1(GMRCO) S GMRCQUT=1 Q ; S GMRC(0)=^GMR(123,GMRCO,0),GMRCDA=GMRCO S (GMRCDFN,DFN)=$P(GMRC(0),"^",2) I $D(GMRCA),+GMRCA S GMRCACTM=$S(GMRCA=6:"Discontinued",GMRCA=19:"Cancelled",1:$P($G(^GMR(123.1,+GMRCA,0)),"^",1)) ; D PROC I $D(GMRCQUT) D UNLOCK^GMRCA1(GMRCO) S GMRCQUT=1 Q ;send 513 back to service printer if request DC'd or Cancelled I GMRCA=6,$$DCPRNT^GMRCUTL1(+GMRCO,DUZ) D . D PRNT^GMRCUTL1(+$P(GMRC(0),U,5),+GMRCO) S GMRCTRLC=$S(GMRCA=19:"OC",1:"OD") D EN^GMRCHL7(DFN,GMRCO,$G(GMRCTYPE),$G(GMRCRB),GMRCTRLC,GMRCORNP,$G(GMRCVSIT),.GMRCOM,,$G(GMRCAD)) D UNLOCK^GMRCA1(GMRCO) Q ; PROC ;Check validity of action and if valid process the discontinue action N DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,GMRCMSG,GMRCFL,GMRCACT I $P(GMRC(0),"^",12)=1 S GMRCMSG="This consult has already been discontinued!" D EXAC(GMRCMSG) S GMRCQUT=1 Q I $P(GMRC(0),"^",12)=2 S GMRCMSG="This consult has already been completed!" D EXAC(GMRCMSG) S GMRCQUT=1 Q I $P(GMRC(0),"^",12)=9 S GMRCMSG="Action invalid. This consult has partial results!",GMRCMSG(1)="Remove the associated results and then discontinue." D EXAC(.GMRCMSG) S GMRCQUT=1 Q I $P(GMRC(0),"^",12)=13 S GMRCMSG="This consult has already been cancelled!" D EXAC(GMRCMSG) S GMRCQUT=1 Q ; S GMRCORVP=GMRCDFN_";DPT(" N GETPROV FRGTPRV D GETPROV^GMRCAU I $D(DIROUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S GMRCQUT=1 Q S GMRCACT=$$PROVIDER^XUSER(GMRCORNP) I $P(GMRCACT,U)'=1 D G FRGTPRV .W !!,"***User account is TERMINATED please choose another responsible user.***" S GMRCAD=$$GETDT^GMRCUTL1 ;Returns GMRCAD as the entered date I GMRCAD="^" S GMRCQUT=1 Q S GMRCSTS=$S(GMRCA=6:1,1:13),$P(GMRC(0),"^",12)=GMRCSTS S GMRCOM=1 D STATUS^GMRCP D AUDIT^GMRCP ; S GMRCORTX=$S($L($G(GMRCACTM)):GMRCACTM,+GMRCA:$P(^GMR(123.1,GMRCA,0),U,1),1:"ACTION UNKNOWN FOR")_" consult "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCO) S GMRCADUZ="",GMRCFL=0 I +$P($G(^GMR(123,+GMRCO,0)),"^",14),+$P(^(0),"^",14)'=DUZ S GMRCADUZ($P(^(0),"^",14))="" ;I +$P($G(^GMR(123,+GMRCO,0)),"^",14)=DUZ S GMRCFL=1 I GMRCA=6 S GMRCFL=$$DCNOTE(GMRCO,DUZ) ;check NOTIFY SERVICE ON DC ;I GMRCA=19 S GMRCFL=1 ;send notification info to routine to be sent to OERR N NOTYPE S NOTYPE=$S(GMRCA=6:23,1:30) D MSG^GMRCP(GMRCDFN,GMRCORTX,+GMRCO,NOTYPE,.GMRCADUZ,GMRCFL) Q DCNOTE(IEN,USER) ;determine if service users receive alerts based on 1.04 N SERV,DCFLG S SERV=$P(^GMR(123,IEN,0),U,5) S DCFLG=$P($G(^GMR(123.5,SERV,1)),U,4) I 'DCFLG Q 1 I DCFLG=2 Q 0 I DCFLG=1,'$$VALID^GMRCAU(SERV,IEN,USER) Q 1 Q 0