GMRCASF ;SLC/DLT - Significant Findings Action ;7/11/03 13:28 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**4,10,14,22,29,35**;DEC 27, 1997 SF(GMRCO) ;Evaluate Significant Findings and update accordingly ;GMRCO is the selected consult N GMRCQIT,GMRCLCK I '$L($G(GMRCO)) D SELECT^GMRCA2(.GMRCO) I $D(GMRCQUT) D END Q I '+($G(GMRCO)) D END Q I $P($G(^GMR(123,GMRCO,12)),U,5)="P" D Q . N DIR . W !,"The requesting facility may not take this action on an " . W "inter-facility consult." . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR . D END I '$$LOCK^GMRCA1(GMRCO) D END Q S GMRCLCK=1 ; I $D(IOTM),$D(IOBM),$D(IOSTBM) D FULL^VALM1 N GMRC,GMRCSTS,GMRCSF,GMRCSFO,GMRCORTX,GMRCDR S GMRC(0)=$G(^GMR(123,+GMRCO,0)) Q:GMRC(0)="" ; S GMRCSFO=$P(GMRC(0),"^",19) W !!,"Current Significant Findings = "_$S(GMRCSFO="U":"Unknown",GMRCSFO="Y":"Yes",GMRCSFO="N":"No",1:"not entered yet"),!! S GMRCSF=$$GETSIGF(GMRCSFO) I GMRCSF=0 D END Q ; If no change in old and new value ask if should continue I GMRCSF=GMRCSFO D I 'Y D END Q . W !,"The old and new Significant Findings are the same." . N DIR,DA,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT . S DIR("A")="Do you want to proceed with this action" . S DIR(0)="Y" . S DIR("B")="NO" . D ^DIR . I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIRUT)!$D(DIROUT) S Y=0 Q . I Y=0 Q ; ;Update last action and sig findings but don't change the status S GMRCSTS=$P(GMRC(0),"^",12),GMRCA=4 S GMRCDR="8////^S X=GMRCSTS;9////^S X=GMRCA;15////^S X=GMRCSF" D STATUS^GMRCP I $G(GMRCERR)=1 S GMRCMSG=GMRCERMS D EXAC^GMRCADC(GMRCMSG),END Q ; ;GMRCOM=1 tells AUDIT^GMRCP to do the word-processing logic ;If an actual comment is added, $P(GMRCOM,"^",2)=1 (send alert), ; if not GMRCOM=1 and no '^' exists (do not send alert) S GMRCOM=1 D AUDIT^GMRCP I $G(GMRCERR)=1 S GMRCMSG=GMRCERMS D EXAC^GMRCADC(GMRCMSG),END Q ; I GMRCSTS=2 D EN^GMRCHL7($P(^GMR(123,GMRCO,0),U,2),GMRCO,$G(GMRCTYPE),$G(GMRCRB),"RE",GMRCORNP,$G(GMRCVSIT),,,$G(GMRCAD)) D SETORTX I GMRCSTS=2 D SENDALRT(GMRCORTX) Q I +$P(GMRCOM,"^",2) D . W !,"An alert with the following text will be sent if recipients are selected: " . W !," "_GMRCORTX_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(+GMRCO) . W ! . I GMRCSTS'=2 W !,"or the alert will be sent when the order is completed.",! . I $P($G(^GMR(123,GMRCO,12)),U,5)="F" D . W !!,"The ordering provider for this inter-facility consult will " . W "automatically be ",!,"notified.",! . D PROCALRT^GMRCACMT(GMRCORTX,1,4,GMRCO) . ;For consults not completed, the original provider may be deleted from . ;the recipient list for the alert. D END Q ; SETORTX ;Set prefix text for the alert S GMRCORTX=$S(GMRCSF="N":"No ",GMRCSF="Y":"",1:"Unknown ") S GMRCORTX=GMRCORTX_"Sig Findings for "_$P($G(^ORD(100.01,+GMRCSTS,0)),"^",2)_" consult " Q Q ; SENDALRT(GMRCORTX) ;Send to the requesting provider N GMRCRP,GMRCADUZ,GMRCDELR S GMRCRP=$P($G(^GMR(123,+GMRCO,0)),U,14) ;requesting clinician I +GMRCRP S GMRCADUZ(+GMRCRP)="" W !,"Alert will be sent to Requesting Provider: "_$P($G(^VA(200,+GMRCRP,0)),U,1) S GMRCDELR=0 D ANDTO^GMRCACMT D SENDMSG^GMRCACMT(23,+GMRCO) ;Sig Findings uses the CONSULT/REQUEST RESOLUTION (23) notification Q ; GETSIGF(GMRCSFO) ;Get the significant findings ;GMRCSFO is the old significant findings value N DIR,DA,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="123,15" S DIR("B")=GMRCSFO S:DIR("B")="" DIR("B")="unknown" S DIR("A")="Are there significant findings? (Y/N/U)" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIRUT)!$D(DIROUT) Q 0 Q Y ; END ;cleanup variables I $G(GMRCLCK) D UNLOCK^GMRCA1(GMRCO) K GMRCO,GMRCA,GMRCMSG,GMRCOM,GMRCSEL,GMRCERR,GMRCERMS I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DIROUT) S GMRCQIT="" S:$D(^TMP("GMRC",$J,"CURRENT","MENU")) XQORM("HIJACK")=^("MENU") Q