GMRCASV1 ;SLC/JFR - HIERARCHY MGMT cont'd ; 01/10/02 21:34 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**18,15,23,22,42**;DEC 27, 1997 ; ; This routine invokes IA #3252 ; Q ; don't start at the top GUI(GMRCARR,GMRCSTRT,GMRCWHY,GMRCSYN,GMRCO) ;;return CSLT services for GUI ;Input: ; GMRCARR - passed in as the array to return results in ; GMRCSTRT- service name or ien to begin building from ; GMRCWHY - 0 for display, 1 for forwarding or ordering ; GMRCSYN - Boolean: 1=return synonyms, 0=do not ; GMRCO - consult ien from file 123 ;Output: Array formatted as follows- ; svc ien^svc name or syn^parent^has children^svc usage ; N GMRCDG,GMRCGRP,GMRCTO ;Following line modified to accept the Name as well as the IEN for a Service, TDP - 2/9/2005 S GMRCDG=$$FIND1^DIC(123.5,,"AX",GMRCSTRT,"B") I 'GMRCDG Q S GMRCTO=GMRCWHY D SERV1^GMRCASV I '$D(^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J)) Q I '$G(GMRCSYN) G GUIQ ;M @GMRCARR=^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J) Q ;no synonyms needed N GMRC,GMRCSVC,GMRCS,NEXT,PIEC S GMRC=0,NEXT=$O(^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J," "),-1)+1 F S GMRC=$O(^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J,GMRC)) Q:'GMRC Q:$P(^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J,GMRC),U,5)="S" D . I $P(^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J,GMRC),U,5)=1 Q . S GMRCSVC=+^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J,GMRC) . S GMRCS=0 . F S GMRCS=$O(^GMR(123.5,GMRCSVC,2,GMRCS)) Q:'GMRCS D .. S PIEC(1)=GMRCSVC .. S PIEC(2)=$P(^GMR(123.5,GMRCSVC,0),U) .. S PIEC(2)=^GMR(123.5,GMRCSVC,2,GMRCS,0)_" <"_PIEC(2)_">" .. S ^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J,NEXT)=PIEC(1)_"^"_PIEC(2)_"^^^S" .. S NEXT=NEXT+1 .. Q . Q GUIQ M @GMRCARR=^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J) K ^TMP("GMRCS",$J),^TMP("GMRCSLIST",$J) Q ; PAGE(PG) ;print header and increment page S PG=PG+1 W !,"Consult Hierarchy list",?30,$$HTE^XLFDT($H),?60,"Page: ",PG W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",78) Q ; QUEUE ; queue up the print N ZTRTN,ZTSK,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTDESC S ZTRTN="PRTLST^GMRCASV",ZTDESC="Consult Service Hierarchy List" S ZTIO=ION,ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD I $G(ZTSK) W !,"Queued to Print, Task # ",ZTSK E W !,"Sorry, Try again Later" Q