GMRCGUIS ;ALB/TDP - update Consult Status ;4/26/2006 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**52**;DEC 27, 1997 ; ;Called by SDCNSLT for Scheduling Consult Appointment Linkage STATUS(GMRCO,GMRCSTS,GMRCA,GMRCORNP,GMRCAD,GMRCADUZ,GMRCMT) ;Change status/last action/add comment consult API ; Input variables: ;GMRCO - The internal file number of the consult from File 123 ;GMRCSTS - Status of the consult ;GMRCA - Last Action to be added to the consult ;GMRCORNP - Name of the person who actually 'Received' the consult ;GMRCAD - Actual date time that consult was received into the service. ;GMRCADUZ - array of alert recipients as chosen by user (by reference) ; ARRAY(DUZ)="" ;GMRCMT - array of comments if entered (by reference) ; ARRAY(1)="FIRST LINE OF COMMENT" ; ARRAY(2)="SECOND LINE OF COMMENT" ; ;Output: ;GMRCERR - Error Condition Code: 0 = NO error, 1=error ;GMRCERMS - Error message or null ; returned as GMRCERR^GMRCERMS ; N DFN,GMRCNOW,GMRCERR,GMRCERMS S GMRCERR=0,GMRCERMS="",GMRCNOW=$$NOW^XLFDT,GMRCMT=0 I 'GMRCSTS!('GMRCA) D Q GMRCERR_"^"_GMRCERMS . S GMRCERR="1",GMRCERMS="Status/last action update is missing or wrong." . D EXIT^GMRCGUIA S:$G(GMRCAD)="" GMRCAD=GMRCNOW S:'$G(GMRCDUZ) GMRCDUZ=DUZ S DFN=$P($G(^GMR(123,GMRCO,0)),"^",2) I DFN="" D Q GMRCERR_"^"_GMRCERMS . S GMRCERR="1",GMRCERMS="Not A Valid Consult - File Not Found." . D EXIT^GMRCGUIA D STATUS^GMRCP I $D(GMRCQUT) D EXIT^GMRCGUIA Q GMRCERR_"^"_GMRCERMS I '$O(GMRCMT(0)) D AUDIT^GMRCP I $O(GMRCMT(0)) D . S DA=$$SETDA^GMRCGUIB . S GMRCMT(0)=DA,GMRCMT=1 . D SETCOM^GMRCGUIB(.GMRCMT,GMRCDUZ) D EN^GMRCHL7(DFN,GMRCO,"","","SC",GMRCORNP,"",.GMRCMT,"",GMRCAD) D ;send alerts . N TXT . S TXT="Comment Added to Consult "_$$ORTX^GMRCAU(GMRCO) . I $P(^GMR(123,+GMRCO,0),U,14) S GMRCADUZ($P(^(0),U,14))="" . D MSG^GMRCP(DFN,TXT,GMRCO,63,.GMRCADUZ,0) D EXIT^GMRCGUIA Q GMRCERR_"^"_GMRCERMS