GMRCSTAT ;SLC/DCM - List Manager Ancilliary routine - Restrict display of consults to a given status or satuses on List Manager Screen ;5/20/98 14:21 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**1**;DEC 27, 1997 ;;This routine calles the appropriate routines to prompt for the status of consults to be printed in List Manager and call routines to collect that data ;;and reformat the List Manager global to print the data on the CRT. EN ; -- main entry point for GMRCACTM CHANGE STATUS VIEW I $D(IOTM),$D(IOBM),$D(IOSTBM) D FULL^VALM1 S GMRCQUIT=0 D STS^GMRCSLM Q:GMRCQUIT D AD^GMRCSLM1 D INIT,HDR I $D(IOTM),$D(IOBM) S VALMBCK="R" D EXIT Q ; HDR ; -- header code D HDR^GMRCSLM Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array K ^TMP("GMRCR",$J,"LIST") S DSPLINE=0,VALMAR="^TMP(""GMRCR"",$J,""LIST"")" F LINE=1:1:LNCT S DSPLINE=$O(^TMP("GMRCR",$J,"CS",DSPLINE)) Q:DSPLINE=""!(DSPLINE?1A.E) S DATA=^(DSPLINE,0) D SET^VALM10(LINE,DATA) S VALMBCK="R",VALMPGE=1,VALMBG=1,VALMLST=LNCT S VALMCNT=LNCT K DSPLINE,DATA,LINE Q ; EXIT ;Kill off local variables and exit Q