GMRCYP42 ;ISP/TDP - PRE/POST INSTALL FOR GMRC*3*42; 3/9/2005 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**42**;DEC 27, 1997 ENV ;env check for service name conflict N GMRCMSG,GMRCSVC,I I $$PATCH^XPDUTL("GMRC*3.0*42") Q K ^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J) S GMRCSVC=0 F S GMRCSVC=$O(^GMR(123.5,GMRCSVC)) Q:'GMRCSVC D . Q:'$D(^GMR(123.5,GMRCSVC,0)) . D CHK1235($P(^GMR(123.5,GMRCSVC,0),U)) I '$D(^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J)) D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL("No conflicts with service being filed.") D WARNING(.GMRCMSG),MES^XPDUTL(.GMRCMSG) D BMES^XPDUTL(" ") S I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J,I)) Q:'I D . D MES^XPDUTL(^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J,I,0)) K ^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J) Q CHK1235(SERVNM) ;check service name against exact or possible conflicts N X,Y S X=SERVNM X ^%ZOSF("UPPERCASE") I Y="CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING" D MSG(SERVNM,0) Q I Y["TELEHEALTH" D MSG(SERVNM,1) Q I Y["TELE HEALTH" D MSG(SERVNM,1) Q Q MSG(TEXT,FLG) ;write install message if exact or partial match N MATCH,NEXT,MSG S MATCH=$S(+FLG:" partially ",1:" exactly ") S NEXT=$O(^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J,999),-1)+1 S MSG=TEXT_MATCH_"matches the service being imported." S ^TMP("GMRCYP42",$J,NEXT,0)=MSG Q WARNING(TXT) ;format warning statement for pre-install in case of conflicts S TXT(1)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT) S TXT(2)="This patch imports data for 1 service in the REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file." S TXT(3)="If the service does not exist in your file, it will be created as a new" S TXT(4)="entry. If the service does exist on your system, some fields of data will" S TXT(5)="be overwritten." ;S TXT(6)="(#1.01) PROVISIONAL DX PROMPT, (#1.02) PROVISIONAL DX INPUT, and " ;S TXT(7)="(#124) DEFAULT REASON FOR REQUEST. " S TXT(8)=" " S TXT(9)="Following this warning message, there will be one or more lines that " S TXT(10)="indicate that either an exact or partial match was found on your system." S TXT(11)="It is highly recommended that the install be aborted at this time until the" S TXT(12)="individual responsible for management of Consult/Request Tracking can " S TXT(13)="review and verify that these changes will not adversely affect operations" S TXT(14)="of the package." Q ; PRE ; load service into REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file N I,SVC D BMES^XPDUTL("Adding CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING as a new consult") D MES^XPDUTL(" service in the REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file.") S SVC=$$FIND1^DIC(123.5,,"QX","CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING") I +SVC D EDIT(SVC) I '+SVC D ADD D BMES^XPDUTL("Pre-init complete.") Q ADD ; add new REQUEST SERVICE N DEFAULT,DIC,DXI,DXP,INTERNAL,OERR,PRINT,PROTOCOL,X K DO S DIC="^GMR(123.5," S DIC(0)="L" S X="CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING" S INTERNAL="CCHT SCREENING" S PRINT="CCHT SC" S DXP="O" S DXI="L" S DEFAULT="Initial Screening for Home Telehealth services." S PROTOCOL="GMRCACTM SERVICE ACTION MENU" S OERR="CONSULTS" S DIC("DR")="11////"_INTERNAL_";1.11////"_PRINT_";2////9;1.01////"_DXP_";1.02////"_DXI_";124///"_DEFAULT_";1.03////0;1.1///"_PRINT_"RN;123.03///"_PROTOCOL_";123.01///"_OERR D FILE^DICN I Y<0 D Q . D BMES^XPDUTL("CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING failed to be added to the") . D MES^XPDUTL(" REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file. Follow the instructions in the patch") . D MES^XPDUTL(" description for manually adding this service.") K Y Q ; EDIT(SVIEN) ; edit existing REQUEST SERVICE N DA,DEFAULT,DIE,DR,DXI,DXP,INTERNAL,OERR,PRINT,PROTOCOL,X K DO S DA=SVIEN S DIE="^GMR(123.5," S INTERNAL="CCHT SCREENING" S PRINT="CCHT SC" S DXP="O" S DXI="L" S DEFAULT="Initial Screening for Home Telehealth services." S PROTOCOL="GMRCACTM SERVICE ACTION MENU" S OERR="CONSULTS" S DR="11////"_INTERNAL_";1.11////"_PRINT_";2////9;1.01////"_DXP_";1.02////"_DXI_";124///"_DEFAULT_";1.03////0;I $D(^GMR(123.5,DA,2,""B"",""CCHT SCRN"")) S Y=123.03;1.1////"_PRINT_"RN;123.03///"_PROTOCOL_";123.01///"_OERR D ^DIE K Y Q ; POST ; load services into SUB-SERVICE SPECIALTY of ALL SERVICES N SVC D BMES^XPDUTL("Adding CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING as a sub-service") D MES^XPDUTL(" to ALL SERVICES in the REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file.") S SVC=$$FIND1^DIC(123.5,,"QX","CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING") I +SVC D SUB(SVC) D BMES^XPDUTL("Post-init complete.") Q SUB(SVIEN) ; add as sub of ALL SERVICES I $D(^GMR(123.5,"APC",SVIEN)) Q N DIC,DA,X K DO S DA(1)=1 S DIC="^GMR(123.5,"_DA(1)_",10," S DIC(0)="L" S X=SVIEN Q:'$L(X) D FILE^DICN I Y<0 D . D BMES^XPDUTL("CARE COORDINATION HOME TELEHEALTH SCREENING failed to be added as a") . D MES^XPDUTL(" sub-service to ALL SERVICES in the REQUEST SERVICES (#123.5) file.") . D MES^XPDUTL(" Follow the instructions in the patch description for manually adding") . D MES^XPDUTL(" this sub-service.") Q