GMRCYP57 ;BP/WAT - POST INSTALL FOR GMRC*3*57 ;JUL 24, 2007 0830 ;;3.0;CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING;**57**;DEC 27, 1997;Build 10 ; ;This patch creates a new entry into the Request Services file, #123.5. ;This new entry supports the entering of IFCs originating from the VA's Suicide Prevention Hotline ;External References ;$$LKUP^XUAF4(): Institution Lookup, ICR # 2171 ;BMES^XPDUTL(): Output a Message, ICR# 10141 ;^DIC ;MIX^DIC1 ;UPDATE^DIE ;^DIK ;SVC^GMRC101H ;MSG^XQOR ;****LOCAL VARIABLES**** ;FDA - FileMan Data Array ;GMRCERR - array to hold any errors returned by UPDATE^DIE ;GMRCIEN - Internal Entry Number Array - used to return the IEN of the newly added service and pass that IEN to the second UPDATE^DIE call as part of the FDA(2) array N FDA,GMRC,ERR,GMRCIEN,STAIEN,ERRMSG S ERRMSG(1)="INSTALL ABORTED - NO CHANGES WERE MADE TO YOUR SYSTEM." S ERRMSG(2)="COULD NOT FIND ""UPSTATE NEW YORK HCS"" IN INSTITUTION FILE" S ERRMSG(3)="CONFIRM FILE ENTRY AND RE-INSTALL" S ERRMSG(4)="IF STILL UNSUCCESSFUL, CONTACT VA NAT'L HELP DESK OR SUBMIT REMEDY TICKET" S STAIEN=$$LKUP^XUAF4(528) ;return IEN from INSTITUTION file for this station number I 'STAIEN D BMES^XPDUTL(ERRMSG) Q:'STAIEN D ADDENTRY D AD2ALSVC D ORDUPDT Q ADDENTRY ; add new service to 123.5 S FDA(1,123.5,"+1,",.01)="SUICIDE HOTLINE" S FDA(1,123.5134,"+2,+1,",.01)=STAIEN S FDA(1,123.5,"+1,",2)="2" D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(1)","GMRCIEN","GMRCERR($J)") Q AD2ALSVC ;add new service as sub-serivce of All Services S FDA(2,123.5,"?1,",.01)="ALL SERVICES" S FDA(2,123.51,"+4,?1,",.01)=$P(GMRCIEN(1),U,1) D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA(2)","GMRCIEN","GMRCERR($J)") Q ORDUPDT ;update orderable items file with new service entry ;GMRCSRVC - ien of new service, GMRCSSNM - name of new service N DIC,GMRCMSG,GMRCSRVC,GMRCSSNM,GMRCACT S DIC="^GMR(123.5,",DIC(0)="B",X="SUICIDE HOTLINE" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 S GMRCSRVC=$P(Y,U) S GMRCSSNM=$P(Y,U,2) S GMRCACT="MUP" D SVC^GMRC101H(GMRCSRVC,GMRCSSNM,GMRCACT),MSG^XQOR("GMRC ORDERABLE ITEM UPDATE",.GMRCMSG) K X,Y Q PRE ;clean up and old entries of SUICIDE CONSULTS from previous test versions N DIC,DIK,DA,SVCIEN,SBSVCIEN,SVCIENSH ;SVCIEN - IEN of "ALL SERVICES" ;SBSVCIEN - IEN corresponding to SUICIDE HOTLINE entry in SUBSERVICE of ALL SERVICES ;SVCIENSH - IEN of 'SUICIDE HOTLINE" S DIC="^GMR(123.5,",DIC(0)="B",X="ALL SERVICES" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 S SVCIEN=$P(Y,U) K X,Y ;now i have IEN for all services S DIC="^GMR(123.5,1,10,",DIC(0)="",D="AC",X="SUICIDE HOTLINE" D MIX^DIC1 ;1st piece is subservice ien, 2nd piece is top leve ien for suicide hotline Q:Y=-1 S SBSVCIEN=$P(Y,U),SVCIENSH=$P(Y,U,2) K X,Y,D ;now i have ien for suicide subservice and ien for suicide top level entry ;remove suicide as a subservice of all services S DIK="^GMR(123.5,"_SVCIEN_",10,",DA=SBSVCIEN,DA(1)=SVCIEN D ^DIK Q:Y=-1 N GMRCMSG,GMRCSRVC,GMRCSSNM,GMRCACT S DIC="^GMR(123.5,",DIC(0)="B",X="SUICIDE HOTLINE" D ^DIC Q:Y=-1 S GMRCSRVC=$P(Y,U) S GMRCSSNM=$P(Y,U,2) S GMRCACT="MDC" D SVC^GMRC101H(GMRCSRVC,GMRCSSNM,GMRCACT),MSG^XQOR("GMRC ORDERABLE ITEM UPDATE",.GMRCMSG) ;remove suicide from 123.5 S DIK="^GMR(123.5,",DA=SVCIENSH D ^DIK K X,Y Q