PSDTRA ;BIR/JPW-Transfer Stock Entries from AOU to NAOU ; 18 July 94 ;;3.0; CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ;;13 Feb 97 I '$D(PSDSITE) D ^PSDSET Q:'$D(PSDSITE) K LOC("TR") S CNT=0,PSDUZ=DUZ W !!,"This option will copy the stock entries from one AR/WS AOU into NAOUs you ",!,"select. No more than 10 transfers are allowed at a time.",!,"Inactive drugs will not be transferred.",! NUM ;ask how many NAOUs W ! K DA,DIR,DIRUT S DIR(0)="SO^1:Transfer to one NAOU;2:Transfer to multiple NAOUs",DIR("A")="Select Transfer Type" S DIR("?",1)="Answer '1' if transfer to only ONE NAOU is desired, '2' if the same",DIR("?")="stock list is to be copied into more than one NAOU, or '^' to quit." D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) END S ANS=+Y METHOD ;asks method of stock transfer W !!!,"=> Methods of transferring stock drug data." W ! K DA,DIR,DIRUT S DIR(0)="SO^1:Drug name only;2:Drug name, stock level, and location code;3:Drug name, stock level, location code, and inv. types",DIR("A")="Select Transfer Method" S DIR("?",1)="Answer '1' if transfer of ONLY drug name is desired, '2' if you wish to",DIR("?",2)="copy drug name, stock level, and location code, '3' if you wish to transfer" S DIR("?")="drug name, stock level, location code, and inv. type, or '^' to quit." D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) END S MTR=+Y FROM ;select AR/WS AOU to transfer stock from W ! K DA,DIC S DIC=58.1,DIC(0)="QEA",DIC("A")="Select AR/WS AOU to transfer drug stock FROM: " D ^DIC K DIC G:Y<0 END S AOU=+Y TO ;select NAOU(s) to transfer stock to W ! K DA,DIC S DIC=58.8,DIC(0)="QEA",DIC("A")="Select NAOU to transfer drug stock INTO: ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),""^"",2)'=""P"",$P(^(0),""^"",3)=+PSDSITE" D ^DIC K DIC G:(Y<0)&(ANS=1) END G:(Y<0)&(ANS=2) CHK S LOC("TR",+Y)="",CNT=CNT+1 I CNT>9 W !!,"You may not transfer TO additional NAOUs at this time.",!,"Enter the option again to transfer to more NAOUs.",! I ANS=2,CNT<10 G TO CHK ;checks for valid NAOUs G:'$O(LOC("TR",0)) END W !!,?5,"I will now COPY the ENTIRE drug stock list from ",!,?5,$P(^PSI(58.1,AOU,0),"^")," into" F TR=0:0 S TR=$O(LOC("TR",TR)) Q:'TR W !,?5,$P(^PSD(58.8,TR,0),"^") W !!,?5,"I will transfer ",$S(MTR=3:"drug name, stock level, location code and types.",MTR=2:"drug name, stock level and location code.",1:"drug name only.") W !! K DA,DIR,DIRUT S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Are you sure that is what you want to do" S DIR("?",1)="Answer 'YES' if you wish to transfer stock entries,",DIR("?")="answer 'NO' or if you do not." D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!$D(DIRUT) G END QUE W !!,"This job will automatically be queued to run in the background.",!,"You'll be notified by a MailMan message when the transfer is completed.",! S NAOUT="" F TR=0:0 S TR=$O(LOC("TR",TR)) Q:'TR S NAOUT=NAOUT_TR_"," S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H,ZTRTN="^PSDTRA1",ZTDESC="Transfer AR/WS Stock to NAOU" S (ZTSAVE("MTR"),ZTSAVE("NAOUT"),ZTSAVE("AOU"),ZTSAVE("PSDUZ"))="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,"Transfer AR/WS Stock Drugs to NAOU has been queued.",! END K ANS,AOU,CNT,DA,DIC,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,LOC,MTR,NAOUT,PSDUZ,TR,X,Y,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@"