ICPTSR1 ;ALB/ABR,MRY - CPT IENS - REV CPT CODES ; 1/3/03 2:38pm ;;6.0;CPT/HCPCS;**3,4,8,9,12,13**;May 19, 1997;Build 1 ; ; This routine points to the ien's of the REVISED CPT codes for 2003 ; It is used by the print option, in routine ICPTPRN to create a ; temporary global to sort by. ; START ; CREATE GLOBAL N ICPTN,ICPTTMP,ICPTX,I,J F J=2:1:3 S END=0 D . F I=1:1 S FILE="TEXT+"_I_"^ICPTSR"_J D Q:END .. S ICPTX=$P($T(@FILE),";",3) .. I ICPTX["$END" S END=1 Q .. S ICPTN=$S(+ICPTX:+ICPTX,1:""""_$P(ICPTX,U)_"""") .. S ICPTTMP="^TMP(""REVCPT"",$J,"_ICPTN_","_$P(ICPTX,U,2)_")" .. S @ICPTTMP="" ;D ^ICPTSR2 ; next part of codes Q ;