DENTCPM1 ;Wash/HCD,JED-Dental CPM Help Processing ; 11/6/87 3:36 PM ; ;VERSION 1.2 ; HLP4 D H W !!,?10,"A. Zero to two teeth",!,?10,"B. Three to five teeth",!,?10,"C. Six teeth or more" S B="A,B,C" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q S:X="A" DENTAPT=0 S:X="B" DENTAPT=1 I X["C" W !!,?10,"A. Heavy calculus",!,?10,"B. Nominal calculus" S B="A,B" D DERD S:X["A" DENTAPT=2 S:X["B" DENTAPT=1 G:DENTAPT="" HLP4 S DENTS=3 D DEAPPT Q HLP6 D H W !!,?10,"A. Less than six teeth",!,?10,"B. Six teeth or more" S B="A,B" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X["A" S DENTAPT=0,DENTS=5 D DEAPPT Q HLP6A G:X'["B" HLP6 W !!,?10,"Is there a moderate, severe or acute periodontal condition" S %=1 D YN^DICN G HLP6A:%=0 I %=1 S DENTAPT=6,DENTS=5 D DEAPPT Q W !!,?10,"A. Patient's Age 40 to 60 years old",!,?10,"B. Patient's age under 40 years old" S B="A,B" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X["A" S DENTAPT=1,DENTS=5 D DEAPPT Q W !!,?10,"Are there:",!!,?10,"A. Three or more sextants to receive C&B",!,?10,"B. Less than three sextants to receive C&B" S B="A,B" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X["A" S DENTAPT=1,DENTS=5 D DEAPPT Q HLP6B W !!,?10,"Is Gingivitis present" S %=1 D YN^DICN G HLP6B:%=0 S DENTAPT=$S(%=1:1,1:0),DENTS=5 D DEAPPT Q HLP8 D H W !!,?10,"Enter the number (from 1 to 8) of anterior and",!,?10,"bicuspids to receive ENDODONTIC treatment" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X'?.N!(X<1)!(X>8) W *7 G HLP8 S A=3 S:X>4 A=4 S:X=0 A=0 I X=1!(X=2) S A=2 HLP8A W !!,?10,"Enter the number (from 1 to 12) of molars to receive ENDO treatment" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X'?.N!(X<1)!(X>12) W *7 G HLP8A S DENTAPT=A+$S(X=0:0,X=1:2,X=2:3,1:4),DENTS=7 D DEAPPT Q HLP10 D H W !!,?10,"Enter the number (from 1 to 6) of sextants to receive RESTORATIONS" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X'?.N!(X<1)!(X>6) W *7 G HLP10 S:X<4 DENTAPT=X S:X>3 DENTAPT=X+1 S DENTS=9 D DEAPPT Q HLP12 D H W !!,?10,"A. Extractions",!,?10,"B. Other Procedures",!,?10,"C. Extractions and other" S B="A,B,C" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q G:"ABC"'[X HLP12 I X["B" S DENTAPT=2,DENTS=11 D DEAPPT Q S A=0 S:X["C" A=2 W !!,?10,"A. 1 to 6 teeth to be extracted",!,?10,"B. 6 or more teeth to be extracted" S B="A,B" D DERD I X["A" S DENTAPT=A+1,DENTS=11 D DEAPPT Q I X["B" S DENTAPT=A+2,DENTS=11 D DEAPPT Q G HLP12 HLP14 D H W !!,?10,"Enter the number (from 1 to 6) of sextants to receive C&B" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q I X'?.N!(X<1)!(X>6) W *7 G HLP14 S:X=0 DENTAPT=0 S:X>0 DENTAPT=X*3 S DENTS=13 D DEAPPT Q HLP16 D H W !!,?10,"The patient is in need of:",!,?10,"A. A new removable prosthetic",!,?10,"B. A rebased prosthetic",!,?10,"C. No removable prosthetic" S B="A,B,C" D DERD I X=""!(X="^") Q S:X["A" DENTAPT=0 S:X["B" DENTAPT=5 S:X["C" DENTAPT=2 G:DENTAPT="" HLP16 S DENTS=15 D DEAPPT Q H W !!,?10,"Answering the following question will calculate the",!,?10,"number of appointments necessary for this category." Q DEAPPT W !!,"With the information provided, ",DENTAPT," appointment"_$S(DENTAPT=1:" was",1:"s were")," calculated to be necessary.",! W:DENTAPT "This value has been entered.",! S:DENTAPT $P(^DENT(220,D0,9,DA,0),"^",DENTS)=DENTAPT,DE(DQ)=DENTAPT K %,A,DENTS,X,DENTAPT Q DERD S DENTAPT="" R !!,?10,"Enter your selection here: ",X:DTIME Q:X=""!(X="^") I X["?" D Q G DERD I $D(B),B'[X W *7 D Q G DERD K B Q Q W !,?10,"Select ",B," or press return to exit this set of questions." Q