FHWOR7 ; HISC/NCA - OE/RR Procedure Call ;2/17/95 10:28 ;;5.5;DIETETICS;;Jan 28, 2005 EN1 ; OE/RR passes the Patient DFN and the information is stored in ^TMP K ^TMP($J,"FHTF"),^TMP($J,"FHSF"),^TMP($J,"FHPF") S FHZ115="P"_DFN D CHECK^FHOMDPA I FHDFN="" Q S FHWRD=$G(^DPT(DFN,.1)) G:FHWRD="" KIL S FHADM=$G(^DPT("CN",FHWRD,DFN)) G:FHADM<1 KIL I '$D(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",FHADM,0)) G KIL SF ; Get Current Supplemental Feeding order and store in ^TMP($J,"FHSF",1). ; The information is stored in the following: ; ; ^TMP($J,"FHSF",1)=DATE ORDERED_"^"_10am fdg_"^"_2pm fdg_"^"_8pm fdg ; Under each feeding it is stored as Quantity_" "_fdg name 1_";"_ ; Quantity_" "_fdg name 2... up to 4. S FHNO=$P($G(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",FHADM,0)),"^",7) G:'FHNO TF S FHX=$G(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",FHADM,"SF",FHNO,0)),FHX1=$P(FHX,"^",2) S FHL=4 F FHK1=1:1:3 S FHN(FHK1)="" F FHK2=1:1:4 S FHX2=$P(FHX,"^",FHL+1),FHX3=$P(FHX,"^",FHL+2),FHL=FHL+2 I FHX2 S:FHN(FHK1)'="" FHN(FHK1)=FHN(FHK1)_";" S FHN(FHK1)=FHN(FHK1)_$S(FHX3:FHX3,1:1)_" "_$P($G(^FH(118,FHX2,0)),"^",1) S FHX=FHX1_"^"_FHN(1)_"^"_FHN(2)_"^"_FHN(3) S ^TMP($J,"FHSF",1)=FHX TF ; Get Tubefeeding total Kcal/Day and store in ^TMP($J,"FHTF",1). S FHNO=$P($G(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",FHADM,0)),"^",4) G:'FHNO FP S FHX=$G(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",FHADM,"TF",FHNO,0)) S FHX=$P(FHX,"^",7) S ^TMP($J,"FHTF",1)=FHX FP ; Get Food Preferences and store all Likes in ^TMP($J,"FHFP","L") ; and all Dislikes in ^TMP($J,"FHFP","D"). The information is store ; in the following: ; ; ^TMP($J,"FHFP","L",1)=Quantity_" "_Food Preference name_"^"_Meal ; ^TMP($J,"FHFP","D",1)=Food Preference name_"^"_Meals. S (FHD,FHL)=0 F FHNO=0:0 S FHNO=$O(^FHPT(FHDFN,"P",FHNO)) Q:FHNO<1 S FHX=$G(^(FHNO,0)) D SP G KIL SP S FHZ=$G(^FH(115.2,+FHX,0)) I $P(FHZ,"^",2)="L" S FHL=FHL+1,^TMP($J,"FHFP","L",FHL)=$S($P(FHX,"^",3):$P(FHX,"^",3),1:1)_" "_$P(FHZ,"^",1)_"^"_$P(FHX,"^",2) Q E S FHD=FHD+1,^TMP($J,"FHFP","D",FHD)=$P(FHZ,"^",1)_"^"_$P(FHX,"^",2) Q KIL K FHADM,FHD,FHK1,FHK2,FHL,FHN,FHNO,FHX,FHX1,FHX2,FHX3,FHWRD,FHZ Q