FHXWRD ; HISC/REL/NCA - Update Patient Dietetic Ward ;8/7/95 15:13 ;;5.5;DIETETICS;;Jan 28, 2005 EN1 ; Ask user whether they want to update R !!,"Update the Patient Dietetic Location? N// ",X:DTIME G:'$T!(X["^") KIL S:X="" X="N" D TR^FH I $P("YES",X,1)'="",$P("NO",X,1)'="" D MSG G EN1 I X?1"Y".E D E1 W !!,"....Done" G KIL E1 ; Process Updating Patient Dietetic Ward K ^FHPT("AW") S NX="" F S NX=$O(^DPT("CN",NX)) Q:NX="" F DFN=0:0 S DFN=$O(^DPT("CN",NX,DFN)) Q:DFN'>0 S ADM=^(DFN) D SET Q SET D DID^FHDPA S FHZ115="P"_DFN D CHECK^FHOMDPA I FHDFN="" Q Q:$D(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",+ADM,0))#2=0 S Y=$P(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",ADM,0),"^",8,9),$P(^(0),"^",8,9)=FHWRD_"^"_FHRMB S:FHWRD ^FHPT("AW",FHWRD,FHDFN)=ADM I (FHWRD_"^"_FHRMB)'=Y S EVT="L^T^^"_$P(Y,"^",1)_"~"_$P(Y,"^",2) S:FHWRD EVT=EVT_"~"_FHWRD_"~"_FHRMB S:'FHWRD $P(EVT,"^",2)="D" D ^FHORX Q:'FHWRD ; Update Type of Service S FHX3=$P($G(^FH(119.6,+FHWRD,0)),"^",10) S:FHX3="" FHX3="TCD" I FHX3[$P(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",ADM,0),"^",5) Q S FHX3=$S($L(FHX3)=1:FHX3,FHX3["D":"D",1:"C"),$P(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",ADM,0),"^",5)=FHX3 S FHX2=$P(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",ADM,0),"^",2) I FHX2,$P($G(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",ADM,"DI",+FHX2,0)),"^",8)'="" S $P(^(0),"^",8)=FHX3 Q KIL G KILL^XUSCLEAN MSG ; Write Error Message W *7,!,"Answer YES or NO on whether you want to update the Dietetic" W !,"locations for inpatients. This will insert the proper location" W !,"into the Dietetic Patient file for the appropriate admission." W !,"NOTE: During installation, the Dietetic locations for inpatients" W !,"have been updated already and this option will update them again." Q