PSALOC1 ;BIR/MNT,DB-Set Up/Edit a Pharmacy Location ;7/23/97 ;;3.0; DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY/INVENTORY INTERFACE;**21**; 10/24/97 W !,"This option lets you change the location type. For example: Inpatient and",!,"Outpatient locations can be changed to a Combined (IP/OP) location." W !,"Combined (IP/OP) locations, can be changed to either an Inpatient Location",!,"an Outpatient location, or BOTH.",! Q PSAHLP2 ; PSAHLP3 ; W !,"An Inpatient site is required to allow linking of IV rooms to the location." Q PSAHLP4 ; W !,^DD(58.8,20,3),! F X=1,2 W !,^DD(58.8,20,21,X,0) Q PSAHLP5 ; W !,^DD(58.831,.01,3) W ! F X=1:1:4 W !,^DD(58.831,.01,21,X,0) Q PSAHLP6 ; W !,^DD(58.842,.01,3) W ! F X=1,2 W !,^DD(58.842,.01,21,X,0) Q PSAHLP7 ; W !,"This option allows editting of a location's inactivation date.",! Q PSAHLP8 ; W !,"The Enter/Edit a Drug option adds a new drug to the pharmacy location.",!,"It also displays the balance of an existing drug." Q PSAHLP9 ; W !,"This option sets up a flag on a pharmacy location or master vault to maintain",!,"the stock and reorder levels or removes the flag.",! Q PSAHLP10 ; W !,"This option allows the re-activation of an inactive pharmacy location.",! Q PSASETUP ;Setup mail message recipients S X="PSA REORDER LEVEL",DIC="^XMB(3.8," D ^DIC S PSAREORD=+Y,PSAREORD(1)=X S X="PSA UPDATE NDC",DIC="^XMB(3.8," D ^DIC S PSAUPDT=+Y,PSAUPDT(1)=X K XMY W !,"Currently, any user who holds the 'PSA ORDERS' key, receives the mail message",!,"'Drug Balances Below Reorder Level' & 'NDC/PRICE change messages'." W !,"Two mail groups have been established to determine who receives the message.",! W !,"Members added to the mail group must first possess the 'PSA ORDERS' key.",! ; 1 S PSAGRP="PSA REORDER LEVEL" D MEMBER S PSAGRP="PSA NDC UPDATES" MEMBER W !,"Do you want to edit the users for the "_PSAGRP_" mail group? YES//" R AN:DTIME Q:AN["^" S:AN="" AN="Y" S AN=$E(AN) I "yYNn"'[AN W !,"Answer 'Y'es and you will be able to edit the members of this mailgroup." K AN G MEMBER I "nN"[AN Q ; MEMASK S DIC(0)="AEQMZ",DIC="^VA(200,",DIC("S")="I $D(^XUSEC(""PSA ORDERS"",+Y))" D ^DIC I +Y'>0 Q K XMY S XMY(+Y)="" ACTION R !,"Select 'A' to Add the user or 'D' to delete the user. ADD//",AN:DTIME S:AN="" AN="A" I "AadD"'[AN W !,"Enter a 'D' and if the user is already a member of the group, they'll be deleted." K AN G ACTION I "Aa"[AN S X5=$$MG^XMBGRP(PSAGRP,0,DUZ,1,.XMY,,0) I "dD"[AN S X5=$$DM^XMBGRP(PSAGRP,.XMY,0) I X5'>0 W !,"Sorry, couldn't perform action." G MEMASK W !,"task completed." G MEMASK Q Q