PSALOGON ;BIR/JMB-Logon Utility ;7/23/97 ;;3.0; DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY/INVENTORY INTERFACE;; 10/24/97 ;This routine displays the number of invoices the user needs to process ;or verify when the user signs on the system. The PSALOGON option needs ;to be placed on the system that the users signon to. Then PSA ORDERS ;ALERT option needs to be added as an item to the XU USER SIGN-ON ;option. ; SIGNON Q:'$D(^XUSEC("PSA ORDERS",DUZ)) S (PSACNTP,PSACTRL)=0 F S PSACTRL=$O(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL)) Q:'PSACTRL D .Q:'$D(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IN")) .S:$P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IN"),"^",8)'="P" PSACNTP=PSACNTP+1 VERIFY S (PSACNTV,PSAORD)=0 F S PSAORD=$O(^PSD(58.811,"ASTAT","P",PSAORD)) Q:'PSAORD D .S PSAINV=0 F S PSAINV=$O(^PSD(58.811,"ASTAT","P",PSAORD,PSAINV)) Q:'PSAINV D ..Q:+$P($G(^PSD(58.811,PSAORD,1,PSAINV,0)),"^",10)=DUZ ..I $P($G(^PSD(58.811,PSAORD,1,PSAINV,0)),"^",8)="S"!($P($G(^PSD(58.811,PSAORD,0)),"^",8)="A"),'$D(^XUSEC("PSJ RPHARM",DUZ)) Q ..S PSACNTV=PSACNTV+1 G:'PSACNTP&('PSACNTV) EXIT I PSACNTP,PSACNTV S PSAMSG="!There "_$S(PSACNTP>1:"are "_PSACNTP_" invoices",1:"is 1 invoice")_" to process and "_$S(PSACNTV>1:PSACNTV_" invoices",1:"1 invoice")_" to verify." G SEND I PSACNTP S:PSACNTP>1 PSAMSG="!There are "_PSACNTP_" invoices to process." S:PSACNTP=1 PSAMSG="!There is 1 invoice to process." G SEND I PSACNTV S:PSACNTV>1 PSAMSG="!There are "_PSACNTV_" invoices to verify." S:PSACNTV=1 PSAMSG="!There is 1 invoice to verify." G SEND Q ; SEND D SET^XUS1A(PSAMSG) ; EXIT K PSACNTP,PSACNTV,PSACTRL,PSAINV,PSAMSG,PSAORD Q