PSAOP3 ;BIR/LTL,JMB-Nightly Background Job ;7/23/97 ;;3.0; DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY/INVENTORY INTERFACE;**21**; 10/24/97 ;This is the entry point to gather outpatient pharmacy dispensing data ;for all drugs in all pharmacy locations. When the drug is released in ;outpatient, an ^XTMP("PSA") global is set to contain the dispensing ;data. It is called by PSAPSI3. ;^XTMP("PSA",59.7 OP Site#,50 Drug#,Date dispensed)=Total Qty Dispensed ; N PSA,PSADRUG,PSALOC ;PSA=OP SITE, PSA(1)=DRUG(IEN), PSA(2)=DT LUP S PSA=0 F S PSA=$O(^XTMP("PSA",PSA)) Q:'PSA D .S PSA(1)=0 F S PSA(1)=$O(^XTMP("PSA",PSA,PSA(1))) Q:'PSA(1) D ..S PSA(2)=0 F S PSA(2)=$O(^XTMP("PSA",PSA,PSA(1),PSA(2))) Q:'PSA(2) D ...S PSALOC=$O(^PSD(58.8,"AOP",PSA,0)),PSADRUG=PSA(1) ...;PSA*3*21 (due to multiple OP locations, check for Inactive - Dave B) ...I $P($G(^PSD(58.8,PSALOC,7,PSA,0)),"^",2)'="" Q ...S PSA(3)=$G(^XTMP("PSA",PSA,PSA(1),PSA(2))) ...D:$D(^PSD(58.8,+PSALOC,1,PSADRUG))&($P($G(^PSD(58.8,+PSALOC,0)),U,2)="P") ^PSAOP1 ...K ^XTMP("PSA",PSA,PSA(1),PSA(2)) S X1=DT,X2=7 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP("PSA",0)=X_"^"_DT_"^Drug Accountability Dispensing Data" QUIT Q