PSAPROC8 ;BIR/JMB-Process Uploaded Prime Vendor Invoice Data - CONT'D ;7/23/97 ;;3.0; DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY/INVENTORY INTERFACE;**3,64**; 10/24/97;Build 4 ;This routine processes uploaded invoices. ; DU ;Prompts Dispense Unit if blank F L +^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,0):$S($G(DILOCKTM)>0:DILOCKTM,1:3) I Q S DIE="^PSDRUG(",DA=PSAIEN,DR=14.5 D ^DIE K DIE L -^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,0) I +$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,660)),"^",8) D G DU .F L +^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,0):$S($G(DILOCKTM)>0:DILOCKTM,1:3) I Q .S DIE="^PSDRUG(",DA=PSAIEN,DR="14.5///@" D ^DIE K DIE L -^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,0) I $P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,660)),"^",8)'="" S PSADU=1 Q ; W !,"The dispense units must be entered to change",!,"the status of the invoice to Processed." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to enter the dispense units now",DIR("?",1)="Enter Yes to return to the DISPENSE UNIT prompt.",DIR("?")="Enter No to bypass entering the dispense units now." S DIR("??")="^D DISPYN^PSAPROC8" D ^DIR K DIR I $G(DIRUT) S PSAOUT=1 Q G:+Y DU Q ; DUOU ;Gets Dispense Units per Order Unit W:'$G(PSADU) !,"DISPENSE UNITS: "_$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,660)),"^",8) S PSADU=1 F L +^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,0):$S($G(DILOCKTM)>0:DILOCKTM,1:3) I Q S DIE="^PSDRUG("_PSAIEN_",1,",DA(1)=PSAIEN,DA=+PSASUB,DR=403 D ^DIE K DIE L -^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,0) I $D(Y)!($G(DTOUT)) S PSAOUT=1 Q Q:+$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",7) ; S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Y",DIR("A",1)="The dispense units per order unit must be entered to change the ",DIR("A")="status of the invoice to Processed. Do you want to enter the data now" S DIR("?",1)="Enter Yes to return to the "_$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,660)),"^",8)_"s per "_$P($G(^DIC(51.5,+$P($P(PSADATA,"^",2),"~",2),0)),"^",2)_" prompt." S DIR("?")="Enter No to bypass entering the dispense units now.",DIR("??")="^D DUOUYN^PSAPROC8" D ^DIR K DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S PSAOUT=1 Q G:+Y DUOU Q OK ; S PSACNTOK=PSACNTOK+1,PSAOK(PSACNTOK)=$P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IN"),"^",4)_"^"_$P(^("IN"),"^",2)_"^"_PSACTRL_"^"_$P(^("IN"),"^",7) Q PRICE ;Price per Order Unit changed S PSAIPR=$L($FN($P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",3),",",2)),PSAFPR=$L($FN($P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",6),",",2)) S PSAJUST=$S(PSAIPR>PSAFPR:PSAIPR,1:PSAFPR) W !!,"Price per Order Unit -- Invoice's: $"_$J($FN($P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",3),",",2),PSAJUST,2),!?24,"File's : $"_$J($FN($P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",6),",",2),PSAJUST,2),! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is the invoice's price per order unit correct",DIR("B")="Y",DIR("?",1)="Enter Yes if "_$P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",3)_" is correct." S DIR("?")="Enter No to keep the file's price per order unit.",DIR("??")="^D PRICEOU^PSAPROC1" D ^DIR K DIR I $G(DIRUT) S PSAOUT=1 Q S $P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",22)=+Y I '+Y S $P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",23)=+$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",6),$P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",24)=DUZ,$P(^(PSALINE),"^",25)=DT Q ; REORDER ;Enter reorder level for drug if the field is blank. W:'$G(PSADU) !,"DISPENSE UNITS: "_$P($G(^PSDRUG(+PSAIEN,660)),"^",8) S PSADU=1,DIR(0)="NO^0:99999",DIR("A")="REORDER LEVEL IN "_$P($G(^PSD(58.8,PSALOC,0)),"^") S DIR("?")="Enter the minimum number of dispense units to keep in the "_$S($P(PSADATA,"^",19)="CS":"master vault.",1:"pharmacy location."),DIR("??")="^D REORD^PSAPROC8" S DIR("B")=$S(+$P(PSADATA,"^",21):+$P(PSADATA,"^",21),+$P($G(^PSD(58.8,PSALOC,1,PSAIEN,0)),"^",5):$P(^PSD(58.8,PSALOC,1,PSAIEN,0),"^",5),1:"") D ^DIR K DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S PSAOUT=1 Q S $P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",21)=+Y Q ; STOCK ;Enter stock level for drug if the field is blank. W:'$G(PSADU) !,"DISPENSE UNITS: "_$P($G(^PSDRUG(+PSAIEN,660)),"^",8) S PSADU=1,DIR(0)="NO^0:99999",DIR("A")="STOCK LEVEL IN "_$P($G(^PSD(58.8,+PSALOC,0)),"^") S DIR("?")="Enter the minimum number of dispense units to keep on the shelf",DIR("??")="^D STKLEVEL^PSAPROC8" S DIR("B")=$S(+$P(PSADATA,"^",27):+$P(PSADATA,"^",27),+$P($G(^PSD(58.8,PSALOC,1,PSAIEN,0)),"^",3):$P(^PSD(58.8,PSALOC,1,PSAIEN,0),"^",3),1:"") D ^DIR K DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S PSAOUT=1 Q Q:$G(DIRUT) S:+Y $P(^XTMP("PSAPV",PSACTRL,"IT",PSALINE),"^",27)=+Y Q ; DISPYN ;Extended help to enter dispense units W !?5,"Enter Yes if you want to enter the dispense units now.",!!?5,"Enter No to bypass entering the dispense units. The invoice will not",!?5,"be placed in a Processed status if the dispense units are not entered." Q DUOUYN ;Extended help to enter dispense units per order units W !?5,"Enter Yes if you want to enter the dispense units per order unit now.",!!?5,"Enter No to bypass entering the dispense units per order unit. The" W !?5,"invoice will not be placed in a "_$S($D(PSABEFOR):"Verified",1:"Processed")_" status if the dispense units",!?5,"are not entered." Q PRICEOU ;Extended help to 'Is invoice's price per order unit correct' W !?5,"Enter Yes if the invoice's price per order unit is correct. The",!?5,"invoice's price per order unit will be entered into the DRUG file." W !!?5,"Enter No if the invoice's price per order unit is not correct.",!?5,"The DRUG file's price per order unit will remain the same." Q REORD ;Extended help for 'Reorder level' W !?5,"Enter the lowest amount of "_$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSAIEN,660)),"^",8)_"s to keep in the "_$S($P(PSADATA,"^",19)="CS":"master vault",1:"pharmacy location")_"." W !!?5,"When the amount on hand is lower than the reorder level, a mail",!?5,"message will be sent showing the drug name, reorder level, and",!?5,"quantity on hand." Q STKLEVEL ;Extended help for 'Stock level' W !?5,"Enter the ideal number of dispense units to keep on the shelf. When the",!?5,"number of dispense units is equal to or less than the reorder level, the" W !?5,"amount to order is determined by subtracting the current number of dispense",!?5,"units from the stock level." Q