PSAVERA2 ;BHM/DB - Edit previously verified invoices #2;21DEC99 ;;3.0;DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY/INVENTORY INTERFACE;**21,49**; 10/24/97 ;References to ^PSDRUG( are covered by IA #2095 ; ASKDRUG ;Change drug S PSAGAIN=0,PSABEFOR=PSADRG,DIC(0)="AEQMZ",DIC="^PSDRUG(" D ^DIC K DIC I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S PSAOUT=1 Q S PSADJFLD="D",PSAREA="",PSASUPP=0 I +Y=-1 D Q:PSASUPP!(PSAOUT) .S PSAVER=1 D SUPPLY^PSANDF Q:PSAOUT I 'PSASUPP S PSAGAIN=1 Q .S PSA50IEN=0,PSADJ=PSAREA,PSAREA="" .D RECORD G:$G(PSAGAIN) ASKDRUG S (PSA50IEN,PSADJ,PSADRG)=+Y D RECORD,VERDISP^PSAUTL4 I PSANDC'="",$O(^PSDRUG("C",PSANDC,PSA50IEN,0)) D .S PSASUB=+$O(^PSDRUG("C",PSANDC,PSA50IEN,0)),$P(^PSD(58.811,PSAIEN,1,PSAIEN1,2),"^",3)=PSASUB .I '+$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSA50IEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",7) D DUOU^PSAVER2 Q .I +$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSA50IEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",7),+$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSA50IEN,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",7)'=+$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSABEFOR,1,PSASUB,0)),"^",7) D DUOU^PSAVER2 W !,"Decrementing balance of "_PSABAL_" from "_$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSADRG,0)),"^") W !,"Increasing balance of "_PSANEWD_" by "_PSABAL_"." Q W !!,"Note that if you change the drug on this line item, the balances will be",!,"updated." LOCATION ;Change pharmacy location W !,"If the location is changed, the balances will be decremented from the original",!,"location, the transaction file will record the proper changes.",! LST ;List all data associated with location/drug ;get data from 58.8 & 58.81 ;Show allsysnonym data from drug file. RECORD ;Add adjusted data to DA Orders file K PSASUBB W !,"ok, we'll update the files now at RECORD" S PSABFR=0 F S PSABFR=$O(^PSDRUG(PSABEFOR,1,PSABFR)) Q:PSABFR=$G(PSASUB) Q:PSABFR'>0 S PSASUBB=PSABFR I $G(PSASUBB) S PREVDATA=$G(^PSDRUG(PSABEFOR,1,PSASUBB,0)) D .W !,"Will update old drug data with previous synonym data of : ",!,?20,PREVDATA I '$G(PSASUBB) W !,"Could not find previous sysnonym data, therefore the prices will remain as",!,"they are.",!