ECXAPHA ;ALB/TMD-Pharmacy Extracts Unusual Volumes Report ; 12/22/03 10:20am ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**40,49,66,104,109**;Dec 22, 1997;Build 2 ; EN ; entry point N X,Y,DATE,ECRUN,ECXOPT,ECXDESC,ECXSAVE,ECXTL,ECTHLD,ECSD N ECSD1,ECSTART,ECED,ECEND,ECXERR,QFLG S QFLG=0 ; get today's date D NOW^%DTC S DATE=X,Y=$E(%,1,12) D DD^%DT S ECRUN=$P(Y,"@") K %DT D BEGIN Q:QFLG D SELECT Q:QFLG S ECXDESC=ECXTL_" Extract Unusual Volume Report" S ECXSAVE("EC*")="" W !!,"This report requires 132-column format." D EN^XUTMDEVQ("PROCESS^ECXAPHA",ECXDESC,.ECXSAVE) I POP W !!,"No device selected...exiting.",! Q I IO'=IO(0) D ^%ZISC D HOME^%ZIS D AUDIT^ECXKILL Q ; BEGIN ; display report description W @IOF W !,"This report prints a listing of unusual volumes that would be" W !,"generated by the pharmacy extracts (PRE, IVP and UDP) as" W !,"determined by a user defined threshold value. It shoud be run" W !,"prior to the generation of the actual extract(s) to identify and" W !,"fix as necessary any volumes determined to be erroneous." W !!,"Unusual volumes are defined as follows:" W !!,"PRE Extract: Quantity field greater than the threshold value." W !,"IVP Extract: Total Doses Per Day field greater than the threshold" W !,?14,"or less than the negative of the threshold value." W !,"UDP Extract: Quantity field greater than threshold value." W !!,"Note: The threshold can be set after a report is selected." W !!,"Run times for this report will vary depending upon the size of" W !,"the extract and could take as long as 30 minutes or more to" W !,"complete. This report has no effect on the actual extracts and" W !,"can be run as needed." W !!,"The report is sorted by Feeder Key, descending Volume, and SSN." S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S QFLG=1 Q W:$Y!($E(IOST)="C") @IOF,!! Q ; SELECT ; user inputs for report option, threshold volume and date range N DONE,OUT ; allow user to select report option (PRE,IVP or UDP) W "Choose the report you would like to run." S DIR(0)="S^1:PRE;2:IVP;3:UDP",DIR("A")="Selection",DIR("B")=1 D ^DIR K DIR S ECXOPT=Y I X["^" S QFLG=1 Q S ECXTL=$S(ECXOPT=1:"Prescription",ECXOPT=2:"IV Detail",ECXOPT=3:"Unit Dose Local",1:"") ; allow user to set threshold volume S ECTHLD=$S(ECXOPT=2:1000,1:500) W !!,"The default threshold volume for the ",ECXTL," extract is ",ECTHLD,"." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to change the threshold",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR I X["^" S QFLG=1 Q I Y D .W !!,$S(ECXOPT=2:"threshold > Total Doses Per Day < -threshold",1:"Quantity > threshold") .S DIR(0)="N^0:100000:0",DIR("A")="Enter the new threshold volume" D ^DIR K DIR S ECTHLD=Y I X["^" S QFLG=1 Q ; get date range from user W !!,"Enter the date range for which you would like to scan the ",ECXTL,!,"Extract records." S DONE=0 F S (ECED,ECSD)="" D Q:QFLG!DONE .K %DT S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Starting with Date: ",%DT(0)=-DATE D ^%DT .I Y<0 S QFLG=1 Q .S ECSD=Y,ECSD1=ECSD-.1 .D DD^%DT S ECSTART=Y .K %DT S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Ending with Date: ",%DT(0)=-DATE D ^%DT .I Y<0 S QFLG=1 Q .I YIOSL D HEADER Q:QFLG ....W !,$P(REC,U),?8,$P(REC,U,2),?20,$P(REC,U,3),?29,$E($P(REC,U,4),1,40) ....W ?71,$P(REC,U,5),?89,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,6),9)_" "_$E($P(REC,U,7),1,7) ....I ECXOPT=1 D .....W ?108,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,8),12),?125,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,9),3) ....I ECXOPT'=1 D .....W ?116,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,8),14) Q:QFLG I COUNT=0 W !!,?8,"No unusual volumes to report for this extract" CLOSE ; I $E(IOST)="C",'QFLG D .S SS=22-$Y F JJ=1:1:SS W ! .S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR Q ; HEADER ;header and page control N SS,JJ I $E(IOST)="C" D .S SS=22-$Y F JJ=1:1:SS W ! .I PG>0 S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR S:'Y QFLG=1 Q:QFLG W:$Y!($E(IOST)="C") @IOF S PG=PG+1 W !,ECXTL_" Extract Unusual Volume Report",?124,"Page: "_PG W !,"Start Date: ",ECSTART,?97,"Report Run Date/Time: "_ECRUN W !,"End Date: ",ECEND,?97,"Threshold Value = ",ECTHLD W !!,"Name",?11,"SSN",?21,"Day",?29,"Generic Name",?71,"Feeder Key" I ECXOPT=1 D .W ?95,"Quantity",?109,"Total Cost",?120,"Days Supply" E D .I ECXOPT=2 W ?93,"Total Doses",?121,"Total Cost",!,?95,"Per Day" .I ECXOPT'=2 W ?96,"Quantity",?121,"Total Cost" W !,LN,! Q ;