ECXDVSN ;ALB/JAP - Division selection utility ; 8/13/07 1:11pm ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**8,105**;Dec 22, 1997;Build 70 ADM(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXSTART,ECXEND,ECXERR) ;division information for ADM extract audit report ;selected inpatient divisions from medical center division file (#40.8) ; input ; ECXDIV = array of inpatient divisions selected (required) ; passed by reference array containing ; selected divisions; ; ECXALL = 1/0 (optional) ; 1==> user wants all inpatient divisions OR ; facility is non-divisional ; 0==> user wants to select some divisions ; if ECXALL not defined, then assume 1 ; ECXSTART = start date of date range (optional) ; ECXEND = end date of date range (optional) ; ECXERR = passed by reference for error return (required) ; output ; ECXDIV = array of divisions selected from file #40.8; ; if ECXALL=1, then array contains all divisions ; if ECXALL=0, then array contains user-selected divisions ; ECXDIV(ien in file #40.8) = ien in file #4^name^station number^primary indicator^active indicator^dss id ; error CODE ; ECXERR = 1, if input problem occurs ; 0, otherwise N OUT,DIC,X,Y,NM,ECXD,ECXIEN,ECXDIEN,ECXACT,ECXNAME,ECXNUM S (OUT,ECXERR)=0 ;if start date or end date missing, then both default to today I '$G(ECXSTART)!('$G(ECXEND)) S (ECXSTART,ECXEND)=DT S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 I ECXALL=1 D .S NM="" F S NM=$O(^DG(40.8,"B",NM)) Q:NM="" S ECXIEN=$O(^(NM,"")) D ..Q:+$P(^DG(40.8,ECXIEN,0),U,3)=1 ..K Y S DIC="^DG(40.8,",DIC(0)="NZ",X=ECXIEN D ^DIC ..Q:Y=-1 ..S ECXNAME=$P(Y(0),U,1),ECXNUM=$P(Y(0),U,2),ECXDIEN=$P(Y(0),U,7) ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIEN_U_ECXNAME_U_ECXNUM ..D ACTDIV(ECXIEN,ECXSTART,ECXEND,.ECXD,.ECXACT) ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIV(ECXIEN)_U_ECXD_U_ECXACT ..I $D(^ECX(727.3,ECXIEN)) D ...S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIV(ECXIEN)_U_$P($G(^ECX(727.3,ECXIEN,0)),U,2) I ECXALL=0 F Q:OUT!ECXERR D .K Y S DIC="^DG(40.8,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,3)'=1" .D ^DIC I $G(DUOUT)!($G(DTOUT)) S OUT=1,ECXERR=1 Q .I Y=-1,X="" S OUT=1 Q .S ECXIEN=+Y,ECXNAME=$P(Y(0),U,1),ECXNUM=$P(Y(0),U,2),ECXDIEN=$P(Y(0),U,7) .S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIEN_U_ECXNAME_U_ECXNUM .D ACTDIV(ECXIEN,ECXSTART,ECXEND,.ECXD,.ECXACT) .S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIV(ECXIEN)_U_ECXD_U_ECXACT .I $D(^ECX(727.3,ECXIEN)) D ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIV(ECXIEN)_U_$P($G(^ECX(727.3,ECXIEN,0)),U,2) .I 'ECXACT W !!,?5,"Please note: Division "_ECXNUM_" was not active during",!,?5," selected date range.",! I ECXERR=1 K ECXDIV I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q ACTDIV(ECXIEN,ECXSTART,ECXEND,ECXD,ECXACT) ;determine if division active at anytime during date range ;to be called by ADM^ECXDVSN ; input ; ECXIEN = ien in file #40.8; required ; ECXSTART = start of date range; FM format; required ; ECXEND = end of date range; FM format; required ; output ; ECXD = 1/0; passed by reference ; 1 indicates primary division ; ECXACT = 1/0; passed by reference ; returns 0, if division not active during date range; ; note: only start date and end date are checked; if division ; inactive on both dates, then division assumed inactive ; for entire date range ;assume division active; set ecxact=1 S ECXACT=1 ;check if division active on start date or end date; ;these dates are normally within the same month F ECXDATE=ECXSTART,ECXEND D .S DATE(ECXDATE)=$$SITE^VASITE(ECXDATE,ECXIEN) .S ECXD=0 .I ECXIEN=$$PRIM^VASITE(ECXDATE) S ECXD=1 ;if not active on start date and not active on end date, reset ecxact=0 I DATE(ECXSTART)=-1,DATE(ECXEND)=-1 S ECXACT=0 Q MOV(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXSTART,ECXEND,ECXERR) ;division information for MOV extract audit report ;selected divisions from medical center division file (#40.8) ; input ; (see ADM) ; output ; (see ADM) D ADM^ECXDVSN(.ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXSTART,ECXEND,.ECXERR) Q PAS(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup division/site information for PAS extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable ; ECXALL = 1 ; output ; ECXDIV = data for default division/site; ; ECXDIV(1)=ien in file #4^name^station number ; where the INSTITUTION file pointer is obtained from file #728 S ECXALL=1 D DEFAULT^ECXDVSN(.ECXDIV,ECXALL,.ECXERR) Q TRT(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup division/site information for TRT extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable ; ECXALL = 1 ; output ; ECXDIV = data for default division/site; ; ECXDIV(1)=ien in file #4^name^station number ; where the INSTITUTION file pointer is obtained from file #728 S ECXALL=1 D DEFAULT^ECXDVSN(.ECXDIV,ECXALL,.ECXERR) Q DEFAULT(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;default division/site information for audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable ; ECXALL = 1 ; output ; ECXDIV = data for default division/site; ; ECXDIV(1)=ien in file #4^name^station number ; where the INSTITUTION file pointer is obtained from file #728 N DIV,ECX S ECXERR=0 S DIV=$P($G(^ECX(728,1,0)),U,1) I DIV="" S ECXERR=1 Q K ECX S DIC="^DIC(4,",DIQ(0)="I",DIQ="ECX",DA=DIV,DR=".01;99" D EN^DIQ1 I $D(ECX) S ECXDIV(1)=DIV_U_ECX(4,DIV,.01,"I")_U_ECX(4,DIV,99,"I") I '$D(ECX) S ECXERR=1 I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q DEN(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup division/site information for DEN extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable (required) ; ECXALL = 0/1 (optional) ; '0' indicates user to select dental division; ; '1' indicates 'all' dental divisions or only one division ; exists in file #225; default is '1' ; output ; ECXDIV = data for dental division/site; ; ECXDIV(ien in file #225)=ien in file #4^name^station number ; ECXERR = 0/1 ; if input problem, then '1' returned N X,Y,DIC,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,OUT,ECXD,ECXIEN S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 S ECXERR=0,ECXD="" ;if ecxall=1, then all dental divisions/sites I ECXALL=1 D .F S ECXD=$O(^DENT(225,"B",ECXD)) Q:ECXD="" S ECXIEN=$O(^(ECXD,"")) D ..S $P(ECXDIV(ECXIEN),U,3)=ECXD S DIC="^DIC(4,",DIC(0)="MX",X=ECXD D ^DIC ..S:+Y>0 ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=Y S:+Y=-1 ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=U ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIV(ECXIEN)_U_ECXD ;if ecxall=0, user selects some/all dental divisions/sites I ECXALL=0 S OUT=0 D .F Q:OUT!ECXERR D ..S DIC="^DENT(225,",DIC(0)="AEMQ" K X,Y D ^DIC ..I $G(DUOUT)!($G(DTOUT)) S OUT=1,ECXERR=1 Q ..I Y=-1,X="" S OUT=1 Q ..S ECXIEN=+Y,ECXD=$P(Y,U,2) K X,Y ..S DIC="^DIC(4,",DIC(0)="MX",X=ECXD D ^DIC ..S:+Y>0 ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=Y S:+Y=-1 ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=U ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXDIV(ECXIEN)_U_ECXD I ECXERR=1 K ECXDIV I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q ECS(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup division/location information for ECS extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable (required) ; ECXALL = 0/1 (optional) ; '0' indicates user to select EC location(s); ; '1' indicates 'all' locations or only one location ; exists in file #4 "LOC" index; ; default is '1' ; output ; ECXDIV = data for EC location; ; ECXDIV(ien in file #4)=ien in file #4^name^station number ; where the INSTITUTION file pointer is obtained from ; "LOC" index in file #4 ; ECXERR = 0/1 ; if input problem, then '1' returned ; N X,Y,I,DIC,DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,NM,OUT,ECXD,ECXIEN,ECXLOC S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 S ECXERR=0,ECXD="",I=0 ;get all available ec locations in ecxloc array F S ECXD=$O(^DIC(4,"LOC",ECXD)) Q:ECXD="" S I=I+1,ECXIEN=$O(^(ECXD,"")),ECXLOC(I)=ECXD_U_ECXIEN_U_$P($G(^DIC(4,ECXIEN,99)),U,1) ;if ecxall=1, then all ec locations I ECXALL=1 S I="" D Q .F S I=$O(ECXLOC(I)) Q:I="" D ..S ECXIEN=$P(ECXLOC(I),U,2) ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXIEN_U_$P(ECXLOC(I),U,1)_U_$P(ECXLOC(I),U,3) I ECXALL=0 S OUT=0,I=0 D .W !!,"Event Capture Locations:",! S I=0,DIR(0)="SXO^" .;spaces are embedded in dir(0) to prevent user from selecting by alpha characters in name .F S I=$O(ECXLOC(I)) Q:I="" S NM=$P(ECXLOC(I),U,1) W !,?10,I_" ",NM S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_I_":"_"- "_NM_";" .W ! .F Q:OUT!ECXERR D ..S DIR("A")="Select Event Capture Location",DIR("S")="I +Y=Y" ..D ^DIR ..I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S ECXERR=1 Q ..I X="" D Q ...I '$D(ECXDIV) W !!,"No Location selected...exiting.",! S OUT=1 Q ...W !!,"You have selected the following Location(s):",! ...S I=0 F S I=$O(ECXDIV(I)) Q:I="" W !,?10,$P(ECXDIV(I),U,2)_" ("_$P(ECXDIV(I),U,3)_")" ...W ! K X,Y,DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is that ok",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR ...I $D(DIRUT) S ECXERR=1 ...I Y=0 S ECXERR=1 ...S OUT=1 ..S ECXIEN=$P(ECXLOC(X),U,2) ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXIEN_U_$P(ECXLOC(X),U,1)_U_$P(ECXLOC(X),U,3) ;exit I ECXERR=1 K ECXDIV I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q NUT() ; Set Divisions into screen array (prompt is one/many/all) ;Input : SCRNARR - Screen array full global reference ;Output : 1 = OK 0 = User abort/timeout ; @SCRNARR@("DIVISION") = User pick all divisions ? ; 1 = Yes (all) 0 = No ; @SCRNARR@("DIVISION",PtrDiv) = Division name ;Note : @SCRNARR@("DIVISION") is initialized (KILLed) on input ; : @SCRNARR@("DIVISION",PtrDiv) is only set when the user ; picked individual divisions (i.e. didn't pick all) ; ;Declare variables N VAUTD,Y,SCANARR ;Get division selection S DIC="^DIC(4," S VAUTSTR="PATIENT DIVISION" S VAUTVB="SCANARR" S VAUTNI=2 D FIRST^VAUTOMA I Y<0 Q 1 M @SCRNARR@("DIVISION")=SCANARR Q 0