ECXDVSN1 ;ALB/JAP - Division selection utility (cont.) ; 3/30/07 7:56am ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**8,105**;Dec 22, 1997;Build 70 ; ECQ(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup division/site information for QSR extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable (required) ; ECXALL = 0/1 (optional) ; '0' indicates user to select QUASAR site/division; ; '1' indicates 'all' sites/divisions or only one site/division ; exists in file #509850.8; currently only one site is allowed ; to be defined; ; default is '1' ; output ; ECXDIV = data for QUASAR site/division; ; ECXDIV(ien in file #4)=ien in file #509850.8^name^station number ; ECXERR = 0/1 ; if input problem, then '1' returned ; N X,Y,DIC,OUT,ECX,ECXD,ECXIEN S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 ;currently, only ONE site may be defined in file #509850.8 S:ECXALL=0 ECXALL=1 S ECXERR=0,ECXD="" ;if ecxall=1, then all QUASAR sites/divisions; but there's only one I ECXALL=1 D .F S ECXD=$O(^ACK(509850.8,"B",ECXD)) Q:ECXD="" S ECXIEN=$O(^(ECXD,"")) D ..K ECX S DIC="^DIC(4,",DIQ(0)="I",DIQ="ECX",DA=ECXD,DR=".01;99" D EN^DIQ1 ..I $D(ECX) S ECXDIV(ECXD)=ECXIEN_U_ECX(4,ECXD,.01,"I")_U_ECX(4,ECXD,99,"I") ..I '$D(ECX) S ECXERR=1 I ECXERR=1 K ECXDIV I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q ; LAB(ECXACC,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup accession area information for LAB extract audit report ; input ; ECXACC = passed by reference array variable (required) ; ECXALL = 0/1 (optional) ; '0' indicates user to select Accession Area(s); ; '1' indicates 'all' Accession Areas are selected ; default is '1' ; output ; ECXACC = data for Accession Area(s); ; ECXACC(ien in file #68)=name^abbreviation ; ECXERR = 0/1 ; if input problem, then '1' returned ; N X,Y,DIC,DIQ,DA,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,OUT,ECX,ECXA,ECXIEN S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 S ECXERR=0,ECXA="" ;if ecxall=1, then all accession areas are selected I ECXALL=1 D .;^LRO(68,"B",xxx,ien)=1 indicates a synonym; skip synonyms .F S ECXA=$O(^LRO(68,"B",ECXA)) Q:ECXA="" S ECXIEN=$O(^(ECXA,"")) D ..Q:^LRO(68,"B",ECXA,ECXIEN)=1 ..K ECX S DIC="^LRO(68,",DR=".01;.09",DIQ="ECX",DA=ECXIEN D EN^DIQ1 ..Q:'$D(ECX) ..;acc. areas with ZZ in name indicates no longer used ..Q:$E(ECX(68,ECXIEN,.01),1,2)="ZZ" ..S ECXACC(ECXIEN)=ECX(68,ECXIEN,.01)_U_ECX(68,ECXIEN,.09) ;if ecxall=0, user selects some/all acc. areas ;allow user to choose "ZZ"'d acc. area even though it may currently be inactive I ECXALL=0 S OUT=0 D .F Q:OUT!ECXERR D ..S DIC="^LRO(68,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ" K X,Y D ^DIC ..I $G(DUOUT)!($G(DTOUT)) S OUT=1,ECXERR=1 Q ..I Y=-1,X="" S OUT=1 Q ..S ECXACC(+Y)=$P(Y(0),U,1)_U_$P(Y(0),U,11) I ECXERR=1 K ECXACC I '$D(ECXACC) S ECXERR=1 Q ; NUR(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup accession area information for LAB extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable (required) ; ECXALL = 0/1 (optional) ; '0' indicates user to select nursing location(s)/division(s); ; '1' indicates 'all' nursing locations and medical center divisions ; are selected or facility is non-divisional; ; default is '1' ; output ; ECXDIV = data for nursing location(s) and medical center division(s); ; ECXDIV("D",ien in file #40.8)=ien in file #4^name^station number ; ECXDIV(ien in file #211.4,ien in file #40.8)=ien in file #44 ; ECXERR = 0/1 ; if input problem, then '1' returned ; ;N X,Y,DIC,DIQ,DA,OUT,ECX,ECXLOC,ECXSC,ECXDIEN,ECXNLIEN,ECXNLNM,ECXPRIME S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 S (ECXERR,OUT)=0,ECXSC="" ;get ien in file #40.8 of primary division S ECXPRIME=$$PRIM^VASITE(DT) ;associate nursing locations with medical center divisions F S ECXSC=$O(^NURSF(211.4,"B",ECXSC)) Q:ECXSC="" S ECXNLIEN="" F S ECXNLIEN=$O(^NURSF(211.4,"B",ECXSC,ECXNLIEN)) Q:ECXNLIEN="" D .K ECX .S ECXDIEN=0,ECXNLNM="",DIC="^SC(",DIQ(0)="I",DIQ="ECX",DA=ECXSC,DR=".01;3.5" D EN^DIQ1 .;if the 15th piece is null or y=-1 then ecxdien=primary division as default .I $D(ECX) S ECXDIEN=+ECX(44,ECXSC,3.5,"I"),ECXNLNM=ECX(44,ECXSC,.01,"I") .S:ECXDIEN=0 ECXDIEN=ECXPRIME .S ECXLOC(ECXDIEN)="",ECXLOC(ECXDIEN,ECXNLIEN)=ECXSC_U_ECXNLNM ; ;if ecxall=1 don't prompt; setup all nursing locations and divisions incl. those w/o division I ECXALL=1 S ECXDIEN="" D .F S ECXDIEN=$O(ECXLOC(ECXDIEN)) Q:ECXDIEN="" D ..S DIC="^DG(40.8,",DIC(0)="NXZ",X=ECXDIEN D ^DIC I +Y>0 D ...S ECXDIV("D",ECXDIEN)=$P(Y(0),U,7)_U_$P(Y(0),U,1)_U_$P(Y(0),U,2),ECXNLIEN="" ...F S ECXNLIEN=$O(ECXLOC(ECXDIEN,ECXNLIEN)) Q:ECXNLIEN="" S ECXDIV(ECXNLIEN,ECXDIEN)=ECXLOC(ECXDIEN,ECXNLIEN) ; ;if ecxall=0 let user select division(s) I ECXALL=0 F Q:OUT!ECXERR D .S DIC="^DG(40.8,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,3)'=1" .D ^DIC I $G(DUOUT)!($G(DTOUT)) S OUT=1,ECXERR=1 Q .I Y=-1,X="" S OUT=1 Q .S ECXDIEN=+Y,NM=$P(Y,U,2) .I '$D(ECXLOC(ECXDIEN)) D Q ..W !!,?5,"Division "_NM_" not associated with Nursing Locations.",!,?5,"Try again...",! .S ECXDIV("D",ECXDIEN)=$P(Y(0),U,7)_U_$P(Y(0),U,1)_U_$P(Y(0),U,2),ECXNLIEN="" .F S ECXNLIEN=$O(ECXLOC(ECXDIEN,ECXNLIEN)) Q:ECXNLIEN="" S ECXDIV(ECXNLIEN,ECXDIEN)=ECXLOC(ECXDIEN,ECXNLIEN) ;in case of user up-arrow out or timeout, make sure nothing returned in ecxdiv I ECXERR=1 K ECXDIV I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q ; PRE(ECXDIV,ECXALL,ECXERR) ;setup site information for PRE extract audit report ; input ; ECXDIV = passed by reference array variable (required) ; ECXALL = 0/1 (optional) ; '0' indicates user to select Pharmacy site(s); ; '1' indicates 'all' sites are selected ; default is '1' ; output ; ECXDIV = data for Pharmacy site(s); ; ECXDIV(ien in file #59)=IEN in file #59^name^site number^IEN in file #4 ; ECXERR = 0/1 ; if input problem, then '1' returned ; N X,Y,DIC,DIQ,DA,OUT,ECXARR,ECXP,ECXIEN,ARRAY S:'$D(ECXALL) ECXALL=1 S:ECXALL="" ECXALL=1 S ECXERR=0,ECXP="",ARRAY="^TMP($J,""ECXDSS"")" K @ARRAY ;if ecxall=1, then all pharmacy sites are selected or there's only one I ECXALL=1 S ECXP="" D .D PSS^PSO59(,"??","ECXDSS") .F S ECXP=$O(@ARRAY@("B",ECXP)) Q:ECXP="" S ECXIEN=$O(^(ECXP,0)) Q:'ECXIEN Q:'$D(^(ECXIEN)) D ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXIEN_U_@ARRAY@(ECXIEN,.01)_U_^(.06)_U_^(100) ;if ecxall=0, then user selects pharmacy site(s) I ECXALL=0 S OUT=0 D .F Q:OUT!ECXERR D ..N DIC,X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT ..S DIC="^PS(59,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ" ..D DIC^PSODI(59,.DIC,.X) ..I $G(DUOUT)!($G(DTOUT)) S OUT=1,ECXERR=1 Q ..I Y=-1,X="" S OUT=1 Q ..D PSS^PSO59(+Y,,"ECXDSS") ..Q:'$D(@ARRAY) ..S ECXDIV(ECXIEN)=ECXIEN_U_@ARRAY@(ECXIEN,.01)_U_^(.06)_U_^(100) ; I ECXERR=1 K ECXDIV I '$D(ECXDIV) S ECXERR=1 Q