ECXTRT1 ;ALB/JAP Treating Specialty Change Extract (cont) ; July 22, 1998 ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**8**;Dec 22, 1997 ; PREVTRT(ECXLOC,ECXDATE1,ECXDATE2,ECXTRTL,ECXLOS) ;find the date on which the change to the losing treat. spec. occurred ; input ; ECXLOC = local array built from ATS index on file #405 (passed by reference); required ; ECXDATE1 = inverse date of current (new) ts movement; required) ; ECXDATE2 = inverse date of previous (losing) ts movement; required ; ECXTRTL = pointer value to file #45.7 for previous facility ; treating specialty; required ; output ; ECXLOS = patients length of stay on previous (losing) ts (passed by reference) ; N DATE,DATE3,X,X1,X2 S DATE=ECXDATE2,DATE3="",ECXLOS=0 F S DATE=$O(ECXLOC(DATE)) Q:DATE="" S TRT=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,0)) Q:TRT'=ECXTRTL ;if date=null, then get immediately previous date by reverse $o ;if date=null, this gets the last date in ecxloc array, i.e., the admission ts movement S DATE3=$O(ECXLOC(DATE),-1) S X1=9999999.9999999-ECXDATE1,X2=9999999.9999999-DATE3 D ^%DTC S ECXLOS=X S:ECXLOS>9999 ECXLOS=9999 Q ; PREVATT(ECXLOC,ECXDATE1,ECXATTN,ECXDATE2,ECXATTL,ECXLOS) ;find the date on which the change to the losing attending occurred ; input ; ECXLOC = local array built from ATS index on file #405 (passed by reference); required ; ECXDATE1 = inverse date of current (new) attending; required) ; ECXATTN = specifier for current (new) attending; required ; ECXDATE2 = inverse date of previous (losing) attending; required ; ECXATTL = specifier for previous (losing) attending (passed by reference); required ; output ; ECXLOSA = patients length of stay with previous (losing) attending (passed by reference) ; N DATE,DATE3,X,X1,X2,TRT,REC,ATT,OUT S (DATE,DATE3)=ECXDATE2,ECXLOSA="",OUT=0 I ECXATTL'="" D .F S DATE=$O(ECXLOC(DATE)) Q:DATE="" S TRT=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,0)),REC=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,0)) D Q:OUT=1 ..S ATT=$P(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,REC),U,3) ..;if provider is changed, then quit without resetting date3, and quit loop ..I ATT'="",ATT'=ECXATTL S OUT=1 ..;there's probably always data on attending, so this may not be needed; ..;but if att=null, then dont know if provider in ecxattl was attending or not, so don't reset date3; ..;reset date3 only if know for sure ..I ATT=ECXATTL S DATE3=DATE .;so date3 is earliest known date for attending specified in ecxattl .S X1=9999999.9999999-ECXDATE1,X2=9999999.9999999-DATE3 D ^%DTC .S ECXLOSA=X ;theres probably always data on attending, so this may not be needed; ;but if ecxattl is null, then need to find valid previous attending I ECXATTL="" D .;ecxattn will also be null if evaluating discharge movements .F S DATE=$O(ECXLOC(DATE)) Q:DATE="" S TRT=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,0)),REC=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,0)) D Q:OUT=1 ..S ATT=$P(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,REC),U,3) ..;if no change in attending, then keep ecxlosa=null ..I ATT'="",ATT=ECXATTN S OUT=1 ..I ATT'="",ATT'=ECXATTN D ...;reset ecxattl to send back to caller and calculate los ...S OUT=1,ECXATTL=ATT,DATE3=DATE ...S X1=99999999.9999999-ECXDATE1,X2=9999999.9999999-DATE3 D ^%DTC ...S ECXLOSA=X ;it is possible that ecxattl and ecxlosa will still be null S:ECXLOSA>9999 ECXLOSA=9999 Q ; PREVPRV(ECXLOC,ECXDATE1,ECXPRVN,ECXDATE2,ECXPRVL,ECXLOS) ;find the date on which the change to the losing primary provider occurred ; input ; ECXLOC = local array built from ATS index on file #405 (passed by reference); required ; ECXDATE1 = inverse date of current (new) primary provider; required) ; ECXPRVN = specifier for current (new) primary provider; required ; ECXDATE2 = inverse date of previous (losing) primary provider; required ; ECXPRVL = specifier for previous (losing) primary provider 9passed by reference); required ; output ; ECXLOSP = patients length of stay with previous (losing) primary provider (passed by reference) ; N DATE,DATE3,X,X1,X2,TRT,REC,PRV,OUT S (DATE,DATE3)=ECXDATE2,ECXLOSP="",OUT=0 I ECXPRVL'="" D .F S DATE=$O(ECXLOC(DATE)) Q:DATE="" S TRT=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,0)),REC=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,0)) D Q:OUT=1 ..S PRV=$P(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,REC),U,2) ..;if provider is changed, then quit without resetting date3, and quit loop ..I PRV'="",PRV'=ECXPRVL S OUT=1 ..;if prv=null, then don't know if provider in ecxprvl was patient's provider or not, so don't reset date3; ..;reset date3 only if know for sure ..I PRV=ECXPRVL S DATE3=DATE .;so date3 is earliest known date for attending specified in ecxattl .S X1=9999999.9999999-ECXDATE1,X2=9999999.9999999-DATE3 D ^%DTC .S ECXLOSP=X ;if ecxprvl is null, then need to find valid previous primary provider I ECXPRVL="" D .;ecxprvn will also be null if evaluating discharge movements .F S DATE=$O(ECXLOC(DATE)) Q:DATE="" S TRT=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,0)),REC=$O(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,0)) D Q:OUT=1 ..S PRV=$P(ECXLOC(DATE,TRT,REC),U,2) ..;if no change in primary provider, then keep ecxlosp=null ..I PRV'="",PRV=ECXPRVN S OUT=1 ..I PRV'="",PRV'=ECXPRVN D ...;reset ecxprvl to send back to caller and calculate los ...S OUT=1,ECXPRVL=PRV,DATE3=DATE ...S X1=99999999.9999999-ECXDATE1,X2=9999999.9999999-DATE3 D ^%DTC ...S ECXLOSP=X ;it is possible that ecxprvl and ecxlosp will still be null S:ECXLOSP>9999 ECXLOSP=9999 Q