ECXUSUR ;ALB/TJL-Surgery Extract Unusual Volume Report ; 9/4/07 8:19am ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**49,71,84,93,105**;July 1, 2003;Build 70 ; EN ; entry point N X,Y,DATE,ECRUN,ECXDESC,ECXSAVE,ECXTL,ECTHLD N ECSD,ECSD1,ECSTART,ECED,ECEND,ECXERR,QFLG,ECXFLAG S QFLG=0,ECTHLD="",ECXFLAG=$G(FLAG) ; get today's date D NOW^%DTC S DATE=X,Y=$E(%,1,12) D DD^%DT S ECRUN=$P(Y,"@") K %DT I 'ECXFLAG D BEGIN Q:QFLG D SELECT Q:QFLG S ECXDESC=$S(ECXFLAG:"SUR Volume Report",1:"Surgery Extract Unusual Volume Report") S ECXSAVE("EC*")="" W !!,"This report requires 132-column format." D EN^XUTMDEVQ("PROCESS^ECXUSUR",ECXDESC,.ECXSAVE) I POP W !!,"No device selected...exiting.",! Q I IO'=IO(0) D ^%ZISC D HOME^%ZIS D AUDIT^ECXKILL Q ; BEGIN ; display report description W @IOF W !,"This report prints a listing of unusual volumes that would be" W !,"generated by the Surgery extract (SUR) as determined by a" W !,"user-defined threshold value. It should be run prior to the" W !,"generation of the actual extract(s) to identify and fix, as" W !,"necessary, any volumes determined to be erroneous." W !!,"Unusual volumes are those where either the Operation Time," W !,"Patient Time, Anesthesia Time, Recovery Room Time, OR Clean Time" W !,"or Pt Holding Time field is greater than the threshold value." W !!,"Note: The threshold can be set after a report is selected." W !!,"Run times for this report will vary depending upon the size of" W !,"the extract and could take as long as 30 minutes or more to" W !,"complete. This report has no effect on the actual extracts and" W !,"can be run as needed." W !!,"The report is sorted by descending Volume and Case Number." S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S QFLG=1 Q W:$Y!($E(IOST)="C") @IOF,!! Q ; SELECT ; user inputs for threshold volume and date range N DONE,OUT ; allow user to set threshold volume I 'ECXFLAG D .S ECTHLD=25 .W !!,"The default threshold volume for the Surgery extract is "_ECTHLD_"." .W !,"The default threshold volume ("_ECTHLD_") equates to 6 hours." .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like to change the threshold?",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR I X["^" S QFLG=1 Q .I Y D ..W !!,"Volume > threshold" ..S DIR(0)="N^0:99",DIR("A")="Enter the new threshold volume" D ^DIR K DIR S ECTHLD=Y I X["^" S QFLG=1 Q ; get date range from user Q:QFLG W !!,"Enter the date range for which you would like to scan the" W !,"Surgery Extract records.",! S DONE=0 F S (ECED,ECSD)="" D Q:QFLG!DONE .K %DT S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Starting with Date: ",%DT(0)=-DATE D ^%DT .I Y<0 S QFLG=1 Q .S ECSD=Y,ECSD1=ECSD-.1 .D DD^%DT S ECSTART=Y .K %DT S %DT="AEX",%DT("A")="Ending with Date: ",%DT(0)=-DATE D ^%DT .I Y<0 S QFLG=1 Q .I YIOSL D HEADER Q:QFLG ..W !,?1,$P(REC,U),?7,$P(REC,U,2),?18,$P(REC,U,3),?27,$P(REC,U,4) ..W ?34,$P(REC,U,5),?55,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,7),4) ..W ?66,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,11),4),?77,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,9),4) ..W ?86,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,10),4),?93,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,6),4) ..W ?103,$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(REC,U,8),4),?113,$P(REC,U,14) ..W ?117,$P(REC,U,13) Q:QFLG I COUNT=0 W !!,?8,$S(ECXFLAG=1:"No surgery volumes to report for this extract",1:"No unusual volumes to report for this extract") CLOSE ; I $E(IOST)="C",'QFLG D .S SS=22-$Y F JJ=1:1:SS W ! .S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR Q ; HEADER ;header and page control N SS,JJ I $E(IOST)="C" D .S SS=22-$Y F JJ=1:1:SS W ! .I PG>0 S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR S:'Y QFLG=1 Q:QFLG W:$Y!($E(IOST)="C") @IOF S PG=PG+1 W !,$S(ECXFLAG:"SUR Volume Report",1:"Surgery Extract Unusual Volume Report"),?124,"Page: "_PG W !,"Start Date: ",ECSTART,?97,"Report Run Date/Time: "_ECRUN W !," End Date: ",ECEND I 'ECXFLAG W ?97," Threshold Value: ",ECTHLD W !!,?28,"Case",?38,"Encounter",?52,"Pt Holding",?63,"Anesthesia",?75,"Patient",?83,"Operation",?93,"PACU",?101,"OR Clean",?111,"Canc/",?121,"Principal" W !,?1,"Name",?10,"SSN",?20,"Day",?27,"Number",?40,"Number" W ?54,"Time",?66,"Time",?77,"Time",?86,"Time",?93,"Time",?103,"Time" W ?111,"Abort",?121,"Procedure" W !,LN,! Q ;