EEOEMAN ;HISC/JWR - EEO Manager options routine ;Apr 20, 1995 ;;2.0;EEO Complaint Tracking;;Apr 27, 1995 ;; SYSPAR ;Entry point for editing system parameters W !! S DIR(0)="SAO^1:Reassign Counselor Security;2:Edit Default EEO Officer" S DIR("A")="Selection: " S DIR("A",1)="Choose One of the Following:",DIR("A",1.5)=" " S DIR("A",2)=" 1 Reassign Counselor Security",DIR("A",3)=" 2 Edit Default EEO Officer",DIR("A",4)=" " D ^DIR Q:Y["^" Q:Y<1 I Y'>1 D SECOP^EEOUTIL G SYSPAR W !!," Enter/Edit EEO Officer Information",!! S DIE=789.5,DR="3",DA=1 D ^DIE I $G(X)>0 W !!,"The Default EEO Officer is Now: ",$P($G(^VA(200,X,0)),U),!! Q:X="" G SYSPAR EDINF ;Managers entry point to edit counselor information (file 785.5) W !!," Enter/Edit Counselor Information for a Formal Complaint",!! K DO,DD,D0 S DIC="^EEO(785.5,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ" S DIC("A")="Select NAME: " D ^DIC Q:X="^"!(X="") S EEOY=Y,DA=+Y,DIE=785 S DIE=785.5,(DA,DINUM)=+EEOY D DRS1^EEOENF K EEOY,DIC,DR,DIE,DLAYGO,CN,EEO2,EEOF,EEOINF W ! G EDINF Q ACKNO Q:'$D(EEOC) S Y=DT D DD^%DT S EEODT=Y S CN="" S CN=$O(EEOC(CN)),EEOOF=$P(^VA(200,$P(EEOC(CN),U,2),0),U) S $P(EEOMRK," ",18)="",$P(EEOMRK,"=",42)="" F CNU=1,5,6,11,13,14,15 S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU)=" " F CNY=2,4 S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNY)=EEOMRK K EEOMRK S $P(EEOMRK," ",18)="***** EEO DATA BASE SECURITY UPDATE *****",TMP("EEOACK",$J,3)=EEOMRK S TMP("EEOACK",$J,8)=" DATE/TIME OF UPDATE: "_EEODT S TMP("EEOACK",$J,9)=" USER MAKING CHANGE: "_EEOOF S TMP("EEOACK",$J,10)=" Reassignment of counselor security" S TMP("EEOACK",$J,12)="THIS UPDATE AFFECTED THE FOLLOWING CASE(S): ",CNO=16 S (CNO,CNQ)=0 F S CNQ=$O(EEOC(CNQ)) Q:CNQ'>0 D .S CNO=CNO+1,TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU)=" "_(CNO)_") "_$P($G(^EEO(785,CNQ,5)),U,6),CNU=CNU+1 D TEST K EEOMRK S XMTEXT="TMP(""EEOACK"",$J," S XMY("G.UPLINK_DATA_SERVER")="" S XMSUB="EEO COMPLAINT STATUS CHANGE NOTIFICATION" S XMDUZ=.5 D ^XMD Q TEST S (EEOCUR,EEOPREV,EEOOF)="" S Y=$P(EEOC(CNQ),U,4) D DD^%DT S EEOFOR=Y S:$P(EEOC(CNQ),U,6)>0 EEOCUR=$P(^VA(200,$P(EEOC(CNQ),U,6),0),U) S:$P(EEOC(CNQ),U,7)>0 EEOPREV=$P(^VA(200,$P(EEOC(CNQ),U,7),0),U) I $P(EEOC(CNQ),U,5)'>0 D .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU)=" Deleted Date of Formal Complaint: "_EEOFOR .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU+1)=" Counselor Currently Assigned: "_EEOCUR .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU+2)=" * The couselor may now edit informal information for this case" .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU+3)=" ",CNU=CNU+4,EEOPT=0 I $P(EEOC(CNQ),U,5)=1 S EEOCUR=$P(EEOC(CNQ),U,6),EEOPREV=EEOFOR D .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU)=" Previously Assigned Counselor: "_EEOFOR .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU+1)=" Counselor Currently Assigned: "_EEOCUR .S TMP("EEOACK",$J,CNU+2)=" ",CNU=CNU+3,EEOPT=0 ;S:EEOCUR'="" XMY(EEOCUR)="" S:EEOPREV'="" XMY(EEOPREV)="" K EEOPREV,EEOCUR,EEOFOR Q KILL K XMY,EEOC,XMTEXT,XMSUB