EEOEOE2 ;HISC/JWR - Station Edit routine ;11/9/92 11:12 ;;2.0;EEO Complaint Tracking;**1**;Apr 27, 1995 SEC ;Sets up security variables D ^EEOEOSE I FAIL Q STATION ;Enter/edit station EEO information. S EEOYQ="Enter/edit station EEO information.",EDIT=1 S (EEOYSCR,DIC("S"))="I $$SCREEN^EEOEOSE(Y)" S (DIC,DIE)="^EEO(785,",DLAYGO=785,DIC("A")="Select NAME: " S (EEODIC(0),DIC(0))=$S(XQY0["Informal":"AEFLQM",1:"AEFQM") W !!,EEOYQ K Y,DA D NEW^EEOEEDIE ENT ;I $P(Y,U,3)=1,$D(DUZ) S EEONAME=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,0)),U),(EEOY,DA)=+Y,DR="14///"_EEONAME_";98///"_DUZ,DIC(0)="L" D ^DIE S Y=EEOY I Y=""!(Y<0) K DA,DR,DLAYGO Q S DIC(0)=EEODIC(0),(DA,EDA)=+Y L +^EEO(785,EDA):0 I '$T W *7,!!,"ANOTHER PERSON IS EDITING THIS RECORD" K DA,EDA G STATION D CASENO^EEOEOSE I $D(^EEO(785,DA,4)) I $P(^EEO(785,DA,4),U)'="" D MSG G ELK I $D(^EEO(785,DA,12)) I $P(^EEO(785,DA,12),U,2)'="" D DMSG G ELK I XQY0["Investigation" D DR2,^EEOEEDIE G ELK I XQY0["Formal" D DR1,^EEOEEDIE,CASENO^EEOEOSE G ELK ELK ;Unlocks edited file and returns to selection prompt L -^EEO(785,EDA) G STATION DR1 ;DR for Enter/Edit Formal Complaint Info S DR="S EEOC1=$P($G(^EEO(785,DA,1)),U,3);16;D SAVE^EEOEOE2;14;16.3;16.75;20;15.3;I X="""" S Y=21;15.4;21:23;24;26;41;40.5;40.6;1.2;23.5;44;45;46.2;I X="""" S Y=46.5;71;46.4;I X="""" S Y=46.5;71.5;46.5;47;I X="""" S Y="""";72" Q DR2 ;DR for Enter/Edit Investigator Information S DR="29;27.5;32" K EEOTYPE S DR(2,785.03)="1;D TYPE^EEOUTIL1;2//^S X=EEOTYPE;B I EEOTYPE'[""RETI"" S Y=4;7;4" DR3 Q MSG ;Comes here if case closed W !!,?3,*7,"***** This case has been closed. Editing is not allowed. ***** " Q DMSG W !!,?3,*7,"***** This case has been deleted *****",! Q FORMAL ;Entry for counselor to change status of complaint to formal ;Q:$G(EEOCOUNS)'>0 Q:$P($G(^EEO(785,D0,1)),U,3)>0 W !!! S DIR("A",1)=" Do you want to change the Status of this Complaint to Formal?",DIR("A",2)=" Note that once changed you may not be able to further edit some Informal ",DIR("A")=" Change to Formal Status ",DIR("A",3)=" " S DIR("A",3)=" information and will not be able to access this complaint through the ",DIR("A",4)=" counselor's edit options.",DIR("A",5)=" " S DIR(0)="Y^AO",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I Y=1 S DR="16;S EEOYI=X I X="""" S Y="""";62///X",(DIC,DIE)=785,DA=D0,DIC(0)="AMNQZ" D ^DIE,CASENO^EEOEOSE K DR S DR="16////"_EEOYI,DIE=785.5 D ^DIE K DIE,DIR,DIC,DR Q SAVE S EEOC2=$P($G(^EEO(785,DA,1)),U,3) I $G(EEOC1)>0&(EEOC2="") S EEOC(DA)=DA_"^"_DUZ_"^"_DT_"^"_EEOC1_"^^"_+^EEO(785,DA,1) K EEOC1,EEOC2 Q