EEOIPOST ;HISC/DAD - EEO POST INIT ;11/9/92 12:07 ;;2.0;EEO Complaint Tracking;;Apr 27, 1995 ; PARMS ; Edit UPLINK SERVER PARAMETERS file (#789.5) S EEODA=+$O(^EEO(789.5,0)) I EEODA'>0 D AGAIN . K DIC S DIC="^EEO(789.5,",DIC(0)="AELMNQ",DLAYGO=789.5 . W !!,"Setting up the UPLINK SERVER PARAMETERS Station Number",!! . S DIC("A")="Select STATION NUMBER: " . W ! D ^DIC . I Y'>0 D G AGAIN .. W !!?5,"You must enter your STATION NUMBER at this time !!" .. Q . S EEOSTA=$P($G(^DIC(4,$P(Y,"^",2),99)),"^",6) I EEOSTA="" S $P(^DIC(4,$P(Y,"^",2),99),"^",6)=$P(Y,"^",2),EEOSTA=$P(Y,"^",2) . I $P(Y,"^",2)'=EEOSTA D ERROR . D DOM Q E G EXIT Q DOM W !!,"Setting up the UPLINK SERVER PARAMETERS Domain" S CHICAGO(0)="ISC-CHICAGO.VA.GOV" S CHICAGO=+$O(^DIC(4.2,"B",CHICAGO(0),0)) I $P($G(^DIC(4.2,CHICAGO,0)),"^")'=CHICAGO(0) D G EXIT . W !!?5,"The ",CHICAGO(0)," domain was not found !!" . W !!?5,"Please verify your domain file entry for ",CHICAGO(0),"." . W !?5,"Contact your support ISC for assistance. Once the entry has" . W !?5,"been corrected you may restart the post-init at PARMS^EEOIPOST." . Q K DR S DIE="^EEO(789.5,",DR="1////"_CHICAGO,DA=+Y D ^DIE K DR S DIE="^DIC(4.2,",DR="5.5////"_14000,DA=+CHICAGO W !?5,"and its STATION number." D ^DIE ; MAILGRP ;Setup the required EEO mail groups W !!,"Setting up the EEO mail groups",! F EEO=1:1 S X=$P($T(GROUP+EEO),";;",2) Q:X="" D . S MAILGRP=$P(X,"^"),TYPE=$P(X,"^",2) . S ENROLL=$P(X,"^",3),RESTRICT=$P(X,"^",4) . W !?5,MAILGRP . S EEODA=+$O(^XMB(3.8,"B",MAILGRP,0)) . I EEODA'>0 D .. K DD,DIC,DINUM,DO .. S DIC="^XMB(3.8,",DIC(0)="LM",DLAYGO=3.8,X=MAILGRP .. D FILE^DICN .. S EEODA=+Y .. Q . K DR S DIE="^XMB(3.8,",DA=EEODA . S DR="4////"_TYPE_";7////"_ENROLL_";10////"_RESTRICT . D ^DIE . Q W !!,"For each mail group, AT A MINIMUM, there should be one appropriate active user",!,"entered. The UPLINK PROBS group should contain at least one IRM person. In",!,"addition, XQSERVER must also have one active user." W !!,"Task the option EEO TASKED UPLINK BULLETIN to run nightly. This option will",!,"transmit updated information to the central data base.",!! EXIT ;Clean up and quit K CHICAGO,DA,DD,DIC,DIE,DINUM,DLAYGO,DO,DR,EEOSTA K EEO,EEODA,ENROLL,MAILGRP,RESTRICT,TYPE,X,Y D ^EEOIPOS2 Q ERROR W !!,*7,*7,"Your Reporting Station "_EEOSTA_" does not match "_$P(^DIC(4,$P(Y,"^",2),0),"^",1),!,EEOSTA_" is associated with "_$P(^DIC(4,EEOSTA,0),"^",1),*7,*7,!,"The post init will stop for you to correct the Reporting station." W !,"To restart the Post init D PARMS^EEOIPOST to finish.",!! S DIK="^EEO(789.5,",DA=+Y D ^DIK K DIK,DA,Y Q GROUP ;;EEO Mail Group Name ^ Type ^ Allow Self Enrollment ^ Restrictions ;;UPLINK_DATA_SERVER^PU^n^0