ENCTRCH ;(WASH ISC)/RGY-Check Bar Code Label Format ;3-16-92 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;;Aug 17, 1993 ;Copy of PRCTRCH S ERR=0 I '$D(^PRCT(446.5,DA,0)) S ERR=1 G Q S N0=^PRCT(446.5,DA,0) I $P(N0,"^")="" S ERR=1 W *7,!,"Error, name of report is null" I $P(N0,"^",2),'$D(^DIC($P(N0,"^",2),0)) S ERR=1 W *7,!,"Error, FILE defined for this entry does not exist" I '$O(^PRCT(446.5,DA,1,0)) W *7,!,"Error, no report text exists!" S ERR=1 F X=0:0 S X=$O(^PRCT(446.5,DA,1,X)) Q:'X D LNCH F X=0:0 S X=$O(^PRCT(446.5,DA,2,X)) Q:'X D PCH Q K ENCTE,FL,ENCT,N0 Q LNCH S Y=^PRCT(446.5,DA,1,X,0) I $L(Y,"|")-1#2 W *7,!,"Report TEXT line #",X," parameter is invalid!" S ERR=1 F ENCT=2:2:$L(Y,"|") I $P(Y,"|",ENCT)'?.N W *7,!,"Parameter in line #",X," is not numeric" S ERR=1 F ENCT=2:2:$L(Y,"|") I '$D(^PRCT(446.5,DA,2,+$P(Y,"|",ENCT),0)) W *7,!,"Parameter #",$P(Y,"|",ENCT)," in line #",X," is not defined" S ERR=1 Q PCH S Y=^PRCT(446.5,DA,1,X,0) I $P(Y,"^",2)=1,$P(Y,"^",4)="" W *7,!,"Error, parameter #",X," is defined as FIELD, but has no field defined." S ERR=1 I $P(Y,"^",2)=1,$P(N0,"^",2)="" W *7,!,"Error, parameter #",X," is defined as FIELD, but no FILE has been defined." S ERR=1 I $P(Y,"^",2)=1,$P(N0,"^",2) S ENCTE=$P(Y,"^",4),FL=$P(N0,"^",2) F ENCT=0:0 S ENCT=+ENCTE,ENCTE=$P(ENCTE,+ENCTE,2,999) Q:ENCT=0 D FLD Q:'FL S ENCTE=$E(ENCTE,2,999) I $P(Y,"^",2)=0&($P(Y,"^",7)=""!($P(Y,"^",8)="")) W *7,!,"Error, parameter #",X," is defined as COUNTER, but START and/or INCREMENT",!," ... are not defined" S ERR=1 I $P(Y,"^",2)=2,$S('$D(^PRCT(446.5,DA,2,X,1)):1,^(1)="":1,1:0) W *7,!,"Error, parameter #",X," is defined as XECUTABLE CODE, but no CODE has",!," ... been defined!" S ERR=1 Q FLD ; I $S($D(^DD(FL,ENCT,0)):0,1:1) S ERR=1 W *7,!,"Field in parameter ",X," does not exist in file specified" S FL=0 Q I $E(ENCTE)]"" S FL=$S($E(ENCTE)=":":+$P($P(^DD(FL,ENCT,0),"^",2),"P",2),1:+$P(^DD(FL,ENCT,0),"^",2)) I 'FL S ERR=1 W *7,!,"An invalid field exists for parameter #",X Q