ENEQNX4 ;WCIOFO/DH,SAB-CMR Inventory Exception Listing ;10/12/1999 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**35,50,63**;AUG 17, 1993 EN ;Print CMR items not found during inventory K ENCMR ; ask date of inventory I '$D(DT) S X="T" D ^%DT S DT=+Y S %DT("A")="Report equipment not inventoried since: " S Y=$E(DT,1,5)_"01" X ^DD("DD") S %DT("B")=Y,%DT="AEPX" D ^%DT K %DT G:Y'>0 EXIT S ENFR=Y ; ask if all CMR's S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="For all CMR's",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT I Y S ENCMR(0)="ALL" ; if not all CMR's then ask CMR I '$D(ENCMR(0)) S DIC="^ENG(6914.1,",DIC(0)="AQEM" D ^DIC G:Y'>0 EXIT S ENCMR=+Y ; ask if optionally accountable equipment included S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Check All NX equipment",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter NO if you only want to check for physical inventory" S DIR("?",2)="of accountable NX equipment. Accountable NX equipment" S DIR("?",3)="is equipment with an INVESTMENT CATEGORY of either" S DIR("?",4)="CAPITALIZED/ACCOUNTABLE or NOT CAPITALIZED/ACCOUNTABLE. " S DIR("?",5)=" " S DIR("?")="Enter YES to check all equipment for the specified CMR." D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S ENALL=Y ; ask device S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) D G EXIT . S ZTRTN="CONT^ENEQNX4",ZTIO=ION,ZTDESC="NX Inventory Exception List" . S ZTSAVE("EN*")="" . D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK CONT ;Entry point for queued task U IO K ENDL S $P(ENDL,"-",IOM)="" S ENFR("E")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(ENFR) I '$D(DT) S X="T" D ^%DT S DT=+Y S Y=DT X ^DD("DD") S ENDATE=Y,(END,ENPG)=0 I $D(ENCMR(0)) S ENCMR=0 F S ENCMR=$O(^ENG(6914,"AD",ENCMR)) Q:'ENCMR D CMR Q:END I '$D(ENCMR(0)) D CMR I 'END,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR D ^%ZISC EXIT ; K ENCAT,ENCMR,ENCMRY0,END,ENDA,ENDATE,ENDL,ENALL,ENFR,ENI,ENINVDT K ENPG,ENSVC,ENT,ENUSE,ENY K DIC,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y,%,%ZIS S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" Q CMR ; print exception listing for one CMR S ENCMRY0=$G(^ENG(6914.1,ENCMR,0)) S ENSVC=$$GET1^DIQ(6914.1,ENCMR,.5) D HD Q:END S ENT("EXCP")=0,ENT("CMR")=0 ; loop thru equipment on CMR S ENDA=0 F S ENDA=$O(^ENG(6914,"AD",ENCMR,ENDA)) Q:'ENDA D Q:END . F ENI=2,3,8 S ENY(ENI)=$G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,ENI)) . I $P(ENY(3),U)>3,$P(ENY(3),U)<6 Q ; use status turned-in or lost . ; if user did not want all equipment then check accountablility . I 'ENALL,"^1^A^"'[(U_$P(ENY(8),U,2)_U) Q . S ENT("CMR")=ENT("CMR")+1 ; should have been inventoried . I $P(ENY(2),U,13)'IOSL D HD Q:END . S ENT("EXCP")=ENT("EXCP")+1 . F ENI=0,1 S ENY(ENI)=$G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,ENI)) . S ENUSE=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,20) . S ENINVDT=$P($$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,23),"@") . W !!,ENDA,?15,$P(ENY(3),U,6) . S X=$P(ENY(3),U,5) I X=+X,$D(^ENG("SP",X,0)) S X=$P(^(0),U) . W ?28,X,?43,$P(ENY(3),U,8),?63,ENINVDT I IOM>120 S ENCAT=$P(ENY(1),U,1) W:ENCAT]"" ?81,$S($D(^ENG(6911,ENCAT,0)):^(0),1:"") . W !,?3,$E($P(ENY(0),U,2),1,55),?63,ENUSE ; CMR footer I 'END D . W:ENT("EXCP")=0 !!,"NO EXCEPTIONS TO REPORT (out of ",ENT("CMR")," item",$S(ENT("CMR")'=1:"s",1:"")," that met selection criteria)." . W:ENT("EXCP")>0 !!,ENT("EXCP")," Item",$S(ENT("EXCP")'=1:"s",1:"")," Not Inventoried (out of ",ENT("CMR")," item",$S(ENT("CMR")'=1:"s",1:"")," that met selection criteria)." Q HD ; page header I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,END=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",ENPG S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S END=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!ENPG W @IOF S ENPG=ENPG+1 W "EXCEPTION LIST (NX INVENTORY)",?(IOM-25),ENDATE,?(IOM-8),"Page ",ENPG W !," ",$S(ENALL:"All",1:"Accountable") W " NX Equipment Not Inventoried Since ",ENFR("E")," for" W !," CMR: ",$P(ENCMRY0,U)," ",ENSVC," ",$P(ENCMRY0,U,8) W !!,"Equipment ID#",?15,"PM Number",?28,"Location",?43,"Previous Location",?63,"Last Inventoried" I IOM>120 W ?81,"Equipment Category" W !,?3,"Manufacturer Equipment Name",?63,"Use Status" W !,ENDL Q ;ENEQNX4