ENEXPT1 ;WIRMFO/SAB-EQUIPMENT FILE EXPORT SUMMARY RPT ;1/18/96 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**27**;Aug 17, 1993 EN ; W !,"This report searches the entire equipment file and may take some" W !,"time to complete. Consider queuing this report to run after-hours." ; ask device S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) D G EXIT . S ZTRTN="QEN^ENEXPT1",ZTDESC="Equipment File Export Summary Rpt" . D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK QEN ; queued entry N ENC,END,ENDA,ENDL,ENDT,ENPG,ENSN,ENSND,ENTA,ENTL,ENY0,ENY2,ENY3 U IO S ENSND=$$GET1^DIQ(6910,"1,",1) ; default station # W:$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" !,"Searching Equipment File" S ENDA=0 F S ENDA=$O(^ENG(6914,ENDA)) Q:'ENDA D . I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W:'(ENDA#100) "." . S ENY0=$G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,0)) . Q:$P(ENY0,U,4)'="NX" ; type of entry screen . S ENY3=$G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,3)) . Q:"^4^5^"[(U_$P(ENY3,U,1)_U) ; use status screen . S ENSN=$P($G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,9)),U,5) S:ENSN="" ENSN=ENSND ; station . S ENY2=$G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,2)) . S ENC(ENSN)=$G(ENC(ENSN))+1 . S ENTA(ENSN)=$G(ENTA(ENSN))+$P(ENY2,U,3) . S ENTL(ENSN)=$G(ENTL(ENSN))+$P(ENY2,U,12) ; print summary S (END,ENPG)=0 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S ENDT=Y S ENDL="",$P(ENDL,"-",IOM)="" D HD S (ENC,ENTA,ENTL)=0 S ENSN="" F S ENSN=$O(ENC(ENSN)) Q:ENSN="" D Q:END . I $Y+4>IOSL D HD Q:END . W !,?5,ENSN,?15,$J(ENC(ENSN),6),?28,$J($FN($G(ENTA(ENSN)),",",2),16),?48,$J($FN($G(ENTL(ENSN)),",",2),16) . S ENC=ENC+ENC(ENSN) . S ENTA=ENTA+$G(ENTA(ENSN)) . S ENTL=ENTL+$G(ENTL(ENSN)) I 'END D . W !,?5,"-------",?15,"----------",?28,"-----------------",?48,"----------------" . W !,?5,"TOTAL:",?15,$J(ENC,6),?28,$J($FN(ENTA,",",2),16),?48,$J($FN(ENTL,",",2),16) . I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR D ^%ZISC EXIT I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q HD ; header I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,END=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",ENPG S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S END=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!ENPG W @IOF S ENPG=ENPG+1 W !,"EQUIPMENT FILE EXPORT SUMMARY RPT",?48,ENDT,?72,"page ",ENPG W !!,?5,"STATION",?15,"ITEM COUNT",?28,"TOTAL ASSET VALUE" W ?48,"TOTAL LEASE COST" W !,ENDL Q ASK ; description of selection criteria and set up of summary report prompt ; called by ENEXPT W !!,"The Equipment File Export transmits equipment data to the National" W !,"Engineering Service Center (NESC) in St. Louis." W !,"Equipment which meets the following criteria will be selected:" W !," TYPE OF ENTRY equals ""NX""" W !," USE STATUS not equal ""TURNED IN"" or ""LOST OR STOLEN""",! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Would you like a summary report",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to generate a summary report of equipment that" S DIR("?")="will be included in the transmission." Q ;ENEXPT1