ENFACTE ;(WCIOFO)/SAB-FAP CAPITALIZATION THRESHOLD EDIT ;5/22/2002 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**63,71**;August 17, 1993 ; N ENCMR,ENCSN,ENDA,ENL,ENTSK,X,Y S ENL=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("-",IOM-1) ; ASKEQ ; ask equipment ;S DIC("S")="I $$CHKFA^ENFAUTL(+Y)>0" ; ?screen for reported to FAP W !! D GETEQ^ENUTL G:Y'>0 EXIT S ENDA=+Y S ENCMR=$E($$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,19),1,5) S ENCSN=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,18) ; ; display info W !,ENL W !,"ENTRY #: ",ENDA,?24,"CMR: ",ENCMR W ?38,"ASSET VALUE: ",$FN($$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,12),",",2) W !,"CSN: ",ENCSN I ENCSN]"" W " (",$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,"18:2"),")" W ! ; ; lock pseudo node to avoid conflict with equipment edit options ; since field 99 will not be updated by those options L +^ENG(6914,"RC",ENDA):2 I '$T D G ASKEQ . W $C(7) . W !,"Another user is currently editing this item with this option." . W !,"Please try again later." ; ; determine and display current status related to task S ENTSK=$$CHKEXP^ENFACTU(ENDA) I $P(ENTSK,U)=0 D . W !,"This equipment will not be expensed by the task because" . W !," ",$P(ENTSK,U,2) I $P(ENTSK,U)="U" D . W !,"This equipment will not be expensed by the task solely because" . W !," ",$P(ENTSK,U,2)," indicated that it should remain capitalized." I $P(ENTSK,U)=1 D . W !,"This equipment will be expensed by the task." ; ; if item meets critera to expense (or was exempted by user) then edit I $P(ENTSK,U)'=0 D . W ! . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")=$S($P(ENTSK,U)="U":"YES",1:"NO") . S DIR("A")="Should this item remain capitalized" . S DIR("?",1)="Enter YES to exempt this equipment item from being expensed" . S DIR("?",2)="by the one-time task that will run on July 24, 2002." . S DIR("?",3)="Enter NO if the item should be expensed by the task." . S DIR("?",4)=" " . S DIR("?")="Enter YES or NO" . D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) . S DR="" . I Y,$P(ENTSK,U)=1 S DR="99////^S X=DUZ" ; exempts from task . I 'Y,$P(ENTSK,U)="U" S DR="99///@" ; removes exemption . I DR]"" S DA=ENDA,DIE="^ENG(6914," D ^DIE K DIE,DA . K DR ; ; unlock L -^ENG(6914,"RC",ENDA) ; G ASKEQ ; EXIT ; K DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q ;ENFACTE