ENFAR6 ;WIRMFO/SAB-FIXED ASSET RPT, EQUIP NOT REPORTED TO FAP; 7/19/96 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**29,33**;Aug 17, 1993 ; List of Capitalized NX Equipment which has not been reported to FAP EN ; The option which calls this routine should normally be queued ; to print weekly via TaskManager. I $D(ZTQUEUED) G QEN ; no user input when automatically queued ; ask device W !!,"This report searches the entire equipment file and may take some" W !,"time to complete. Consider queuing this report to run after-hours." S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) D G EXIT . S ZTRTN="QEN^ENFAR6" . S ZTDESC="Capitalized NX Equip. Not Reported to FAP" . D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK QEN ; queued entry U IO S ENPG=0 D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S ENDT=Y S ENL="",$P(ENL,"-",IOM)="" D HD S (ENC,END,ENT)=0 S ENSND=$$GET1^DIQ(6910,"1,",1) S:ENSND="" ENSND="Unk" ; default station ; loop thru equipment file S ENDA=0 F S ENDA=$O(^ENG(6914,ENDA)) Q:'ENDA D Q:END . S ENC=ENC+1 . I '(ENC#500),$D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,END=1 Q . Q:$P($G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,8)),U,2)'=1 ; not capitalized . Q:$P($G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,3)),U,11)]"" ; disposition date exists . Q:$P($G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,0)),U,4)'="NX" ; not NX . Q:+$$CHKFA^ENFAUTL(ENDA) ; already reported to FAP . ; should have been reported and wasn't . I $Y+4>IOSL D HD Q:END . S ENT=ENT+1 . S ENAQDT=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,13) . S ENVALUE=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,12) . S ENFUND=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,62) . S ENSGL=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,38) . S ENCSN=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,18) . S ENCMR=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,ENDA,19) . S ENSN=$P($G(^ENG(6914,ENDA,9)),U,5) S:ENSN="" ENSN=ENSND . W !,ENDA,?11,ENAQDT,?24,$J("$"_$FN(ENVALUE,",",2),14),?40,ENSN . W ?48,ENFUND,?55,ENSGL,?61,ENCSN,?74,ENCMR I END W !!,"REPORT STOPPED AT USER REQUEST" E D . I ENT=0 W !!,"All capitalized NX equipment has been reported to Fixed Assets." . I ENT>0 W !!,ENT," capitalized NX equipment entries have not been reported to Fixed Assets." . I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR D ^%ZISC EXIT I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DIWF,DIWL,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y K ENAQDT,ENC,ENCMR,ENCSN,ENDA,ENFUND,ENSGL,ENSN,ENSND,ENT,ENVALUE K END,ENDT,ENL,ENPG Q HD ; header I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S ZTSTOP=1,END=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",ENPG S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S END=1 Q I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!ENPG W @IOF S ENPG=ENPG+1 W !,"CAPITALIZED NX EQUIP. NOT REPORTED TO FAP" W ?49,ENDT,?72,"page ",ENPG W !!,"ENTRY#",?11,"ACQ. DATE",?24,"ASSET VALUE",?40,"STATION" W ?48,"FUND",?55,"SGL",?61,"CSN",?74,"CMR" W !,$E(ENL,1,10),?11,$E(ENL,1,12),?24,$E(ENL,1,14),?40,$E(ENL,1,7) W ?48,$E(ENL,1,6),?55,$E(ENL,1,4),?61,$E(ENL,1,11),?74,$E(ENL,1,5) Q ;ENFAR6