ENLIB4 ;(WASH IRMFO)/DH-Package Utilities (Facility Equip) ;9.29.98 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**55**;Aug 17,1993 ; ADDUS ; Maintain the utility system field down the parent/child hierarchy ; Called at set of field #82 in file #6914 ; Uses recursion to climb up and down the "AE" x-ref ; Will not maintain local x-refs on field #82 N COUNT,PARNT,PRECRSR S COUNT=0,PRECRSR="" I $O(^ENG(6914,"AE",DA,0)) D ADRCRSN(DA,PRECRSR) I COUNT D EN^DDIOL(COUNT_" subsidiary records were set.") I $D(DJJ(21)) H 5 ; causes the old eng dj screen handler to pause Q ; ADRCRSN(PARNT,PRECRSR) ; navigate the "AE" x-ref N CHILD S CHILD=0 F S CHILD=$O(^ENG(6914,"AE",PARNT,CHILD)) Q:'CHILD D . Q:","_PRECRSR_PARNT_","[(","_CHILD_",") ; avoid the endless loop . S $P(^ENG(6914,CHILD,9),U,12)=X,COUNT=COUNT+1 . ; if child has children then keep digging . I $O(^ENG(6914,"AE",CHILD,0)) D ADRCRSN(CHILD,PRECRSR_PARNT_",") Q ; KILLUS ; Maintain the utility system field down the parent/child hierarchy ; Called at kill N PARNT,PRECRSR S PRECRSR="" I $O(^ENG(6914,"AE",DA,0)) D KLRCRSN(DA,PRECRSR) Q ; KLRCRSN(PARNT,PRECRSR) ; navigate the "AE" x-ref, deleting utility systems field of all the children N CHILD S CHILD=0 F S CHILD=$O(^ENG(6914,"AE",PARNT,CHILD)) Q:'CHILD D . Q:","_PRECRSR_PARNT_","[(","_CHILD_",") ; avoid the endless loop . S $P(^ENG(6914,CHILD,9),U,12)="" . ; if child has children then keep digging . I $O(^ENG(6914,"AE",CHILD,0)) D KLRCRSN(CHILD,PRECRSR_PARNT_",") Q ; EDITY2 ; called upon edit of Y2K category, restricts screen edits Q:$P($G(DJJ(25)),U,3)'=71 ; quit if not screen edit I $G(V(25))="","FC^NA"[X Q ; for screen edit to work, existing entry must be null and selected entry must be NA or FC D EN^DDIOL("You must use the Y2K module for this edit.") S X=$$GET1^DIQ(6914,DA,71,"I") H 5 Q ;ENLIB4