ENPLV ;WISC/SAB-PROJECT VALIDATION, VALIDATE LIST ;7/10/95 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**23**;Aug 17, 1993 EN(ENTY,ENXMIT) ; Validate Projects (entry point with list) ; input variables ; ENTY - type of validation ; ENXMIT - (optional) flag, true for additional transmission checks ; ^TMP($J,"L")=number of projects^current year of FYFP when ENTY="F" ; ^TMP($J,"L",project number)=ien ; output variables ; ^TMP($J,"L")= ; number of projects^current year of FYFP when ENTY="F"^ ; number invalid^number valid with warn^number valid (no warn) ; ^TMP($J,"L",project number)=ien^validation code for project ; where validation code = 1 (invalid), 2 (valid w/ warn), 3 (valid) ; N ENC,ENDA,ENFY,ENPN,ENV S ENXMIT=$G(ENXMIT) S (ENC(0),ENC(1),ENC(2),ENC(3))=0 S:ENTY="F" ENFY=$P(^TMP($J,"L"),U,2) ; validate projects W !,"Validating Projects" S ENPN="" F S ENPN=$O(^TMP($J,"L",ENPN)) Q:ENPN="" S ENDA=$P(^(ENPN),U) D ^ENPLV2 S ENC(0)=ENC(0)+1,ENC(ENV)=ENC(ENV)+1,$P(^TMP($J,"L",ENPN),U,2)=ENV W "." S $P(^TMP($J,"L"),U,3,5)=ENC(1)_U_ENC(2)_U_ENC(3) ; report results I ENC(3)=ENC(0) W !,"No validation problems found" G EX I ENC(0)=1 W !,"This project ",$S(ENC(1):"failed",1:"passed")," the validation checks",$S(ENC(1):"",1:" with warnings"),"." I ENC(0)>1,ENC(1) W !,ENC(1)," out of ",ENC(0)," selected projects failed the validation checks." I ENC(0)>1,ENC(2) W !,ENC(2)," out of ",ENC(0)," selected projects passed the validation checks with warnings." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want a detailed report",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EX I Y D ^ENPLV1 ; EX ; Exit W ! K ^TMP($J,"V") K DIC,DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT,X,Y Q ;ENPLV