ENPLX ;WISC/SAB-PROJECT TRANSMISSION ;5/12/97 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**23,28,70**;Aug 17, 1993 EN(ENTY) ; entry point ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;This option is now obsolete ; NEW MSG ;Array for message S MSG(1,"F")="!!!" S MSG(1)=" This option is now Out of Order. Construction project " S MSG(1)=MSG(1)_"data is now " S MSG(2)=" entered and reported in a web database at " S MSG(2)=MSG(2)_"http://vaww.va.gov/capassets." S MSG(3,"F")="!!" S MSG(3)=" Please, contact your Network Capital Assets Coordinator," S MSG(3)=MSG(3)_" or VSSC" S MSG(4)=" representative for assistance." ; DO EN^DDIOL(.MSG) ; QUIT ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Input Variables ; ENTY - type of transmission ; F - Five Year Facility Plan ; A - Project Appliation ; R - Progress Report Q:$L($G(ENTY))'=1 Q:"FAR"'[ENTY ; check environment I '$D(^DIC(6910,1,0)) W !,"Your ENG INIT PARAMETERS file (#6910) is not in order.",$C(7) G EXIT I "FA"[ENTY D PPDOM^ENPLUTL I ENDOMAIN="" G EXIT I "R"[ENTY D PRDOM^ENPRUTL I ENDOMAIN="" G EXIT ; check for members in mail group S ENX=$$FIND1^DIC(3.8,"","X","EN PROJECTS") I 'ENX W $C(7),!,"Mail group EN PROJECTS is missing." G EXIT D LIST^DIC(3.81,","_ENX_",","","",1,"","","","","","ENQ") I '$P(ENQ("DILIST",0),U) D G:$D(DIRUT)!'ENX EXIT . W $C(7),!,"No members found in mail group EN PROJECTS. At least one is required." . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" . S DIR("A")="Should you be added as a member of EN PROJECTS" . S DIR("?",1)="Members of mail group EN PROJECTS receive messages from" . S DIR("?",2)="the VISN concerning projects which have been transmitted" . S DIR("?",3)="from their facility to the VISN Construction Database." . S DIR("?")="Enter YES to be added to this mail group." . D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I 'Y S ENX="" Q . K ENXMY S ENXMY(DUZ)="" . S ENX=$$MG^XMBGRP(ENX,"","","",.ENXMY,"",1) . K ENXMY K ENX,ENQ ; select projects D EN^ENPLS(ENTY,1) I '$D(^TMP($J,"L")) G EXIT ; validate projects D EN^ENPLV(ENTY,1) ; what should be done if not all valid? S ENX=$G(^TMP($J,"L")),ENC("V0")=$P(ENX,U) S ENC("V1")=$P(ENX,U,3),ENC("V2")=$P(ENX,U,4),ENC("V3")=$P(ENX,U,5) S ENT("PROJ")=ENC("V2")+ENC("V3") I 'ENT("PROJ") W !!,"No valid projects to transmit!" G EXIT I ENC("V1") D G EXIT . W $C(7),!!,"Since some of the selected projects falied the validated checks," . W !,"none of the selected projects will be transmitted." ;I ENC("V1") D G:'Y!$D(DIRUT) EXIT ;. W !!,"Projects which failed the validation checks will not be transmitted." ;. S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" ;. S DIR("A")="Transmit remaining projects which passed the validation checks" ;. S DIR("?")="Answer yes to transmit projects which passed (including those with warnings)." ;. D ^DIR K DIR RP I "R"[ENTY D G:'Y!$D(DIRUT) EXIT . S DIR(0)="D^::EP",DIR("A")="REPORTING PERIOD" . S ENRP=$E($S($E(DT,6,7)<21:$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-21),1:DT),1,5)_"00" . S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(ENRP) . S DIR("?",1)="Enter the reporting period (month and year) for the" . S DIR("?",2)="progress reports. Each selected project will be" . S DIR("?")="updated with this reporting period before transmission." . D ^DIR K DIR S ENRP=$E(Y,1,5)_"00" I "R"[ENTY,$E(ENRP,4,5)="00" W $C(7),!,"Month is required." G RP S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to Queue Transmission" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Y' if you want the project data placed in mail" S DIR("?")="messages as part of a tasked job." D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT I Y D G EXIT . S ZTRTN="QEN^ENPLX",ZTIO="" . S ZTDESC="TRAMSIT ENG PROJECT DATA ("_$P("^FYFP^APPL^REPT",U,$L("FAR",ENTY))_")" . S ZTSAVE("ENTY")="",ZTSAVE("^TMP($J,""L"",")="" . S ZTSAVE("ENT(")="",ZTSAVE("ENDOMAIN")="" . S ZTSAVE("ENRP")="" . S ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD . W !,ENT("PROJ")," ",$S(ENTY="F":"Five Year Plan project",ENTY="A":"Project Application",ENTY="R":"Project Progress Report",1:"") . W $S(ENT("PROJ")=1:" was",1:"s were")," queued for transmission.",! QEN ; queued entry point S END=0 S (ENC("MSG"),ENC("PROJ"))=0 ; determine number of msgs needed S ENT("PACK")=$P("^10^1^5",U,$F("FAR",ENTY)) S ENT("MSG")=ENT("PROJ")\ENT("PACK")+$S(ENT("PROJ")#ENT("PACK"):1,1:0) ; I $D(ZTQUEUED) D LOCK^ENPLX1 G:END EXIT ; lock valid projects on list ; create/send data (netmail) S ENPN="" F S ENPN=$O(^TMP($J,"L",ENPN)) Q:ENPN="" S ENX=^(ENPN) D G:END EXIT . S ENDA=$P(ENX,U) . I $P(ENX,U,2)>1 D . . ; valid project to xmit . . I '(ENC("PROJ")#ENT("PACK")) D CREATE^ENPLX1 Q:END . . D:"FA"[ENTY ^ENPLX2,UPD^ENPLX1 . . D:"R"[ENTY REPTPR^ENPLX1,^ENPLX4,REPTPS^ENPLX1 . . S ENC("PROJ")=ENC("PROJ")+1 . . I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W "." I $G(XMZ)'<1 D SEND^ENPLX1 I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D . W !,ENC("PROJ")," ",$S(ENTY="F":"Five Year Plan project",ENTY="A":"Project Application",ENTY="R":"Project Progress Report",1:"") . W $S(ENC("PROJ")=1:" was",1:"s were")," transmitted using " . W ENC("MSG")," mail message",$S(ENC("MSG")=1:"",1:"s"),".",! EXIT ; D UNLOCK^ENPLS K ^TMP($J,"L") K %,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,XMCHAN,X,Y K ENC,ENCLDT,END,ENDA,ENDOMAIN,ENDT,ENL,ENPN,ENQ K ENRP,ENT,ENTYT,ENX,ENY Q ;ENPLX