[628] | 1 | ENSA6 ;(WASH ISC)/DH-MedTester Utilities ;1/2/2001
| 2 | ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**54,67**;Aug 17, 1993
| 3 | MSG ;Opening message to user
| 4 | W !!,"The system is now ready to update the Equipment File on the basis of",!,"data acquired from the MedTester."
| 5 | W !!,"If the system encounters data that cannot be processed in the normal fashion",!,"it will give you written notice in the form of a MedTester Exception Message."
| 6 | W !,"These messages will provide notification of such things as test failures",!,"and database inconsistencies."
| 7 | W !!,"If a device fails a MedTester test sequence, the site is expected to",!,"evaluate the failure and issue a regular work order for corrective action."
| 8 | W !,"If a PM work order exists for such a device and if you have elected to use",!,"MedTester data to close out that worklist, then the PM status will be set to"
| 9 | W !,"'CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN/REQUESTED' but the PM work order will remain open",!,"and nothing will be posted to the Equipment History. Once corrective action"
| 10 | W !,"has been taken, the PM work order should be closed out manually. The WORK",!,"PERFORMED field should contain a reference to the regular work order."
| 11 | W !!,"You will soon select a hard copy device (printer) to receive MedTester",!,"Exception Messages, but first we need to know whether or not you want paper"
| 12 | W !,"copies of the actual test results.",!
| 13 | Q
| 14 | WOCHK ;Has PM already been posted?
| 15 | ;Expects ENEQ, ENPMWO, ENREC
| 16 | F I=0:0 S I=$O(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,I)) Q:I'>0 I $P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,I,0),U,2)[ENPMWO S ENWOX=I,ENPMWO(0)=$P(^(0),U,2) S ^TMP($J,$S($P(^(0),U,3)="C":"FAIL",1:"PASS"),ENEQ)="" Q
| 17 | Q:'ENWOX ; nothing presently recorded
| 18 | Q:ENTEST="" ; need this to know if duplicate or additional
| 19 | Q:$P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,9)[ENTEST ; duplicate
| 20 | I 'ENFAIL,$D(^TMP($J,"FAIL",ENEQ)) Q ; already have reg work order
| 21 | S ENMSG=$S(ENFAIL:"FAILed MedTester, but PM Work Order has already been posted for ID#: ",1:"PM Work Order already posted for Equipment ID#: ")_ENEQ
| 22 | I ENFAIL!($D(^TMP($J,"FAIL",ENEQ))) S ENMSG(0,1)="You should manually enter a work order for corrective action."
| 23 | E S ENMSG(0,1)="MedTester time and labor will be added."
| 24 | S ENMSG(0,2)="MedTester REC # "_ENREC S:$D(ENPMWO(0)) ENMSG(0,2)=ENMSG(0,2)_" Work Order Ref: "_ENPMWO(0)
| 25 | D XCPTN^ENSA2
| 26 | ;
| 27 | ADDMT ; add anything we have from MedTester to existing entry
| 28 | ; enwox is now the ien of the mult
| 29 | ; enemp, entec, entest & entime from ensa*
| 30 | Q:ENFAIL ; nothing to add
| 31 | L +^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6):5 Q:'$T ; bag it
| 32 | S $P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,9)=$E($P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,9)_" "_ENTEST,1,140)
| 34 | S (LABOR,WAGE)=0
| 35 | S $P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,4)=$P(^(0),U,4)+ENTIME
| 37 | S WAGE=$S($G(ENTEC):$P($G(^ENG("EMP",ENTEC,0)),U,3),1:$P($G(^DIC(6910,1,0)),U,4)) S:WAGE="" WAGE=0 S X=WAGE*ENTIME,X(0)=2 D ROUND^ENLIB S LABOR=+Y
| 38 | S $P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,5)=$P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,5)+LABOR
| 39 | I $P(^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6,ENWOX,0),U,8)'=$E(ENEMP,1,15) S $P(^(0),U,8)="MULTIPLE"
| 40 | L -^ENG(6914,ENEQ,6)
| 41 | Q
| 42 | ;ENSA6