1 | ENTIRN ;WOIFO/SAB - Responsibility Notification ;2/4/2008
2 | ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**87**;Aug 17, 1993;Build 16
3 | ;
4 | ; called by option ENIT RESP NOTIFY during user sign-on
5 | Q:'$D(^ENG(6916.3,"AOA",DUZ)) ; user doesn't have active IT assignments
6 | ;
8 | S ENC("U")=0 ; init count of assignments that need to be signed
9 | S ENC("R")=0 ; init count of assignments that need to be re-signed
10 | ;
11 | ; loop thru active assignments for user
12 | S ENEQ=0 F S ENEQ=$O(^ENG(6916.3,"AOA",DUZ,ENEQ)) Q:'ENEQ D
13 | . S ENDA=0 F S ENDA=$O(^ENG(6916.3,"AOA",DUZ,ENEQ,ENDA)) Q:'ENDA D
14 | . . S ENSD=$P($P($G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,0)),"^",5),".") ; signed date
15 | . . I 'ENSD S ENC("U")=ENC("U")+1 Q
16 | . . I ENSD,$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,ENSD)>359 S ENC("R")=ENC("R")+1
17 | ;
18 | I ENC("U")=0,ENC("R")=0 Q ; no action required
19 | ;
20 | I ENC("U") D SET^XUS1A("!"_ENC("U")_" IT Assignment(s) need signature.")
21 | I ENC("R") D SET^XUS1A("!"_ENC("R")_" IT Assignment(s) need re-signature.")
22 | D SET^XUS1A("!Use the IT Owner Menu to sign for IT equipment.")
23 | ;
24 | Q
25 | ;
26 | ;ENTIRN