ENXLFIX0 ;WISC/SAB-FIX POINTERS TO ENG SPACE FILE (continued) ;1-6-94 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**1**;Aug 17, 1993 SPACES ; handle locations with leading spaces here (convert mode only) ; ; if location only has spaces then delete it from all records ; otherwise remove the leading spaces from the location. ; The modified location will be processed later during the ; main $Order thru the location x-ref. ; ; lets get the location without leading spaces S ENLOCN=ENLOC,ENDA="" F Q:$E(ENLOCN,1)'=" " S ENLOCN=$E(ENLOCN,2,$L(ENLOCN)) ; if nothing left then delete the location I ENLOCN']"" F S ENDA=$O(@(ENXRF_"ENLOC,ENDA)")) Q:'ENDA D .S DIE=$S(ENFL="EQ":"^ENG(6914,",1:"^ENG(6920,"),DA=ENDA .S DR=$S(ENFL="EQ":"24",1:"3")_"///@" D ^DIE ; if something left then change current location I ENLOCN]"" F S ENDA=$O(@(ENXRF_"ENLOC,ENDA)")) Q:'ENDA D .S $P(@ENODE,U,ENPIECE)=ENLOCN ; update location .K @(ENXRF_"ENLOC,ENDA)") ; kill old x-ref .S @(ENXRF_"ENLOCN,ENDA)")="" ; set new x-ref K ENLOCN Q RFTR ; report footer W !,"# of different free-text locations = ",ENT("LOC")," (# convertible = ",ENT("LOC_CVT"),")",! W "# of records with free-text locations = ",ENT("REC")," (# convertible = ",ENT("REC_CVT"),")",!! I ENT("REC") D .W "Free-Text values were found in the LOCATION field of",! .W ENFLNM," records. These free-text values",! .I ENCVTM D ..W "were either converted to pointers or identified",! ..W "by a leading '*'. The leading astrisk ensures",! ..W "that these values will not be inappropriately",! ..W "evaluated as a pointer.",! .E D ..W "should be converted to pointer values. If an exact match",! ..W "exists in the ENG SPACE file ROOM NUMBER or SYNONYM fields",! ..W "then option 'Convert Free-Text Locations' can be used to",! ..W "perform the conversion. A leading '*' will be removed from",! ..W "the free-text location before checking for a match.",! I ENT("REC_CVT") D .W !,"Convertable free-text entries were found in the ",! .I ENCVTM D ..W ENFLNM,". They have been converted to pointers.",! .E D ..W ENFLNM,". You must use the 'Convert Free-Text Locations'",! ..W "option for the ",ENFLNM," to actually convert",! ..W "these values to pointers.",! I 'ENT("REC") D .W "The ",ENFLNM," LOCATION field does not contain any",! .W "Free-Text values. No further action is required on this file.",! Q