EAS114PT ; ALB/SCK - EAS*1.0*14 POST INSTALL CONVERSION ROUTINE ; 6/3/2002 ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**14**;MAR 15,2001 ; EN ; Entry point for post installation routine N ZX,COUNT,CNVRT,DR,DA,NODE0,NODE4,NODEZ,EASPRE ; S DIR(0)="YAO",DIR("A")="Pre-scan for un-flagged 0-day letters? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Pre-scan will provide the number of records which will have the 0-day" S DIR("?",2)="Flag-to-Print flag set to 'YES' when this routine is run in the conversion mode." S DIR("?",3)="" S DIR("?")="Enter 'YES' to pre-scan, 'NO' to convert the 0-day print flags" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S EASPRE=Y ; W !!!,"Beginning scan for un-flagged 0-day letters" D WAIT^DICD W ! ; S (COUNT,ZX,CNVRT)=0 F S ZX=$O(^EAS(713.2,ZX)) Q:'ZX D . S NODE0=$G(^EAS(713.2,ZX,0)) . S COUNT=COUNT+1 I (COUNT#100)=0 W "." . Q:$P(NODE0,U,4)=1 . S NODE4=$G(^EAS(713.2,ZX,4)) . S NODEZ=$G(^EAS(713.2,ZX,"Z")) . I $P(NODE4,U,3)=1 D . . I +$P(NODEZ,U,2)=0 D . . . I +$P(NODEZ,U,3)=0 D . . . . I 'EASPRE D . . . . . S DIE="^EAS(713.2," . . . . . S DR="18///1",DA=ZX . . . . . D ^DIE K DIE . . . . S CNVRT=CNVRT+1 ; W !?3,$FN(COUNT,",")," records scanned" W !?3,$FN(CNVRT,",")," records "_$S(EASPRE:"will have",1:"had")_" the 0-day flag set to print" Q