EASCM ;ALB/PJH - PROCESS INCOME TEST (Z10) TRANSMISSIONS ; 9/4/07 4:46pm ;;1.0;ENROLLMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM;**71**; 15-MAR-01;Build 18 ; ;CLONED FROM IVMCM (ESR EVENT DRIVER) ; ORF ; Handler for ORF type HL7 messages received from HEC ; ; Make sure POSTMASTER DUZ instead of DUZ of Person who ; started Incoming Logical Link. S DUZ=.5 N CNT,IVMRTN,SEGCNT S IVMRTN="IVMCMX" ;USE "IVMCMX" BECAUSE "IVMCM" ALREADY USED K ^TMP($J,IVMRTN),DIC S (DGMSGF,DGMTMSG)=1 ; HL7 rtn. Don't need DG interative messages. S HLECH=HL("ECH"),HLQ=HL("Q"),HLMID=HL("MID") K %,%H,%I D NOW^%DTC S HLDT=% F SEGCNT=1:1 X HLNEXT Q:HLQUIT'>0 D . S CNT=0 . S ^TMP($J,IVMRTN,SEGCNT,CNT)=HLNODE . F S CNT=$O(HLNODE(CNT)) Q:'CNT D . . S ^TMP($J,IVMRTN,SEGCNT,CNT)=HLNODE(CNT) S HLDA=HLMTIEN ; N SEG,EVENT,MSGID S:'$D(HLEVN) HLEVN=0 D NXTSEG^DGENUPL(HLDA,0,.SEG) Q:(SEG("TYPE")'="MSH") ;would not have reached here if this happened! S EVENT=$P(SEG(9),$E(HLECH),2) ; ; INITIALIZE HL7 VARIABLES S HLEID="EAS ESR "_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3)_" ORF-"_EVENT_" SERVER" S HLEID=$O(^ORD(101,"B",HLEID,0)) D INIT^HLFNC2(HLEID,.HL) S HLEIDS=$O(^ORD(101,HLEID,775,"B",0)) ; ; Handle means test signature ORF (Z06) event I EVENT="Z06" D ORF^IVMPREC7 ; ; Handle income test ORF (Z10) event I EVENT="Z10" D Z10 ; ; Handle enrollment/elig. ORF (Z11) event I EVENT="Z11" D .S MSGID=SEG(10) .D ORFZ11^DGENUPL(HLDA,MSGID) ; K ^TMP($J,IVMRTN) Q ; ; Z10 ; Entry point for receipt of ORF~Z10 transmission ; The Income Test (Z10) transmission has the following format: ; ; BHS ORF msgs do not include batch header or trailer. ; {MSH ; PID They will include the sequence: MSA ; ZIC QRD ; ZIR QRF ; {ZDP These segments will follow the MSH segment. ; ZIC ; ZIR ; } ; {ZDP} Inactive Dependent Spouse Entries ; {ZDP} Inactive Dependent Child Entries ; {ZMT ; } ; ZBT ; } ; BTS ; S IVMORF=1 ; set ORF msg flag S (HLEVN,IVMCT,IVMERROR,IVMCNTR)=0 ; init vars ; ORU ; Entry point for receipt of ORU~Z10 trans (called by IVMPREC2) S IVMTYPE=5,IVMZ10F=1 ; ; - loop through the msg in (#772 file), and process (PROC) msgs S IVMDA=0 F S IVMDA=$O(^TMP($J,IVMRTN,IVMDA)) Q:'IVMDA S IVMSEG=$G(^(IVMDA,0)) I $E(IVMSEG,1,3)="MSH" D PROC Q:'IVMDA ; ; - if ORF msg flag, update the Query Tran Log and send ACK I $G(IVMORF) D .I $G(DFN),$D(IVMMCI) D ..N IVMCR ..S IVMCR=$P("1^2^3^7^5^6^4","^",IVMTYPE) ;map reason to test type ..D FIND^IVMCQ2(DFN,IVMMCI,HLDT,$S($D(HLERR):5,1:IVMCR),1) .;D ACK^IVMPREC:'$D(HLERR) .;N HLRESLTA,HLP .;D GENACK^HLMA1(HLEID,HLMTIEN,HLEIDS,"LM",1,.HLRESLTA,"",.HLP) ; ; - if tests are uploaded, generate notification msg I $D(^TMP($J,"IVMBULL")) D ^IVMCMB ; ENQ ; K IVMDA,IVMORF,IVMSEG,IVMFLGC,IVMTYPE,IVMMTIEN,IVMMTDT,IVMDGBT,IVMMCI K ^TMP($J,"IVMCM"),^("IVMBULL"),DGMSGF,DGADDF,IVMCPAY,IVMBULL,DFN K DGMTMSG,IVMZ10F Q ; PROC ; Process each HL7 message from (#772) file ; N IVMFUTR,TMSTAMP,SOURCE,NODE,HSDATE,IVMZ10,DGMTP,DGMTACT,DGMTI,DGMTA S DGMTACT="ADD" D PRIOR^DGMTEVT S IVMZ10="UPLOAD IN PROGRESS" S IVMFUTR=0 ;this flag will indicate whether or not a test with a future date is being uploaded S IVMMTIEN=0 ; S MSGID=$P(IVMSEG,HLFS,10) ; msg control id for ACK's ; - check if DCD messaging is enabled I '$$DCDON^IVMUPAR1() D PROB^IVMCMC("Facility has DCD messaging disabled") Q ; ; - check HL7 msg structure for errors K HLERR,^TMP($J,"IVMCM") D ^IVMCMC I $D(HLERR) K:HLERR="" HLERR Q ; ; Determine type of test/transmission S IVMTYPE=0 ; ; - was a means test sent? I $P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,2) S IVMTYPE=1 ; MT trans ; ; - if MT and CT transmitted, error - pt can't have both unless ; one is a deletion, but HEC not currently handling that situation I IVMTYPE,$P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT2")),HLFS,2) D PROB^IVMCMC("Patient can not have both a Means Test and Copay Test") Q I $P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT2")),HLFS,2) S IVMTYPE=2 ; CT trans ; ; - if no MT or CT or LTC then Income Screening I 'IVMTYPE,'$P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT4")),HLFS,2) S IVMTYPE=3 ; IS trans ; ;send an eligibility query if no eligibility code I '$$ELIG^IVMCUF1(DFN),'$$PENDING^DGENQRY(DFN) I $$SEND^DGENQRY1(DFN) ; ; obtain locks used to sychronize upload with local income test options D GETLOCKS^IVMCUPL(DFN) ; ; MT ; If transmission is a Means Test N NODE0,RET,CODE,DATA,MTSIG,MTSIGDT S HLQ=$G(HL("Q")) S:HLQ="" HLQ="""""" I IVMTYPE=1 D I $D(HLERR) G PROCQ .S IVMMTDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,2)) .S TMSTAMP=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,25)) .S HSDATE=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,24)) .S SOURCE=$P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,22) .S MTSIG=$P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,27) .S MTSIGDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,15)) .S IVMLAST=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,$E(IVMMTDT,1,3)_1231,1) .Q:$$UPDMTSIG^IVMCMF(+IVMLAST,TMSTAMP,MTSIG,MTSIGDT) .I $$Z06MT^EASPTRN1(+IVMLAST) Q .I '$$ELIG^IVMUFNC5(DFN) S ERRMSG="Means Test upload not appropriate for current patient" .I $$AGE^IVMUFNC5(DT)>$$INCY^IVMUFNC5(IVMMTDT) D ..N CATCZMT S CATCZMT=$G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")) ..S CATC=$$CATC^IVMUFNC5(CATCZMT) ..I '+$G(CATC) S ERRMSG="Only Means Tests in current/previous income years are valid (not effective)" .I $G(ERRMSG)'="" D PROB^IVMCMC(ERRMSG) K ERRMSG,CATC Q .; .; - perform edit checks and file MT .D CHKDT .;deletion indicator sent? .I $P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT1")),HLFS,3)=HLQ D Q ..D ...;if there is a future test for that income year, delete that ...N IEN,DATA,IVMPAT ...S IEN=$$FUTURE(DFN,($E(IVMMTDT,1,3)-1),1,.IVMPAT) ...I IEN S DATA(.06)="" I $$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IVMPAT,.DATA) ...I IEN,$D(^DGMT(408.31,IEN,0)) D ....S IVMMTIEN=IEN ....S IVMFUTR=1 ...E D ....S IVMFUTR=0 ..Q:('IVMMTIEN) ..S NODE0=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,0)) ..I $$EN^IVMCMD(IVMMTIEN) D ...S RET=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DT,IVMTYPE) ...S CODE=$S(($E($P(RET,"^",2),1,3)=$E(DT,1,3)):$P(RET,"^",4),1:"") ...D ADD^IVMCMB(DFN,IVMTYPE,$S(IVMFUTR:"DELETE FUTR TEST",1:"DELETE PRMRY TEST"),+$G(NODE0),$$GETCODE^DGMTH($P(NODE0,"^",3)),CODE) .; .;check timestamp - if matches current primary test and hardship matches, then this is a duplicate and does not need to be uploaded .I TMSTAMP D ..S NODE="" ..I IVMFUTR N IVMMTIEN S IVMMTIEN=$$FUTURE(DFN,($E(IVMMTDT,1,3)-1),1) ..Q:'IVMMTIEN ..S NODE=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,2)) .S NODE0=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,0)) .I TMSTAMP,TMSTAMP=$P(NODE,"^",2),IVMMTDT=$P(NODE0,"^"),SOURCE=$P(NODE,"^",5),(HSDATE=$P(NODE,"^")) Q .; .D DELTYPE^IVMCMD(DFN,IVMMTDT,2) .D EN^IVMCM1 ; ; CT ; If transmission is a Copay Test N NODE0,RET,CODE,DATA I IVMTYPE=2 D I $D(HLERR) G PROCQ .S IVMMTDT=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT2")),HLFS,2)) .S TMSTAMP=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT2")),HLFS,25)) .S SOURCE=$P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT2")),HLFS,22) .S IVMLAST=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,$E(IVMMTDT,1,3)_1231,2) .S IVMCPAY=$$RXST^IBARXEU(DFN) .I $$AGE^IVMUFNC5(DT)>$$INCY^IVMUFNC5(IVMMTDT) D PROB^IVMCMC("Only Copay Tests in the current/previous income years are valid. (Not effective)") Q .; - perform edit checks and file CT .D CHKDT .;deletion indicator sent? .I $P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT2")),HLFS,3)=HLQ D Q ..D ...;if there is a future test for that income year, delete that ...N IEN,DATA,IVMPAT ...S IEN=$$FUTURE(DFN,($E(IVMMTDT,1,3)-1),2,.IVMPAT) ...I IEN S DATA(.07)="" I $$UPD^DGENDBS(301.5,IVMPAT,.DATA) ...I IEN,$D(^DGMT(408.31,IEN,0)) D ....S IVMMTIEN=IEN ....S IVMFUTR=1 ...E D ....S IVMFUTR=0 ..Q:('IVMMTIEN) ..S NODE0=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,0)) ..I $$EN^IVMCMD(IVMMTIEN) D ...S RET=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DT,IVMTYPE) ...S CODE=$S(($E($P(RET,"^",2),1,3)=$E(DT,1,3)):$P(RET,"^",4),1:"") ...D ADD^IVMCMB(DFN,IVMTYPE,$S(IVMFUTR:"DELETE FUTR TEST",1:"DELETE PRMRY TEST"),+$G(NODE0),$$GETCODE^DGMTH($P(NODE0,"^",3)),CODE) .; .;check timestamp - if matches current primary test, then this is a duplicate and does not need to be uploaded .I TMSTAMP D ..S NODE="" ..I IVMFUTR N IVMMTIEN S IVMMTIEN=$$FUTURE(DFN,($E(IVMMTDT,1,3)-1),2) ..Q:'IVMMTIEN ..S NODE=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,2)) .S NODE0=$G(^DGMT(408.31,IVMMTIEN,0)) .I TMSTAMP,TMSTAMP=$P(NODE,"^",2),IVMMTDT=$P(NODE0,"^"),SOURCE=$P(NODE,"^",5) Q .; .D DELTYPE^IVMCMD(DFN,IVMMTDT,1) .D EN^IVMCM1 ; IS ; - If transmission is income screening info only then do not process ; - outside of the scope of MTS I IVMTYPE=3 S IVMMTDT=0 ; LTC ; If transmission contains a Long Term Care Test (TYPE 4 TEST) I $P($G(^TMP($J,"IVMCM","ZMT4")),HLFS,2) D LTC^IVMCM1 ; PROCQ ; ; release locks used to sychronize upload with local income test options D RELLOCKS^IVMCUPL(DFN) Q ; CHKDT ; check date of income test being uploaded ; Is it a future date? If so, set IVMFUTR=1 ; ; IVMMTIEN is the IEN of current primary test for the year ; I $E($P(IVMLAST,"^",2),1,3)=$E(IVMMTDT,1,3) S IVMMTIEN=+IVMLAST I IVMMTDT>DT S IVMFUTR=1 Q FUTURE(DFN,YEAR,TYPE,IVMPAT) ; ;Returns the ien of the future test, if there is one ;Inputs: DFN ; YEAR - income year ; TYPE - type of test ;Output: ; function value - ien of future means test, if there is one, "" otherwise ; IVMPAT - Pointer to the IVM Patient file for the income year if there is an entry (pass by reference) ; N RET S RET="" S IVMPAT=$$FIND^IVMPLOG(DFN,YEAR) I IVMPAT S RET=$P($G(^IVM(301.5,IVMPAT,0)),"^",$S(TYPE=1:6,1:7)) Q RET